1 The children of the prophetes saide vnto Elisa: Beholde we pray thee, the place where we dwell with thee is to litle for vs
2 Let vs go we pray thee vnto Iordane, & take thence euery man a beame, & build vs a place to dwel in. And he aunswered, Go
3 And one saide: Be content I pray thee, and come with thy seruauntes. And he aunswered: I wyll come
4 And so he went with them: And when they came to Iordane, they cut downe wood
5 But it fortuned, that as one was felling downe of a tree, the axe head fell into the water: And he cryed, and saide, Alas maister, it was lent me
6 And the man of God saide: Where fell it? And he shewed him the place: And he cut downe a sticke, and cast it in thyther, and immediatly the iron did swymme
7 Therfore sayde he: Take it vp. And he stretched out his hand, and toke it vp