1 Peter 3:20-21

  20 G4218 that aforetime G544 were disobedient, G3753 when G530 the G3115 longsuffering G2316 of God G1551 waited G1722 in G2250 the days G3575 of Noah, G2787 while the ark G2680 was a preparing, G1519 wherein G3739   G3641 few, G5124 that G2076 is, G3638 eight G5590 souls, G1295 were saved G1223 through G5204 water:
  21 G3739 which G499 also after a true likeness G4982 doth G3568 now G4982 save G2248 you, G2532 even G908 baptism, G3756 not G595 the putting away G4509 of the filth G4561 of the flesh, G235 but G1906 the interrogation G18 of a good G4893 conscience G1519 toward G2316 God, G1223 through G386 the resurrection G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ;