Philippians 1:27-30

  27 G3440 Only G4176 let your manner of life G516 be worthy G2098 of the gospel G5547 of Christ: G2443 that, G1535 whether G2064 I come G2532 and G1492 see G5209 you G1535 or G548 be absent, G191 I may hear G5216 of your G4012 state, G3754 that G4739 ye stand fast G1722 in G1520 one G4151 spirit, G5590 with G1520 one G5590 soul G4866 striving G4102 for the faith G2098 of the gospel;
  28 G2532 and G3361   G1722 in G3367 nothing G4426 affrighted G5259 by G480 the adversaries: G3748 which G3303   G2076 is G846 for them G1732 an evident token G684 of perdition, G1161 but G5213 of your G4991 salvation, G2532 and G5124 that G575 from G2316 God;
  29 G3754 because G5213 to you G5483 it hath been granted G5228 in the behalf G5547 of Christ, G3756 not G3440 only G4100 to believe G1519 on G846 him, G235 but G2532 also G3958 to suffer G5228 in G846 his G5228 behalf:
  30 G2192 having G73 the G846 same G73 conflict G3634 which G1492 ye saw G1722 in G1698 me, G2532 and G3568 now G191 hear G1722 to be in G1698 me.