Mark 14:33 Cross References - WestSaxon990

33 And he nam þa mid him petrum & iacobum & iohannem. þa ongan he forhtian & sargian

Matthew 26:37-38

37 & he genam petrum & zebedeus twegen suna & ongann unrotsian & beon unrot; 38 Ða sæde se hælynd heom. unrot ys min sawl oþ deað; Gebïdað her & waciað mid me.

Mark 1:16-19

16 [Note: Et preteriens secus mare galileæ. A. ] & þa he ferde wið þa galileiscan sæ. he geseah simonem & andream his broðor hyra nett on þa sæ lætende. Soðlice hi wæron fisceras; 17 And þa cwæð se hælend cumað æfter me & ic dö inc þt gyt beoð sawla onfonde. 18 & hi þa hrædlice him fyligdon. & for-leton heora net. 19 & ðanon hwön agän he geseah iacobum & zebedei & iohannes his broðor. & hi on heora scype heora nett logodon.

Mark 5:37

37 And he ne lët him ænigne fyligean. buton petrum. & iacobum. & iohannem. Iacobes broðor

Mark 9:2

2 [Note: Ðis sceal on sætern-dæg on þære forman fæsten wucan. A. B. ] Ða æfter syx dagum nam se hælend petrum & iacobum & iohannem & lædde hi sylfe onsundran on sumne heahne munt & wearð beforan him ofer-hiwud.

Luke 22:44

44 & he wæs on gewinne & hine lange gebæd & his swat wæs swylce blodes dropan on eorðan yrnende.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.