Search the Bible for H8729 in IHOT

Strong's H8729
Stem -Ithpeel See { [H8830]}
Mood -Imperfect See { [H8811]}
Daniel 3:15 (KJV_Strongs)
  15 H3705 Now H2006 if H383 ye be H6263 ready H5732 that at what time H8086 ye hear [H8748]   H7032 the sound H7162 of the cornet H4953 , flute H7030 , harp [H8675]   H7030   H5443 , sackbut H6460 , psaltery H5481 , and dulcimer H3606 , and all H2178 kinds H2170 of musick H5308 , ye fall down [H8748]   H5457 and worship [H8748]   H6755 the image H5648 which I have made [H8754]   H2006 ; well : but if H5457 ye worship [H8748]   H3809 not H7412 , ye shall be cast [H8729]   H8160 the same hour H1459 into the midst H3345 of a burning [H8751]   H5135 fiery H861 furnace H4479 ; and who H426 is that God H7804 that shall deliver [H8755]   H4481 you out of H3028 my hands?
Daniel 3:15 (IHOT)
  15 H3705 כען Now H2006 הן if H383 איתיכון ye be H6263 עתידין ready H1768 די that H5732 בעדנא time H1768 די at what H8086 תשׁמעון ye hear H7032 קל the sound H7162 קרנא of the cornet, H4953 משׁרוקיתא flute, H7030 קיתרס harp, H5443 שׂבכא sackbut, H6460 פסנתרין psaltery, H5481 וסומפניה and dulcimer, H3606 וכל and all H2178 זני kinds H2170 זמרא of music, H5308 תפלון ye fall down H5457 ותסגדון and worship H6755 לצלמא the image H1768 די which H5648 עבדת I have made; H2006 והן but if H3809 לא not, H5457 תסגדון ye worship H8160 בה שׁעתה the same hour H7412 תתרמון ye shall be cast H1459 לגוא into the midst H861 אתון furnace; H5135 נורא fiery H3345 יקדתא of a burning H4479 ומן and who H1932 הוא that H426 אלה God H1768 די that H7804 ישׁיזבנכון shall deliver H4481 מן you out of H3028 ידי׃ my hands?
Daniel 4:12 (IHOT)
  12 H6074 עפיה The leaves H8209 שׁפיר thereof fair, H4 ואנבה and the fruit H7690 שׂגיא thereof much, H4203 ומזון and in it meat H3606 לכלא for all: H8460 בה תחתוהי under H2927 תטלל had shadow H2423 חיות the beasts H1251 ברא of the field H6056 ובענפוהי in the boughs H1753 ידרון dwelt H6853 צפרי it, and the fowls H8065 שׁמיא of the heaven H4481 ומנה of H2110 יתזין was fed H3606 כל thereof, and all H1321 בשׂרא׃ flesh
Daniel 5:12 (KJV_Strongs)
  12 H6903 Forasmuch as H3606   H3493 an excellent H7308 spirit H4486 , and knowledge H7924 , and understanding H6590 , interpreting [H8743]   H2493 of dreams H263 , and shewing H280 of hard sentences H8271 , and dissolving [H8743]   H7001 of doubts H7912 , were found [H8728]   H1841 in the same Daniel H4430 , whom the king H7761 named [H8754]   H8036   H1096 Belteshazzar H3705 : now H1841 let Daniel H7123 be called [H8729]   H2324 , and he will shew [H8681]   H6591 the interpretation.
Daniel 5:12 (IHOT)
  12 H3606 כל   H6903 קבל   H1768 די whom H7308 רוח spirit, H3493 יתירה an excellent H4486 ומנדע and knowledge, H7924 ושׂכלתנו and understanding, H6590 מפשׁר   H2493 חלמין of dreams, H263 ואחוית and showing H280 אחידן of hard sentences, H8271 ומשׁרא and dissolving H7001 קטרין of doubts, H7912 השׁתכחת were found H1841 בה בדניאל in the same Daniel, H1768 די   H4430 מלכא the king H7761 שׂם named H8036 שׁמה named H1096 בלטשׁאצר Belteshazzar: H3705 כען now H1841 דניאל let Daniel H7123 יתקרי be called, H6591 ופשׁרה interpreting H2324 יהחוה׃ and he will show
Daniel 6:7 (KJV_Strongs)
  7 H3606 All H5632 the presidents H4437 of the kingdom H5460 , the governors H324 , and the princes H1907 , the counsellors H6347 , and the captains H3272 , have consulted together [H8724]   H6966 to establish [H8742]   H4430 a royal H7010 statute H8631 , and to make a firm [H8742]   H633 decree H1156 , that whosoever shall ask [H8748]   H1159 a petition H4481 of H3606 any H426 God H606 or man H5705 for H8533 thirty H3118 days H3861 , save H4481 of thee H4430 , O king H7412 , he shall be cast [H8729]   H1358 into the den H744 of lions.
Daniel 6:7 (IHOT)
  7 H3272 אתיעטו have consulted together H3606 כל All H5632 סרכי the presidents H4437 מלכותא of the kingdom, H5460 סגניא the governors, H324 ואחשׁדרפניא and the princes, H1907 הדבריא the counselors, H6347 ופחותא and the captains, H6966 לקימה to establish H7010 קים statute, H4430 מלכא a royal H8631 ולתקפה and to make a firm H633 אסר decree, H1768 די that H3606 כל whosoever H1768 די whosoever H1156 יבעה shall ask H1159 בעו a petition H4481 מן of H3606 כל any H426 אלה God H606 ואנשׁ or man H5705 עד for H3118 יומין days, H8533 תלתין thirty H3861 להן save H4481 מנך of H4430 מלכא thee, O king, H7412 יתרמא he shall be cast H1358 לגב into the den H744 אריותא׃ of lions.
Daniel 6:12 (KJV_Strongs)
  12 H116 Then H7127 they came near [H8754]   H560 , and spake [H8750]   H6925 before H4430 the king H5922 concerning H4430 the king's H633 decree H3809 ; Hast thou not H7560 signed [H8754]   H633 a decree H3606 , that every H606 man H1156 that shall ask [H8748]   H4481 a petition of H3606 any H426 God H606 or man H5705 within H8533 thirty H3118 days H3861 , save H4481 of thee H4430 , O king H7412 , shall be cast [H8729]   H1358 into the den H744 of lions H4430 ? The king H6032 answered [H8750]   H560 and said [H8750]   H4406 , The thing H3330 is true H1882 , according to the law H4076 of the Medes H6540 and Persians H5709 , which altereth [H8748]   H3809 not.
Daniel 6:12 (IHOT)
  12 H116 באדין Then H7127 קריבו they came near, H560 ואמרין and spoke H6925 קדם before H4430 מלכא the king H5922 על concerning H633 אסר decree; H4430 מלכא the king's H3809 הלא Hast thou not H633 אסר a decree, H7560 רשׁמת signed H1768 די that H3606 כל every H606 אנשׁ man H1768 די that H1156 יבעה shall ask H4481 מן of H3606 כל any H426 אלה God H606 ואנשׁ or man H5705 עד within H3118 יומין days, H8533 תלתין thirty H3861 להן save H4481 מנך of H4430 מלכא thee, O king, H7412 יתרמא shall be cast H1358 לגוב into the den H744 אריותא of lions? H6032 ענה answered H4430 מלכא The king H560 ואמר and said, H3330 יציבא true, H4406 מלתא The thing H1882 כדת according to the law H4076 מדי of the Medes H6540 ופרס and Persians, H1768 די which H3809 לא not. H5709 תעדא׃ altereth