Genesis 29:31-30:21

Coverdale(i) 31 But when the LORDE sawe, that Lea was nothinge regarded, he made her frutefull, and Rachel baren. 32 And Lea coceaued, and bare a sonne, whom she called Ruben, and sayde: The LORDE hath loked vpon my aduersite. Now wyll my husbande loue me. 33 And she conceaued agayne, and bare a sonne, and sayde: The LORDE hath herde that I am despysed, and hath geue me this also, and she called him Symeon. 34 She coceaued yet agayne, and bare a sonne, and sayde: Now wyll my husbande kepe me company agayne, for I haue borne him thre sonnes, therfore called she his name Leui. 35 She conceaued ye fourth tyme, and bare a sonne, and sayde: Now wyll I geue thankes vnto the LORDE, therfore called she him Iuda, and left bearynge. 30 1 When Rachel sawe that she bare no children vnto Iacob, she had enuye at hir sister, & saide vnto Iacob: Geue me childre also, or els I am but deed. 2 But Iacob was very wroth at Rachel, & sayde: Am I then in Gods steade, which kepeth ye frute of yi wombe from ye? 3 Neuertheles she sayde: Beholde, there is Bilha my mayden, lye wt her, yt she maye beare vpon my lappe, & that I maye be increased by her. 4 And so she gaue him Bilha hir mayden to wyfe. And Iacob laye with her. 5 So Bilha conceaued, and bare Iacob a sonne. 6 Then sayde Rachel: God hath geuen sentence on my syde, and herde my voyce, and geue me a sonne, therfore called she him Dan. 7 Bilha Rachels mayde coceaued agayne, and bare another sonne vnto Iacob. 8 Then sayde Rachel: God hath turned it with me, and my sister, and I haue gotte the vpperhande. And she called him Nephthali. 9 Now whan Lea sawe that she had left bearynge, she toke Silpa hir mayde, and gaue her vnto Iacob to wyfe. 10 So Silpa Leas mayde bare Iacob a sonne. 11 Then saide Lea: This is good lucke, & she called him Gad. 12 After this Silpa Leas mayde bare Iacob another sonne. 13 Then sayde Lea: Well is me, for the doughters will call me blessed, and she called him Asser. 14 Ruben wente out in the tyme of ye wheate haruest, and founde Mandragoras in the felde, and brought them home vnto his mother Lea. Then sayde Rachel vnto Lea: Geue me some of yi sonnes Madragoras. 15 She answered: Hast thou not ynough that thou hast taken awaye my husbande, but wilt take awaye my sonnes Mandragoras also? Rachel saide: Wel, let him lye with the this night for thy sonnes Mandragoras. 16 Now whan Iacob came home at euen from the felde, Lea wente forth to mete him, and sayde: Thou shalt lye wt me, for I haue bought the for my sonnes Mandragoras. And he slepte with her that night. 17 And God herde Lea, and she conceaued, and bare Iacob the fifth sonne, 18 & sayde: God hath rewarded me, because I gaue my mayden vnto my husbande, and she called him Isachar. 19 Lea conceaued yet agayne, and bare Iacob the sixte sonne, 20 and sayde: God hath endewed me with a good dowry. Now wyll my husbande dwell with me agayne, for I haue borne him sixe sonnes, & she called him Zabulon. 21 After that she bare a doughter, whom she called Dina.