5 μὴ (No) οὐκ (not) ἔχομεν (have we) ἐξουσίαν (authority) ἀδελφὴν (a sister), γυναῖκα (a wife), περιάγειν (to take about), ὡς (as) καὶ (also) οἱ (the) λοιποὶ (other) ἀπόστολοι (apostles), καὶ (and) οἱ (the) ἀδελφοὶ (brothers) τοῦ (of the) Κυρίου (Lord), καὶ (and) Κηφᾶς (Cephas)?
6 ἢ (Or) μόνος (only) ἐγὼ (I) καὶ (and) Βαρνάβας (Barnabas), οὐκ (not) ἔχομεν (have we) ἐξουσίαν (authority) μὴ (not) ἐργάζεσθαι (to work)?
7 Τίς (Who) στρατεύεται (serves as a soldier) ἰδίοις (at his own) ὀψωνίοις (expense) ποτέ (at any time)? τίς (Who) φυτεύει (plants) ἀμπελῶνα (a vineyard), καὶ (and) τὸν (the) καρπὸν (fruit) αὐτοῦ (of it) οὐκ (not) ἐσθίει (does eat)? ἢ (Or) τίς (who) ποιμαίνει (shepherds) ποίμνην (a flock), καὶ (and) ἐκ (from) τοῦ (the) γάλακτος (milk) τῆς (of the) ποίμνης (flock) οὐκ (not) ἐσθίει (does drink)?
8 Μὴ (Not) κατὰ (according to) ἄνθρωπον (man), ταῦτα (these things) λαλῶ (do I speak)? ἢ (Or) καὶ (also) ὁ (the) νόμος (law) ταῦτα (these things) οὐ (not) λέγει (says)?
9 ἐν (In) γὰρ (for) τῷ (the) Μωϋσέως (of Moses) νόμῳ (law), γέγραπται (it has been written): “Οὐ (Not) κημώσεις (you shall muzzle) βοῦν (an ox) ἀλοῶντα (treading out grain).” μὴ (Not) τῶν (for the) βοῶν (oxen) μέλει (is there care) τῷ (-) Θεῷ (with God)?
10 ἢ (Or) δι’ (because of) ἡμᾶς (us) πάντως (entirely) λέγει (is He speaking)? δι’ (For sake of) ἡμᾶς (us) γὰρ (for) ἐγράφη (it was written), ὅτι (because) ὀφείλει (ought) ἐπ’ (in) ἐλπίδι (hope) ὁ (the one) ἀροτριῶν (plowing) ἀροτριᾶν (to plow), καὶ (and) ὁ (the one) ἀλοῶν (threshing), ἐπ’ (in) ἐλπίδι (hope) τοῦ (-) μετέχειν (to partake).
11 Εἰ (If) ἡμεῖς (we) ὑμῖν (among you) τὰ (-) πνευματικὰ (spiritual things) ἐσπείραμεν (have sown), μέγα (is it a great thing) εἰ (if) ἡμεῖς (we), ὑμῶν (from you) τὰ (-) σαρκικὰ (material things) θερίσομεν (will reap)?
12 εἰ (If) ἄλλοι (others) τῆς (of the) ὑμῶν (over you) ἐξουσίας (authority) μετέχουσιν (partake), οὐ (should not) μᾶλλον (more) ἡμεῖς (we)? ἀλλ’ (But) οὐκ (not) ἐχρησάμεθα (we did use) τῇ (the) ἐξουσίᾳ (right) ταύτῃ (this). ἀλλὰ (Instead), πάντα (all things) στέγομεν (we bear), ἵνα (so that) μή (not) τινα (any) ἐνκοπὴν (hindrance) δῶμεν (we should place) τῷ (to the) εὐαγγελίῳ (gospel) τοῦ (of) Χριστοῦ (Christ).
13 Οὐκ (Not) οἴδατε (know you) ὅτι (that) οἱ (those) τὰ (in the) ἱερὰ (temple) ἐργαζόμενοι (working), τὰ (the things) ἐκ (of) τοῦ (the) ἱεροῦ (temple) ἐσθίουσιν (eat); οἱ (those) τῷ (at the) θυσιαστηρίῳ (altar) παρεδρεύοντες (attending), τῷ (in the) θυσιαστηρίῳ (altar) συμμερίζονται (partake)?
14 οὕτως (So) καὶ (also), ὁ (the) Κύριος (Lord) διέταξεν (has prescribed) τοῖς (to those) τὸ (the) εὐαγγέλιον (gospel) καταγγέλλουσιν (proclaiming) ἐκ (from) τοῦ (the) εὐαγγελίου (gospel) ζῆν (to live).
15 ἐγὼ (I) δὲ (however) οὐ (not) κέχρημαι (have used) οὐδενὶ (none) τούτων (of these). οὐκ (Neither) ἔγραψα (have I written) δὲ (now), ταῦτα (these things) ἵνα (that) οὕτως (thus) γένηται (it should be) ἐν (with) ἐμοί (me); καλὸν (it were good) γάρ (for) μοι (me) μᾶλλον (rather) ἀποθανεῖν (to die), ἢ (than) τὸ (the) καύχημά (boasting) μου (of me), οὐδεὶς (anyone) κενώσει (will make void).
16 Ἐὰν (If) γὰρ (for) εὐαγγελίζωμαι (I preach the gospel), οὐκ (nothing) ἔστιν (there is) μοι (to me) καύχημα (boasting); ἀνάγκη (necessity) γάρ (for) μοι (me) ἐπίκειται (is laid upon). οὐαὶ (Woe) γάρ (however) μοί (to me) ἐστιν (be), ἐὰν (if) μὴ (not) εὐαγγελίσωμαι (I should preach the gospel).
17 εἰ (If) γὰρ (for) ἑκὼν (willingly) τοῦτο (this) πράσσω (I do), μισθὸν (a reward) ἔχω (I have); εἰ (if) δὲ (however) ἄκων (unwillingly), οἰκονομίαν (a stewardship) πεπίστευμαι (I am entrusted with).