Psalms 56

Matthew(i) 1 To the chaunter, vpon the domme stock doue: whiche flyeth ferre of, Michtam of Dauid, when the Phylystynes toke hym in Geth. Be mercifull vnto me (O God) for men will treade me doune: they are dayly fightynge and troublynge me. 2 Myne enemyes treade me dayly vnder their fete, for they be many that proudly fighte agaynste me. 3 Neuerthelesse, when I am afrayed, I put my trust in the. 4 I will comforte my selfe in Gods worde, yea, I will hope in God, & not feare: What can flesh then do vnto me? 5 They vexe my dayly in my wordes: all that they ymagyne, is to do me euell. 6 They holde alltogether, & kepe them selues close they marcke my steppes, how they may catch my soule. 7 But in vayne, for it shall escape them: and why? thou (O God) in thy dyspleasure shalt cast doune suche people. 8 Thou tellest my flytynges, thou puttest my teares in thy bottel, and numbrest them. 9 When soeuer I call vpon the, myne enemyes are put to flight: whereby I knowe that thou art my God. 10 In Goddes worde wyll I reioyse, in the Lordes worde wyll I comforte me. 11 Yea, in God do I trust, and am not afraied what can man than do vnto me? 12 Vnto the (O god) wil I paye my vowes, vnto the wyll I geue thankes and prayse. 13 For thou haste delyuered my soule from death, and my fete frome fallynge, that I may walke before God in the lyght of the lyuyng.