Psalms 56

Bishops(i) 1 Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde: for man goeth about to deuour me, he dayly fyghtyng, oppresseth me 2 Myne enemies are dayly in hande to swalowe me vp: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most highest 3 [Neuerthelesse] at all times as I am afraide: I put my whole trust in thee 4 In the Lord I wyll prayse his word: in the Lorde I haue put my trust, and I wyll not feare what flesh can do vnto me 5 My wordes dayly put me to sorow: all that they do imagine, is to do me euill 6 They flocke together, they kepe them selues close: they marke my steppes, that they may lye in wayte for my soule 7 Shall they escape for their wickednes? O Lorde in thy displeasure cast downe headlong this people 8 Thou hast numbred my flittinges, thou hast put my teares in thy bottell: [are] not these thinges [noted] in thy booke 9 Whensoeuer I call vpon thee, then shall myne enemies be put to flight: this I know, for the Lorde is on my side 10 In the Lord I wyll prayse the word: In God I wyll prayse the worde 11 In the Lorde I put my trust: I wyll not be afraide what man can do vnto me 12 O Lorde, thy vowes be vpon me: vnto thee wyll I geue thankes & praise 13 For thou hast deliuered my soule from death, and my feete from falling: that I may walke before the Lorde in the light of the liuing