Acts 25:2-13

Coverdale(i) 2 Then appeared the hye prestes and the chefe of the Iewes before him agaynst Paul, and intreated him, 3 and desyred fauoure agaynst him, that he wolde sende for him to Ierusalem, and layed wayte for him, that they might slaye him by the waye. 4 Then answered Festus, that Paul shulde be kepte at Cesarea, but that he himselfe wolde shortly go thither agayne. 5 Let them therfore (sayde he) which are able amonge you, come downe with vs to accuse the man, yf there be ought in him. 6 Whan he had taried amonge them more then ten dayes, he wente downe to Cesarea. And on the nexte daye he sat downe on the iudgment seate, and commaunded Paul to be broughte. 7 Whan he was come, ye Iewes which were come downe from Ierusalem, stode rounde aboute him, and broughte vp many and greuous quarels agaynst Paul, which they coulde not proue, 8 whyle he answered for himselfe: I haue nether offended ought agaynst the lawe of the Iewes, ner agaynst the teple, ner agaynst the Emperoure. 9 But Festus wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, answered Paul, and sayde: Wilt thou go vp to Ierusalem, and there be iudged off these thinges before me? 10 But Paul sayde: I stonde at the Emperours iudgmet seate, where I ought to be iudged: to the Iewes haue I done no harme, as thou also knowest very well. 11 Yf I haue hurte eny man, or committed eny thinge worthy off death, I refuse not to dye. But yf there are no soch thinges as they accuse me off, then maye no man delyuer me vnto them. I appeale vnto the Emperoure. 12 Then spake Festus with the Councell, and answered: Thou hast appealed vnto the Emperoure, to the Emperoure shalt thou go. 13 After certayne dayes came kynge Agrippa and Bernice to Cesarea to welcome Festus.