1 Doth not wysdome crye? doth not vnderstanding put foorth her voyce
2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the place of the pathes
3 She cryeth at the gates of the citie, at the entrye of the doores
4 It is you O ye men [saith she] whom I call, vnto the chyldren of men do I lyft vp my voyce
5 Take heede vnto knowledge O ye ignoraunt, be ye wise in heart O ye fooles
6 Geue eare, for I wyll speake of great matters, and open my lippes to tell thinges that be right
7 For my mouth shall be talking of the trueth, and my lippes abhorre vngodlynesse
8 All the wordes of my mouth are righteous, there is no frowardnes nor falsehood in them
9 They are all playne to suche as wyll vnderstande, and right to them that finde knowledge
10 Receaue my doctrine and not siluer, and knowledge rather then fine golde
11 For wysdome is more worth then pretious stones, yea all thinges that thou canst desire, may not be compared vnto it
12 I wysdome dwell with counsell, and finde out knowledge and vnderstanding