Acts 13:4-12

Coverdale(i) 4 And they beynge sent of the holy goost, came vnto Seleucia, from thence they sayled vnto Cypers. 5 And whan they were come in to the cite Salamin, they shewed the worde of God in the synagoges of ye Iewes. And they had Ihon to their mynister. 6 And whan they had gone thorow out the yle vnto the cyte of Paphos, they founde a certayne Sorcerer and false prophete, a Iewe (whose name was Bariesu) 7 which was with Sergius Paulus the ruler of the countre, a ma of vnderstondinge. The same called Barnabas and Saul vnto him, and desyred to heare ye worde of God. 8 Then the Sorcerer Elimas (for so was his name by interpretacion) withstode the, and soughte to turne awaye the ruler fro the faith. 9 But Saul which is also called Paul, beynge full of the holy goost, loked vpon him, 10 and sayde: O thou childe of the deuell, full of all futtyltie and all disceatfulnesse, and enemye of all righteousnes, thou ceassest not to peruerte the straight wayes of ye LORDE. 11 And now beholde, the hade of the LORDE commeth vpon the, and thou shalt be blynde, and not se the Sonne for a season, And immediatly there fell on him a myst and darknesse, and he wente aboute, and soughte them that shulde lede him by the hande. 12 Whan the ruler sawe what was done, he beleued, and wodred at the doctryne of the LORDE.