Daniel 6:22-24

  22 H426 My God H7972 has sent H4398 his angel, H5463 and has shut H744 the lions’ H6433 mouths, H2255 that they have not hurt H3606 me: for as much H6925 as before H2136 him innocence H7912 was found H638 in me; and also H6925 before H4430 you, O king, H5648 have I done H3809 no H2248 hurt.
  23 H116 Then H4430 was the king H7689 exceedingly H2868 glad H560 for him, and commanded H5267 that they should take H1841 Daniel H1358 up out of the den. H1841 So Daniel H5267 was taken H1358 up out of the den, H3606 and no H3809 H2257 manner of hurt H7912 was found H1768 on him, because H540 he believed H426 in his God.
  24 H4430 And the king H560 commanded, H858 and they brought H479 those H1400 men H1768 which H399 had accused H7170 H1841 Daniel, H7412 and they cast H1358 them into the den H744 of lions, H1123 them, their children, H5389 and their wives; H744 and the lions H7981 had the mastery H1855 of them, and broke H3606 all H1635 their bones H3809 in pieces or ever H4291 they came H773 at the bottom H1358 of the den.