20 And Absalom sayde vnto Achitophel: Geue vs youre councell what we shal do?
21 Achitophel sayde vnto Absalom: Go lye with thy fathers concubynes, whom he hath lefte to kepe the house, so shall all Israel heare that thou hast made thy father to stynke, and the hande of all them that are with ye, shal be the bolder.
22 Then made they a tente vnto Absalom vpon the house toppe. And Absalom laye with his fathers concubynes in the sighte of all Israel.
23 At that tyme whan Achitophel gaue a councell, that was euen as yf a man axed councell at God: So were all the councels of Achitophel both with Dauid and with Absalom.
17 1 And Achitophel sayde vnto Absalom: I wil chose out twolue thousande me, and wyl get me vp, and persue Dauid by nighte,
2 and fall vpo him whan he is feble and weery: When I vexe him the, so that all the people which is by him, flieth, I wil smite the kynge onely,
3 and brynge all the people vnto the agayne. So whan euery man is brought vnto the as thou desyrest, then shal all the people be in peace.
4 Absalom thought that good, and so dyd all the Elders in Israel.