20 And Absalom sayde vnto Achitophel: Geue vs youre councell what we shal do?
2 Samuel 16:20 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 1:10
10 Vp, let vs deale wysely with them, yt there be not so many of them. For yf there shulde ryse vp eny warre agaynst vs, they might ioyne them selues also vnto oure enemies, and ouercome vs, & so get them out of the lande.
Psalms 2:2
2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted.
Psalms 37:12-13
Proverbs 21:30
30 There is no wy?dome, there is no vnderstondinge, there is no councell agaynst the LORDE.
Isaiah 8:10
10 take youre councel together, yet must youre councel come to nought: go in honde withal, yet shal it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with
Isaiah 29:15
15 Wo be vnto them that seke so depe, to hyde their ymaginacion before the LORDE, which rehearce their coucels in ye darknes, and saye: who seith vs, or who knoweth vs?
Matthew 27:1
1 Vpon the morow, all the hye prestes and elders of the people helde a councell agaynst Iesus, that they might put him to death,
Acts 4:23-28
23 And whan they were let go, they came to their folowes, and tolde them what ye hye prestes and Elders sayde vnto them.
24 Wha they herde that, they lifte vp their voyce wt one acorde vnto God, and sayde: LORDE, thou that art the God which made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is thou
25 that by the mouth of Dauid thy seruaut hast sayde: Why do the Heythe rage? and ye people ymagin vayne thinges?
26 The kynges of the earth stonde vp, and the prynces haue gathered them selues together agaynst ye LORDE, and agaynst his. Christ.
27 Of a trueth agaynst thy holy childe Iesus, whom thou hast anoynted, both Herode & Pontius Pilate with the Heythen and people of Israel, haue gathered the selues together,
28 to do what soeuer thy hande and thy councell determyned before to be done.