Matthew 5:28-32

  28 G3004 But I say G3956 to you, That whoever G3588 G991 looks G1135 on a woman G1937 to lust G3431 after her has committed G3431 adultery G2235 with her already G2588 in his heart.
  29 G1487 And if G1188 your right G3788 eye G4624 offend G1808 you, pluck G906 it out, and cast G4851 it from you: for it is profitable G1520 for you that one G3196 of your members G622 should perish, G3650 and not that your whole G4983 body G906 should be cast G1519 into G1067 hell.
  30 G1188 And if your right G5495 hand G4624 offend G1581 you, cut G1581 it off, G906 and cast G4851 it from you: for it is profitable G1520 for you that one G3196 of your members G622 should perish, G3650 and not that your whole G4983 body G906 should be cast G1519 into G1067 hell.
  31 G2046 It has been said, G3739 Whoever G302 G630 shall put G630 away G1135 his wife, G1325 let him give G647 her a writing of divorce:
  32 G3004 But I say G3739 to you, That whoever G302 G630 shall put G630 away G1135 his wife, G3924 saving G3056 for the cause G4202 of fornication, G4160 causes G3429 her to commit G3429 adultery: G3739 and whoever G1437 G1060 shall marry G630 her that is divorced G3429 commits G3429 adultery.