Hebrews 12:2-5

  2 G872 Looking G1519 unto G2424 Jesus G747 the author G2532 and G5051 finisher G4102 of G4102 our faith; G3739 who G473 for G5479 the joy G4295 that was set before G846 him G5278 endured G4716 the cross, G2706 despising G152 the shame, G5037 and G2523 has sat down G1722 at G1188 the right hand G2362 of the throne G2316 of God.
  3 G1063 For G357 consider G5278 him that endured G5108 such G485 contradiction G5259 of G268 sinners G1519 against G2443 himself, G3361 lest G2577 you be wearied G1590 and faint G5590 in G5216 your G5590 minds.
  4 G478 You have G3768 not yet G478 resisted G3360 unto G129 blood, G464 striving G4314 against G266 sin.
  5 G2532 And G1585 you have forgotten G3874 the exhortation G3748 which G1256 speaks G5213 to you G5613 as G5207 to sons, G3450 My G5207 son, G3643 despise G3361 not G3643   G3809 the chastening G2962 of the Lord, G3366 nor G1590 faint G1651 when you are rebuked G5259 by G846 him: