Exodus 13:12

  13:12   2532 και that 873 αφοριείς you shall separate 3956 παν every offspring 1272 διανοίγον opening 3388 μήτραν the womb, 3588 τα the 732.1 αρσενικά males 3588 τω to the 2962 κυρίω lord, 3956 παν every offspring 1272 διανοίγον opening 3388 μήτραν the womb 1537 εκ from 3588 των the 1009.3 βουκολίων herds 1722 εν among 3588 τοις   2934-1473 κτήνεσί σου your cattle. 3745 όσα As many 302 αν as 1096 γένηταί come to pass 1473 σοι to you, 3588 τα the 732.1 αρσενικά males 3588 τω are to the 2962 κυρίω lord.