13 Now thake we the oure God, and prayse ye name of thy glory:
14 For who am I? What is my people? that we shulde be able with a fre wyll to offre, as this is done? For of the commeth all, and of thy hande haue we geuen it the:
15 For we are but pilgrems & straugers before the, as were all oure fathers. Oure life vpon earth is as a shadowe, and here is no abydinge.
16 O LORDE oure God, all this abundaunce that we haue prepared to buylde the an house vnto thy name, came of thy hande, and is thine alltogether.
17 I knowe my God, that thou tryest the hert, and that vnfaynednes is acceptable vnto the: therfore haue I geue all this with an vnfayned hert, eue with a good wyll, and now haue I had ioye to se thy people (which here are present) offre with a fre wyll vnto the.