1 Μετὰ (After) δὲ (now) τὸ (-) παύσασθαι (had ceased) τὸν (the) θόρυβον (uproar), μεταπεμψάμενος (having called to him) ὁ (-) Παῦλος (Paul) τοὺς (the) μαθητὰς (disciples) καὶ (and) παρακαλέσας (having encouraged), ἀσπασάμενος (having said farewell), ἐξῆλθεν (he departed) πορεύεσθαι (to go) εἰς (to) Μακεδονίαν (Macedonia).
2 διελθὼν (Having passed through) δὲ (then) τὰ (the) μέρη (districts) ἐκεῖνα (those), καὶ (and) παρακαλέσας (having exhorted) αὐτοὺς (them) λόγῳ (with talk) πολλῷ (much), ἦλθεν (he came) εἰς (to) τὴν (-) Ἑλλάδα (Greece).
3 ποιήσας (Having continued) τε (then) μῆνας (months) τρεῖς (three), γενομένης (having been made) ἐπιβουλῆς (a plot) αὐτῷ (against him) ὑπὸ (by) τῶν (the) Ἰουδαίων (Jews), μέλλοντι (he being about) ἀνάγεσθαι (to sail) εἰς (into) τὴν (-) Συρίαν (Syria), ἐγένετο (arose) γνώμης (a purpose) τοῦ (-) ὑποστρέφειν (to return) διὰ (through) Μακεδονίας (Macedonia).
4 Συνείπετο (Was accompanied by) δὲ (then) αὐτῷ (he) Σώπατρος (Sopater) Πύρρου (Pyrrhus), Βεροιαῖος (a Berean); Θεσσαλονικέων (of the Thessalonians) δὲ (now), Ἀρίσταρχος (Aristarchus) καὶ (and) Σεκοῦνδος (Secundus); καὶ (and) Γάϊος (Gaius) Δερβαῖος (of Derbe) καὶ (and) Τιμόθεος (Timothy); Ἀσιανοὶ (the Asians) δὲ (now), Τυχικὸς (Tychicus) καὶ (and) Τρόφιμος (Trophimus).
5 οὗτοι (These) δὲ (also) προελθόντες (having gone ahead), ἔμενον (waited for) ἡμᾶς (us) ἐν (in) Τρῳάδι (Troas).
6 ἡμεῖς (We) δὲ (then) ἐξεπλεύσαμεν (sailed away) μετὰ (after) τὰς (the) ἡμέρας (days) τῶν (of the) ἀζύμων (Unleavened Bread), ἀπὸ (from) Φιλίππων (Philippi), καὶ (and) ἤλθομεν (we came) πρὸς (to) αὐτοὺς (them) εἰς (at) τὴν (-) Τρῳάδα (Troas) ἄχρι (within) ἡμερῶν (days) πέντε (five), ὅπου (where) διετρίψαμεν (we stayed) ἡμέρας (days) ἑπτά (seven).
7 Ἐν (In) δὲ (then) τῇ (the) μιᾷ (first day) τῶν (of the) σαββάτων (week), συνηγμένων (having come together) ἡμῶν (we) κλάσαι (to break) ἄρτον (bread), ὁ (-) Παῦλος (Paul) διελέγετο (talked) αὐτοῖς (to them), μέλλων (about) ἐξιέναι (to depart) τῇ (on the) ἐπαύριον (next day); παρέτεινέν (he continued) τε (then) τὸν (the) λόγον (talk) μέχρι (until) μεσονυκτίου (midnight).
8 Ἦσαν (There were) δὲ (now) λαμπάδες (lamps) ἱκαναὶ (many) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) ὑπερῴῳ (upper room) οὗ (where) ἦμεν (we were) συνηγμένοι (assembled).
9 καθεζόμενος (Was sitting) δέ (then) τις (a certain) νεανίας (young man) ὀνόματι (named) Εὔτυχος (Eutychus) ἐπὶ (by) τῆς (the) θυρίδος (window), καταφερόμενος (overpowered) ὕπνῳ (by sleep) βαθεῖ (deep) διαλεγομένου (as talked) τοῦ (-) Παύλου (Paul) ἐπὶ (on) πλεῖον (longer); κατενεχθεὶς (having been overpowered) ἀπὸ (by) τοῦ (the) ὕπνου (sleep), ἔπεσεν (he fell) ἀπὸ (from) τοῦ (the) τριστέγου (third story) κάτω (down), καὶ (and) ἤρθη (was picked up) νεκρός (dead).
10 καταβὰς (Having descended) δὲ (however), ὁ (-) Παῦλος (Paul) ἐπέπεσεν (fell upon) αὐτῷ (him), καὶ (and) συμπεριλαβὼν (having embraced him), εἶπεν (said), “Μὴ (Not) θορυβεῖσθε (be alarmed), ἡ (the) γὰρ (for) ψυχὴ (life) αὐτοῦ (of him) ἐν (in) αὐτῷ (him) ἐστιν (is).”
11 Ἀναβὰς (Having gone up) δὲ (then), καὶ (and) κλάσας (having broken) τὸν (the) ἄρτον (bread), καὶ (and) γευσάμενος (having eaten), ἐφ’ (for) ἱκανόν (long) τε (and) ὁμιλήσας (having talked) ἄχρι (until) αὐγῆς (daybreak), οὕτως (so) ἐξῆλθεν (he departed).
12 ἤγαγον (They brought) δὲ (then) τὸν (the) παῖδα (boy) ζῶντα (alive), καὶ (and) παρεκλήθησαν (were comforted) οὐ (not) μετρίως (a little).
13 Ἡμεῖς (We) δὲ (however), προελθόντες (having gone ahead) ἐπὶ (to) τὸ (the) πλοῖον (ship), ἀνήχθημεν (sailed) ἐπὶ (to) τὴν (-) Ἆσσον (Assos), ἐκεῖθεν (there) μέλλοντες (being about) ἀναλαμβάνειν (to take in) τὸν (-) Παῦλον (Paul). οὕτως (Thus) γὰρ (for) διατεταγμένος (having arranged), ἦν (he was) μέλλων (readying) αὐτὸς (himself) πεζεύειν (to go on foot).
14 ὡς (When) δὲ (now) συνέβαλλεν (he met with) ἡμῖν (us) εἰς (at) τὴν (-) Ἆσσον (Assos), ἀναλαβόντες (having taken in) αὐτὸν (him), ἤλθομεν (we came) εἰς (to) Μιτυλήνην (Mitylene).
15 κἀκεῖθεν (And from there) ἀποπλεύσαντες (having sailed away), τῇ (on the) ἐπιούσῃ (following day) κατηντήσαμεν (we arrived) ἄντικρυς (opposite) Χίου (Chios); τῇ (-) δὲ (then) ἑτέρᾳ (the next day) παρεβάλομεν (we arrived) εἰς (at) Σάμον (Samos); τῇ (the) δὲ (now) ἐχομένῃ (following day) ἤλθομεν (we came) εἰς (to) Μίλητον (Miletus).
16 Κεκρίκει (Had decided) γὰρ (for) ὁ (-) Παῦλος (Paul) παραπλεῦσαι (to sail by) τὴν (-) Ἔφεσον (Ephesus), ὅπως (so that) μὴ (not) γένηται (it might come upon) αὐτῷ (to him) χρονοτριβῆσαι (to spend time) ἐν (in) τῇ (-) Ἀσίᾳ (Asia); ἔσπευδεν (he was hastened) γὰρ (for), εἰ (if) δυνατὸν (possible) εἴη (it was) αὐτῷ (for him), τὴν (on the) ἡμέραν (day) τῆς (-) Πεντηκοστῆς (of Pentecost) γενέσθαι (to be) εἰς (in) Ἱεροσόλυμα (Jerusalem).
17 Ἀπὸ (From) δὲ (then) τῆς (-) Μιλήτου (Miletus), πέμψας (having sent) εἰς (to) Ἔφεσον (Ephesus), μετεκαλέσατο (he called for) τοὺς (the) πρεσβυτέρους (elders) τῆς (of the) ἐκκλησίας (church).
18 Ὡς (When) δὲ (then) παρεγένοντο (they had come) πρὸς (to) αὐτὸν (him), εἶπεν (he said) αὐτοῖς (to them), “Ὑμεῖς (You) ἐπίστασθε (know) ἀπὸ (from) πρώτης (the first) ἡμέρας (day) ἀφ’ (on) ἧς (which) ἐπέβην (I arrived) εἰς (in) τὴν (-) Ἀσίαν (Asia), πῶς (how) μεθ’ (with) ὑμῶν (you) τὸν (the) πάντα (whole) χρόνον (time) ἐγενόμην (I was),
19 δουλεύων (serving) τῷ (the) Κυρίῳ (Lord) μετὰ (with) πάσης (all) ταπεινοφροσύνης (humility), καὶ (and) δακρύων (tears), καὶ (and) πειρασμῶν (trials) τῶν (-) συμβάντων (having befallen) μοι (me) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ἐπιβουλαῖς (plots) τῶν (of the) Ἰουδαίων (Jews);
20 ὡς (how) οὐδὲν (nothing) ὑπεστειλάμην (I did shrink back) τῶν (of that) συμφερόντων (being profitable), τοῦ (-) μὴ (not) ἀναγγεῖλαι (to declare) ὑμῖν (to you), καὶ (and) διδάξαι (to teach) ὑμᾶς (you) δημοσίᾳ (publicly) καὶ (and) κατ’ (from) οἴκους (house to house),
21 διαμαρτυρόμενος (earnestly testifying) Ἰουδαίοις (to the Jewish) τε (both) καὶ (and) Ἕλλησιν (to Greeks), τὴν (-) εἰς (in) Θεὸν (God) μετάνοιαν (repentance) καὶ (and) πίστιν (faith) εἰς (in) τὸν (the) Κύριον (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us), Ἰησοῦν (Jesus).
22 Καὶ (And) νῦν (now), ἰδοὺ (behold), δεδεμένος (bound) ἐγὼ (I) τῷ (in the) πνεύματι (Spirit) πορεύομαι (go) εἰς (to) Ἰερουσαλήμ (Jerusalem), τὰ (what) ἐν (in) αὐτῇ (it) συναντήσοντά (will happen) μοι* (to me) μὴ (not) εἰδώς (knowing),
23 πλὴν (except) ὅτι (that) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) τὸ (-) Ἅγιον (Holy) κατὰ (in every) πόλιν (city) διαμαρτύρεταί (fully testifies) μοι (to me), λέγον (saying) ὅτι (that) δεσμὰ (chains) καὶ (and) θλίψεις (tribulations) με (me) μένουσιν (await).
24 ἀλλ’ (But) οὐδενὸς (not any) λόγου (account) ποιοῦμαι (I make) τὴν (my) ψυχὴν (life) τιμίαν (dear) ἐμαυτῷ (to myself), ὡς (so as) τελειῶσαι* (to finish) τὸν (the) δρόμον (course) μου (of me), καὶ (and) τὴν (the) διακονίαν (ministry) ἣν (that) ἔλαβον (I received) παρὰ (from) τοῦ (the) Κυρίου (Lord) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), διαμαρτύρασθαι (to testify fully) τὸ (the) εὐαγγέλιον (gospel) τῆς (of the) χάριτος (grace) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God).
25 Καὶ (And) νῦν (now), ἰδοὺ (behold), ἐγὼ (I) οἶδα (know) ὅτι (that) οὐκέτι (no more) ὄψεσθε (you will see) τὸ (the) πρόσωπόν (face) μου (of me), ὑμεῖς (you) πάντες (all) ἐν (among) οἷς (whom) διῆλθον (I have gone about) κηρύσσων (proclaiming) τὴν (the) βασιλείαν (kingdom).
26 διότι (Therefore) μαρτύρομαι (I testify) ὑμῖν (to you) ἐν (in) τῇ (-) σήμερον (this) ἡμέρᾳ (day), ὅτι (that) καθαρός (innocent) εἰμι (I am) ἀπὸ (of) τοῦ (the) αἵματος (blood) πάντων (of all);
27 οὐ (not) γὰρ (for) ὑπεστειλάμην (I shrunk back) τοῦ (-) μὴ (not) ἀναγγεῖλαι (from declaring) πᾶσαν (all) τὴν (the) βουλὴν (counsel) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) ὑμῖν (to you).
28 Προσέχετε (Take heed) ἑαυτοῖς (to yourselves) καὶ (and) παντὶ (to all) τῷ (the) ποιμνίῳ (flock) ἐν (among) ᾧ (which) ὑμᾶς (you) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) τὸ (-) Ἅγιον (Holy) ἔθετο (has set) ἐπισκόπους (overseers), ποιμαίνειν (to shepherd) τὴν (the) ἐκκλησίαν (church) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), ἣν (which) περιεποιήσατο (He purchased) διὰ (with) τοῦ (-) αἵματος (blood) τοῦ (the) ἰδίου (own).
29 ἐγὼ (I) οἶδα (know) ὅτι (that) εἰσελεύσονται (will come in) μετὰ (after) τὴν (the) ἄφιξίν (departure) μου (of me) λύκοι (wolves) βαρεῖς (grievous) εἰς (among) ὑμᾶς (you), μὴ (not) φειδόμενοι (sparing) τοῦ (the) ποιμνίου (flock),
30 καὶ (and) ἐξ (out from) ὑμῶν (your own) αὐτῶν (selves) ἀναστήσονται (will rise up) ἄνδρες (men) λαλοῦντες (speaking) διεστραμμένα (perverse things), τοῦ (-) ἀποσπᾶν (to draw away) τοὺς (-) μαθητὰς (disciples) ὀπίσω (after) ἑαυτῶν (them).
31 διὸ (Therefore) γρηγορεῖτε (stay awake), μνημονεύοντες (remembering) ὅτι (that) τριετίαν (three years), νύκτα (night) καὶ (and) ἡμέραν (day), οὐκ (not) ἐπαυσάμην (I ceased) μετὰ (with) δακρύων (tears) νουθετῶν (admonishing) ἕνα (one) ἕκαστον (each).
32 Καὶ (And) τὰ (-) νῦν (now) παρατίθεμαι (I commit) ὑμᾶς (you) τῷ (to) θεῷ* (God) καὶ (and) τῷ (to the) λόγῳ (word) τῆς (of the) χάριτος (grace) αὐτοῦ (of Him), τῷ (-) δυναμένῳ (being able) οἰκοδομῆσαι (to build up) καὶ (and) δοῦναι (to give) τὴν (you) κληρονομίαν (an inheritance) ἐν (among) τοῖς (those) ἡγιασμένοις (having been sanctified) πᾶσιν (all).
33 Ἀργυρίου (Silver) ἢ (or) χρυσίου (gold) ἢ (or) ἱματισμοῦ (clothing) οὐδενὸς (of no one) ἐπεθύμησα (I coveted).
34 αὐτοὶ (You yourselves) γινώσκετε (know) ὅτι (that) ταῖς (the) χρείαις (needs) μου (of me) καὶ (and) τοῖς (to those) οὖσιν (being) μετ’ (with) ἐμοῦ (me), ὑπηρέτησαν (ministered to) αἱ (the) χεῖρες (hands) αὗται (these).
35 πάντα (In everything) ὑπέδειξα (I showed) ὑμῖν (you) ὅτι (that) οὕτως (by thus) κοπιῶντας (straining) δεῖ (it behooves us) ἀντιλαμβάνεσθαι (to aid) τῶν (those) ἀσθενούντων (being weak), μνημονεύειν (to remember) τε (and also) τῶν (the) λόγων (words) τοῦ (of the) Κυρίου (Lord) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), ὅτι (how) αὐτὸς (He Himself) εἶπεν (said), ‘Μακάριόν (Blessed) ἐστιν (it is) μᾶλλον (more) διδόναι (to give) ἢ (than) λαμβάνειν (to receive).’”
36 Καὶ (And) ταῦτα (these things) εἰπὼν (having said), θεὶς (having bowed) τὰ (the) γόνατα (knee) αὐτοῦ (of him), σὺν (with) πᾶσιν (all) αὐτοῖς (them) προσηύξατο (he prayed).
37 ἱκανὸς (Much) δὲ (then) κλαυθμὸς (weeping) ἐγένετο (there was) πάντων (among all); καὶ (and) ἐπιπεσόντες (having fallen) ἐπὶ (upon) τὸν (the) τράχηλον (neck) τοῦ (-) Παύλου (of Paul), κατεφίλουν (they were kissing) αὐτόν (him),
38 ὀδυνώμενοι (sorrowing) μάλιστα (especially) ἐπὶ (over) τῷ (the) λόγῳ (word) ᾧ (that) εἰρήκει (he had spoken), ὅτι (that) οὐκέτι (no more) μέλλουσιν (they are about) τὸ (the) πρόσωπον (face) αὐτοῦ (of him) θεωρεῖν (to see). προέπεμπον (They accompanied) δὲ (then) αὐτὸν (him) εἰς (to) τὸ (the) πλοῖον (ship).