Deuteronomy 19:4-6

Great(i) 4 For thys cause must the slayer flye thyther, that he maye lyue. 5 Who so kylleth hys neyghboure ignorantly, and hated hym not in tyme passed: And when a man goeth vnto the wodd wt his neyghboure to hewe wood, and as his hande fetcheth a stroke wyth the axe do cut downe the tre, the heade slyppeth from the helue, and smyteth hys neyghboure that he dyeth: the same shall flye vnto one of the same cyties & lyue. 6 Lest the executer of bloude folowe after the slayer whyle hys herte is whote, and ouertake hym, because the wayes is longe, and slaye hym, and yet there is no cause worthy of death in hym, in as moche as he hated him not in tyme passed.