Isaiah 51:12-15

  12 H5162 I, even I, am he that comforteth H3372 you: who art thou, that thou art afraid H582 of man H4191 that shall die, H1121 and of the son H120 of man H5414 that shall be made H2682 as grass;
  13 H7911 and hast forgotten H3068 Jehovah H6213 thy Maker, H5186 that stretched forth H8064 the heavens, H3245 and laid the foundations H776 of the earth; H6342 and fearest H8548 continually H3117 all the day H6440 because H2534 of the fury H6693 of the oppressor, H834 when H3559 he maketh ready H7843 to destroy? H2534 and where is the fury H6693 of the oppressor?
  14 H6808 The captive exile H4116 shall speedily H6605 be loosed; H4191 and he shall not die H7845 and go down into the pit, H3899 neither shall his bread H2637 fail.
  15 H3068 For I am Jehovah H430 thy God, H7280 who stirreth H3220 up the sea, H1530 so that the waves H1993 thereof roar: H3068 Jehovah H6635 of hosts H8034 is his name.