Deuteronomy 19:4-6

Bishops(i) 4 For this cause must the slayer flee thyther, that he may lyue: Who so kylleth his neighbour ignorauntly, and hated hym not in tyme passed 5 And whe a man goeth vnto the wood with his neighbour to hewe wood, and as his hande fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut downe the tree, the head slippeth from the helue, and smyteth his neighbour that he dyeth: the same shall flee vnto one of the same cities, and lyue 6 Lest the auenger of the blood folowe after the slayer whyle his heart is hot, & ouertake hym because the wayes is long, and slay hym, and yet there is no cause worthy of death in hym, in as much as he hated hym not in tyme passed