Search the Bible for H8702 in IHOT

Strong's H8702
Stem -Hithpeil See { [H8822]}
Mood -Perfect See { [H8816]}
Daniel 3:28 (KJV_Strongs)
  28 H5020 Then Nebuchadnezzar H6032 spake [H8750]   H560 , and said [H8750]   H1289 , Blessed [H8752]   H426 be the God H7715 of Shadrach H4336 , Meshach H5665 , and Abednego H7972 , who hath sent [H8754]   H4398 his angel H7804 , and delivered [H8758]   H5649 his servants H7365 that trusted [H8702]   H5922 in him H8133 , and have changed [H8745]   H4430 the king's H4406 word H3052 , and yielded [H8754]   H1655 their bodies H3809 , that they might not H6399 serve [H8748]   H3809 nor H5457 worship [H8748]   H3606 any H426 god H3861 , except H426 their own God.
Daniel 3:28 (IHOT)
  28 H6032 ענה spoke, H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H560 ואמר and said, H1289 בריך Blessed H426 אלההון the God H1768 די of H7715 שׁדרך Shadrach, H4336 מישׁך Meshach, H5665 ועבד נגו and Abed-nego, H1768 די who H7972 שׁלח hath sent H4398 מלאכה his angel, H7804 ושׁיזב and delivered H5649 לעבדוהי his servants H1768 די that H7365 התרחצו trusted H5922 עלוהי in H4406 ומלת word, H4430 מלכא the king's H8133 שׁניו him, and have changed H3052 ויהבו and yielded H1655 גשׁמיהון their bodies, H1768 די that H3809 לא they might not H6399 יפלחון serve H3809 ולא nor H5457 יסגדון worship H3606 לכל any H426 אלה god, H3861 להן except H426 לאלההון׃ their own God.