Mark 14:33-36

WestSaxon990(i) 33 And he nam þa mid him petrum & iacobum & iohannem. þa ongan he forhtian & sargian 34 & sæde him; Unröt is min sawl oð deað. gebidað her & waciað; 35 Ða he lyt-hwon forð-stöp he astrehte hine ofer þa eorðan. & he bæd. gif hit beon mihte þt he on þære tide fram him gewite; 36 And þa cwæð he. abba. þt is fæder on ure geþeode. ealle þing þe synt mihtiglice. afyrr þysne calic fram me ac na þt ic wylle ac þt þu;