Numbers 18:24

  18:24   3754 ότι for 3588 τα the 1925.1 επιδέκατα tenth parts 3588 των of the 5207 υιών sons * Ισραήλ of Israel, 3745 όσα as many things 302 αν as 873 αφορίσωσι they should separate 3588 τω to the 2962 κυρίω lord, 850.4 αφαίρεμα a cut-away portion 1325 δέδωκα I give 3588 τοις to the * Λευίταις Levites 1722 εν by 2819 κλήρω lot. 1223 διά On account of 3778 τούτο this 2046 είρηκα I have said 1473 αυτοίς to them, 1722 εν Among 3319 μέσω the midst 5207 υιών of the sons * Ισραήλ of Israel 3756 ου they shall not 2816 κληρονομήσουσι be an heir 2819 κλήρον of a lot.