1 Timothy 3:10-13

  10 G3778 And let these G2532 also G4412 first G1381 be proved; G1534 then G1247 let them use the office G1247 of a deacon, G5607 being G410 found blameless.
  11 G5615 Even G5615 so G1135 must their wives G4586 be grave, G1228 not slanderers, G3524 sober, G4103 faithful G3956 in all things.
  12 G1249 Let the deacons G435 be the husbands G3391 of one G1135 wife, G4291 ruling G5043 their children G2398 and their own G3624 houses G2573 well.
  13 G1247 For they that have used G1247 the office G1247 of a deacon G2573 well G4046 purchase G1438 to themselves G2570 a good G898 degree, G4183 and great G3954 boldness G4102 in the faith G3588 which G5547 is in Christ G2424 Jesus.