18 Ueryly veryly I say vnto thee, when thou wast young, thou gyrdedst thy selfe, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be olde, thou shalt stretch foorth thy handes, and another shall gyrde thee, and leade thee whither thou wouldest not
19 That spake he, signifiyng by what death he should glorifie God. And whe he had spoken this, he sayth vnto hym, folowe me
20 Peter turned about, and sawe the disciple, whom Iesus loued, folowyng, which also leaned on his brest at supper, and sayde, Lorde which is he that betrayeth thee
21 When Peter therfore sawe hym, he sayth to Iesus: Lorde, what shal he do
22 Iesus sayth vnto hym: If I wyll haue hym to tary tyll I come, what is that to thee? folowe thou me