Ezekiel 27:18-32

Coverdale(i) 18 Damascus also vsed marchaudies with the, in the best wyne and whyte woll: because thy occupienge was so greate, and thy wares so many. 19 Dan, Iauan, and Meusal haue brought vnto thy markettes, yron redy made, with Casia and Calamus, acordinge to thyne occupienge. 20 Dedan occupied with the, in fayre tapestry worke and quy?hyns. 21 Arabia & all the princes off Cedar haue occupied wt the, in shepe, wethers and goates. 22 The marchauntes off Seba and Rema haue occupied also with the, in all costly spices, in all precious stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy marckettes. 23 Haran, Chene and Eden, the marchauntes off Saba, Assiria and Chelmad, were all doers with ye 24 and occupied with the: In costly rayment, off yalow sylke and nedle worke, (very precious, & therfore packte & boude together wt roapes) Yee and in Cedre wodde, at the tyme off yi marckettes. 25 The shippes of Tharsis were the chefe off thy occupienge. Thus thou art full, and in greate worshipe, euen in the myddest off the see. 26 Thy maryners were euer brynginge vnto the out of many waters. But ye easte wynde shal ouerbeare the in to the myddest off the see: 27 so yt thy wares, thy marchaudies, thy ryches, thy maryners, thy shipmasters, thy helpers, thy occupiers (that brought the thinges necessary) the men off warre that are in the: yee and all thy comons shall perish in the myddest off the see, in the daye off thy fall. 28 The suburbes shall shake at the loude crie off thy shippmen. 29 All whirry men, and all maryners vpo the see, shall leape out of their boates, and set them selues vpon the lode. 30 They shal lift vp their voyce because off the, and make a lamentable crye. They shall cast dust vpon their heades, ad lye downe in the asshes. 31 They shal shaue them selues, & put sacke cloth vpon them for thy sake. They shall mourne for the with hertfull sorow, 32 and heuy lamentacion, yee their children also shall wepe for the: Alas, what cite hath so bene destroyed in the see, as Tyre is?