Search the Bible for H8702 in KJV_Strongs

1 results for H8702

Daniel 3:28 (KJV_Strongs)
  28 H5020 Then Nebuchadnezzar H6032 spake [H8750]   H560 , and said [H8750]   H1289 , Blessed [H8752]   H426 be the God H7715 of Shadrach H4336 , Meshach H5665 , and Abednego H7972 , who hath sent [H8754]   H4398 his angel H7804 , and delivered [H8758]   H5649 his servants H7365 that trusted [H8702]   H5922 in him H8133 , and have changed [H8745]   H4430 the king's H4406 word H3052 , and yielded [H8754]   H1655 their bodies H3809 , that they might not H6399 serve [H8748]   H3809 nor H5457 worship [H8748]   H3606 any H426 god H3861 , except H426 their own God.