Acts 14:3-11

Coverdale(i) 3 So they had their beynge there a loge season, and quyte them selues boldly in the LORDE, which gaue testimony vnto the worde of his grace, and caused tokens and wonders to be done by their handes. 4 Howbeyt the multitude of the cite was deuyded, some helde wt the Iewes, and some with the Apostles. 5 But whan there rose vp an insurreccion of the Heythe and of ye Iewes, and of their rulers, to put them to shame, and to stone the, 6 they perceaued it, and fled vnto lystra and Derba cities of ye countre of Licaonia, and vnto ye region that lyeth rounde aboute, 7 and there they preached the Gospell. 8 And amonge them of Lystra, there was a man, which sat beynge impotent of his fete, and was crepell fro his mothers wombe, and had neuer walked, 9 the same herde Paul speake. And whan he behelde him, and perceaued that he had faith to be made whole, 10 he sayde wt a loude voyce: Stonde vp righte on thy fete. And he sprange vp and walked. 11 But whan the people sawe what Paul had done, they lifte vp their voyce, and sayde in ye speache of Lycaonia: The goddes are become like vnto men, and are come downe vnto vs.