1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
2 auenge the childern of Israel of the Madianites and afterwarde be gathered vnto thy people.
3 And Moses spake vnto the folke sayenge: Harnesse some of you vnto warre and let them goo apon the Madianites and auenge the Lorde of the Madianitis.
4 Ye shall sende vnto the warre a thousande of euery trybe thorow out all the trybes of Israel.
5 And there were taken oute of the thousandes of Israel .xij. thousande prepared vnto warre of euery trybe a thousande.
6 And Moses sent them a thousande of euery trybe with Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the preaste to warre and the holye vessels and the trompettes to blowe with in his honde.
7 And they warred agenst the Madianites as the Lorde commaunded Moses ad slewe all the males.
8 And they slewe the kynges of Madian among other that were slayne: Eui Rekem Zur Hur and Reba: fyue kynges of Madian. And they slewe Bala the sonne of Beor with the swerde.
9 And the childern of Israel toke all the wemen of Madian presoners and their childern and spoyled all their catell their substance and their goodes.
10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt and all their castels with fyre.
11 And they toke all the spoyle and all they coude catche both of men and beestes.
12 And they broughte the captynes and that which they had taken and all the spoyle vnto Moses and Eleazer the preast ad vnto the companye of the childern of Israel: euen vnto the hoste in ye feldes of Moab by Iordanenye to Iericho.
13 And Moses and Eleazer the preast and all the lordes of the congregacion went out of the hoste agenst them.
14 And Moses was angrie with the officers of the hoste with ye captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes which came from warre and batayle
15 and sayde vnto them: Haue ye saued the wemen alyue?
16 beholde these caused the childern of Israel thorow Balam to commytt trespace agest ye Lorde by ye reason of Peor and their folowed a plage amoge ye congregacion of the Lorde.
17 Nowe therfore slee all the men childern and the wemen that haue lyen with men fleshlye:
18 But all the wemen children that haue not lyen with men kepe alyue for youre selues.
19 And lodge without the hoste .vij. dayes all that haue killed any persone and all that haue twiched any dead body and purifye both youre selues and youre presoners the .iij. daye and the .vij.
20 And sprinkle all youre raymentes and all that is made of skynnes and all worke of gootes heer ad all thynges made of wodd.
21 And Eleazer the preast sayed vnto all ye me of warre which went out to batayle: this is the ordinaunce of the lawe which the Lorde commaunded Moses:
22 Gold syluer brasse yeron tyn and leed
23 and all that maye abyde ye fyre ye shall make it goo thorow the fyre ad then it is cleane. Neuerthelater it shalbe sprinkled with sprinklinge water. And all yt soffereth not the fyre ye shall make goo thorow the water.
24 And wash youre clothes the seuenth daye and then ye are cleane. And afterwarde come in to the hoste.
25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
26 take the summe of the praye that was taken both of the weme and of catell thou and Eleazer the preast and the auncient heedes of ye congregacion.
27 And deuyde it in to two parties betwene them that toke the warre vppo the and went out to batayle and all the congregacion.
28 And take a porcion vnto the Lorde of the men of warre whiche went oute to batayle one of fyue hundred of the wemen and of the oxen and of the asses and of the shepe:
29 and ye shall take it of their halfe and geue it vnto Eleazer the preast an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde.
30 And of the halfe of ye childern of Israel take one of fyftye of ye wemen of the oxen of the asses and of the shepe and of all maner of beestes and geue them vnto the leuites which wayte apon ye habitacion of the Lorde.
31 And Moses and Eleazer the preast did as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
32 And ye botye and the praye which the men of warre had caught was .vi. hundred thousande and lxxv. thousande shepe:
33 ad .lxxij. thousande oxen:
34 and .lxi. thousande asses:
35 and .xxxij. thousande wemen that had lyen by no man.
36 And the halfe which was the parte of the that wet out to warre was .iij. hundred thousande and .xxxvij. thousande and fyue hundred shepe:
37 And the Lordes parte of the shepe was .vi. hundred and .lxxv.
38 And the oxen were .xxxvi. thousande of which the Lordes parte was .lxxij..
39 And the asses were .xxx. thousande and fyue hundred of whiche the Lordes parte was .lxi..
40 And the wemen were .xvi. thousande of which the Lordes parte was .xxxij. soules.
41 And Moses gaue that summe which was the Lordes heueofferynge vnto Eleazer the preast: as the Lorde comaunded Moses.
42 And the other halfe of the childern of Israel whiche Moses seperated from the men of warre
43 (that is to wete the halfe that pertayned vnto the congregacion) was .iij. hundred thousande and .xxxvij. thousande and fyue hundred shepe:
44 and .xxxvi. thousande oxen:
45 and .xxx. thousande asses and fyue hudred:
46 and .xvi. thousande wemen.
47 And Moses toke of this halfe that pertayned vnto the childern of Israel: one of euery fyftie both of the wemen and of the catell and gaue them vnto the leuites which wayted vppon the habitacion of the Lorde as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
48 And the officers of thousandes of the hoste the captaynes ouer the thousandes and the captaynes ouer the hundreds came forth and sayed vnto Moses:
49 Thy servauntes haue taken the summe of the men of warre which were vnder oure hande and there lacked not one man of them.
50 We haue therfore broughte a present vnto the Lorde what euery man founde of Iewels of golde cheyns bracelettes ringes earynges and spangels to make an attonement for oure soules before the Lorde.
51 And Moses and Eleazer toke the golde off them: Iewels of all maner facions.
52 And all the golde of the heueoffrynge of the Lord of the captaynes ouer thousandes and hundreds was .xvi. thousand .vij. hundred and .l. sycles
53 which ye me of warre had spoyled euery man for him selfe.
54 And Moses and Eleazer ye preast toke the golde of the captaynes ouer the thousandes and ouer the hundreds and brought it in to the tabernacle of witnesse: to be a memoriall vnto ye childern of Israel before ye Lorde.
Numbers 31 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 15:15
15 Neuerthelesse thou shalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace ad shalt be buried when thou art of a good age:
Genesis 25:1-4
1 Abraha toke hi another wyfe cald Ketura
2 which bare hi Sunram Iacksam Medan Midia Iesback and Suah.
3 And Iacksan begat Seba and Deda. And the sonnes of sedan were Assurim Letusim and Leumim.
4 And the sonnes of Midian were Epha Epher Hanoch Abida and Elda. All these were the childern of Bethura.
Genesis 25:8
8 and than fell seke ad dyed in a lustie age (whe he had lyved ynough) ad was put vnto his people.
Genesis 25:17
17 And these are the yeres of the lyfe of Ismael: an hudred and .xxxvij yere and than he fell seke and dyed and was layde vnto his people.
Exodus 2:16
16 The preast of Madian had. vij. doughters which came ad drew water and fylled the troughes, for to water their fathers shepe.
Numbers 20:24
24 let Aaron be put vnto his people for he shall not come in to the londe which I haue geuen vnto the childern of Israel: because ye dishobeyed my mouth at the water of stryffe
Numbers 20:26
26 and stryppe Aaron out of his vestimentes and put them apon Eleazer his sonne ad let Aaron be put vnto his people and dye there.
Numbers 25:6
6 And beholde one of the childern of Israel came and broughte vnto his brethern a Madianitish wife euen in the sighte of Moses and in the sighte of all the multitude of ye childern of Israel as they were wepynge in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.
Numbers 25:14-18
14 The name of the Israelite which was smytten with the Madianitish wife was Simri the sonne of Salu a lorde of an aunciet housse amonge the Simeonites.
15 And the name of the Madianitish wife was Cosbi the doughter of Zur and heed ouer the people of an auncient housse in Madian.
16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
17 vexe the Madianites and smyte them
18 for they haue troubled you with their wiles with the which they haue begyled you thorow Peor and thorow their syster Cosby ye doughter of a lorde in Madian which was slayne in ye daye of the plage for Peors sake.
Numbers 27:13
13 And whe thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also as Aaron thy brother was gathered vnto his people.
Numbers 31:3
3 And Moses spake vnto the folke sayenge: Harnesse some of you vnto warre and let them goo apon the Madianites and auenge the Lorde of the Madianitis.
Deuteronomy 32:35
35 Vengeaunce is myne and I will rewarde: their fete shall slyde, when the tyme cometh. For the tyme of their destruction is at honde, and the tyme that shall come vppon them maketh hast.
Luke 21:22
22 For these be the dayes of vengeance to fulfill all that are writte.
Acts 13:36
36 Howbe it David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God he slepte and was layde with his fathers and sawe corrupcion.
Romans 12:19
19 Derly beloued avenge not youre selves but geve roume vnto the wrath of God. For it is written: vengeaunce is myne and I will rewarde saith the lorde.
Romans 13:4
4 For he is the minister of God for thy welth. But and yf thou do evyll then feare: for he beareth not a swearde for nought: but is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that do evyll.
1 Thessalonians 4:6
6 that no man goo to farre and defraude his brother in bargayninge: because the lorde is a venger of all suche thinges as we tolde you before tyme and testified.
Hebrews 10:30
30 For we knowe him that hath sayde vengeaunce belongeth vnto me I will recompence sayth the lorde. And agayne: the lorde shall iudge his people.
Revelation 6:10
10 and they cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: How loge tariest thou lorde holy and true to iudge and to avenge oure bloud on them that dwell on the erth?
Revelation 18:20
20 Reioyce over her thou heven and ye holy Apostles and prophetes: for god hath geven youre iudgment on her.
Revelation 19:2
2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgmentes for he hath iudged ye grett whore which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion and hath avenged the bloud of his servauntes of her hond.
Exodus 17:9-13
9 And Moses sayde vnto Iosua: chose out men and goo fighte with Amelech Tomorow I will stonde on the toppe of the hyll and the rodd of God in myne hande.
10 And Iosua dyd as Moses bade him, and foughte with the Amalechites. And Moses, Aaron and Hur went vp to the toppe of the hyll.
11 And when Moses helde vp his hande, Israel had the better. And when he late his hande doune, Amelech had the better.
12 when Moses handes were weery, they toke a stone and put it vnder him, and he satt doune there on. And Aaron and Hur stayed vpp his handes the one on the one syde and the other on the other syde. And his handes were stedie vntill the sonne was doune.
13 And Iosua discomfeted Amalech ad his people with the edge of his swerde.
Exodus 17:16
16 for he sayde: the hande is on the seate of the Lorde, that the Lorde will haue warre with Amalech thorow out all generations.
Leviticus 26:25
25 I will sende a swerde apon you, that shall avenge my testament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will sende the pestelence amonge you, ye shall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes.
Numbers 25:11
11 Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preast hath turned myne anger awaye from the childern of Israel because he was gelous for my sake amonge them that I had not cosumed the childern of Israel in my gelousye.
Numbers 25:13
13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.
Leviticus 26:8
8 And fiue of you shall chace an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put .x. thousande to flighte, and youre enemyes shall fall before you apon the swerde.
Exodus 25:9
9 And as I haue shewed the the facion of the habitacio and of all the ornamentes therof, eue so se that ye make it in all thynges.
Numbers 10:8-9
8 And the sonnes of Aaron the preastes shall blowe the trompettes and shall haue them and it shalbe a lawe vnto you for euer and amonge youre childern after you.
9 And when ye shall goo to warre in youre londe agenst youre enymies that vexe you ye shall trompe with the trompettes and ye shalbe remebred before the Lorde youre God and saued from youre enymies.
Numbers 14:44
44 But they were blynded to goo vpp in to ye hylltoppe: Neuer the lather the arke of the testament of the Lorde and Moses departed not out of the hoste.
Numbers 25:7-13
7 And when Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaro the preast sawe it he rose vp out of the companye and toke a wepon in his hande
8 and wet after the man of Israel in to the horehousse and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and also the woman euen thorow the belye of hir. And the plage ceased from the childern of Israel.
9 And there dyed in the plage. xxiiij. thousande.
10 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
11 Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preast hath turned myne anger awaye from the childern of Israel because he was gelous for my sake amonge them that I had not cosumed the childern of Israel in my gelousye.
12 Wherfore saye: beholde I geue vnto him my couenaunte of pease
13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.
Numbers 33:20-22
Deuteronomy 20:13-14
13 And when the Lord thy God hath delyuered it in to thine handes, smyte all the males thereof with the edge of the swerde,
14 saue the weme and the childern and the catell and all that is in the citie and all the spoyle thereof take vnto thy selfe and eate the spoyle of thyne enemies which the Lord thy God geueth the.
Numbers 22:4
4 And Moab sayed vnto the elders of Madian now this companye hath lickte vpp all that are rounde aboute vs as an oxe lycketh vp the grasse of the felde. And Balac the sonne of Ziphor was kinge of the Moabites at that tyme.
Numbers 22:10
10 And Balam sayed vnto god: Balac the sonne of Ziphor kynge of Moab hath sent vnto me sayenge:
Numbers 24:25
25 And Balam rose vp and went and dwelt in his place: and Balac also went his waye.
Numbers 25:15
15 And the name of the Madianitish wife was Cosbi the doughter of Zur and heed ouer the people of an auncient housse in Madian.
Numbers 25:18
18 for they haue troubled you with their wiles with the which they haue begyled you thorow Peor and thorow their syster Cosby ye doughter of a lorde in Madian which was slayne in ye daye of the plage for Peors sake.
1 Timothy 6:9-10
2 Peter 2:15
15 and have forsaken the right waye and are gone astraye folowinge ye waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor which loved the rewarde of vnrightewesnes:
Jude 1:11
11 Wo be vnto them for they have folowed ye waye of Cayn and are vtterly geven to the erroure of Balam for lukers sake and perysshe in the treason of Core.
Revelation 2:14
14 But I have a fewe thynges agaynst the: yt thou hast there they that mayntayne the doctryne of Balam which taught in balake to put occasion of syn before the chylderne of Israhell that they shulde eate of meate dedicat vnto ydoles and to commyt fornicacion.
Revelation 19:20
20 And the beste was take and with him that falce prophett that wrought myracles before him with which he desceaved the that receaved ye beestes marke and them that worshipped his ymage. These both were cast into a pode of fyre burnyge with brymstone:
Numbers 31:15-16
Deuteronomy 20:14
14 saue the weme and the childern and the catell and all that is in the citie and all the spoyle thereof take vnto thy selfe and eate the spoyle of thyne enemies which the Lord thy God geueth the.
Genesis 25:16
16 These are the sones of Ismael and these are their names in their townes and castels .xij. princes of natios.
Revelation 18:8
8 Therfore shall her plages come at one daye deeth and sorowe and honger and she shallbe brent with fyre: for stronge ys the lorde god which iudgeth her.
Numbers 22:1
1 And ye children of Israel remoued and pitched in the feldes of Moab on the other syde of Iordane by Iericho.
Genesis 14:17
17 And as he retourned agayne from the slaughter of kedorlaomer and of the kynges that were with hym than came the kynge of Sodome agaynst hym vnto the vale of Saue which now is called kynges dale.
Numbers 5:2
2 commaunde the childern of Israel that they put out of the hoste all the lepers and all that haue yssues and all that are defyled apon the deed
Numbers 19:11
11 Be that twycheth any deed persone shalbe vncleane .vij. dayes.
Numbers 31:12
12 And they broughte the captynes and that which they had taken and all the spoyle vnto Moses and Eleazer the preast ad vnto the companye of the childern of Israel: euen vnto the hoste in ye feldes of Moab by Iordanenye to Iericho.
Numbers 31:22-24
22 Gold syluer brasse yeron tyn and leed
23 and all that maye abyde ye fyre ye shall make it goo thorow the fyre ad then it is cleane. Neuerthelater it shalbe sprinkled with sprinklinge water. And all yt soffereth not the fyre ye shall make goo thorow the water.
24 And wash youre clothes the seuenth daye and then ye are cleane. And afterwarde come in to the hoste.
Exodus 32:19
19 And as soone as he came nye vnto the hoste and sawe the calfe and the daunsynge, his wrath waxed hote, and he cast the tables out of his hande, and brake them euen at the hyll fote.
Exodus 32:22
22 And Aaron sayde: let not the wrath of my Lorde waxe fearse, thou knowest the people that they are euen sett on myschefe:
Leviticus 10:16
16 And Moses soughte for the goote that was the synneofferynge, and se, it was burnt. And he was angrye with Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron, which were lefte alyue sayenge:
Numbers 12:3
3 But Moses was a very meke man aboue all the men of the erthe.
Numbers 31:48
48 And the officers of thousandes of the hoste the captaynes ouer the thousandes and the captaynes ouer the hundreds came forth and sayed vnto Moses:
Ephesians 4:26
26 Be angrye but synne not let not the sonne go doune apon your wrathe
Deuteronomy 2:34
34 And we toke all his cities the same season, and destroyed all the cities with men, wemen, and childern ad let nothinge remayne,
Deuteronomy 20:13
13 And when the Lord thy God hath delyuered it in to thine handes, smyte all the males thereof with the edge of the swerde,
Deuteronomy 20:16-18
16 But in the cities of these nacions which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, thou shalt saue alyue nothinge that bretheth.
17 But shalt destroye them with out redempcion, both the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites and the Iebusites, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the,
18 that they teach you not to doo after all their abhominacyons whiche they doo vnto theire goddes, and so shulde synne agenst the Lorde youre God
Numbers 24:14
14 And now beholde I goo vnto my people: come let me shewe the what this people shall doo to thi folke in the later dayes.
Numbers 25:1-9
1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim and the people began to commytt whoredome with the doughters of Moab
2 which called the people vnto ye sacrifyce of their goddes. And the people ate and worshipped their goddes
3 and Israel coupled him selfe vnto Baal Peor. Then ye Lorde was angrie with Israel
4 and sayed vnto Moses: take all ye heedes of the people and hange them vp vnto ye Lorde agenst the sonne that the wrath of the Lorde maye turne awaye from Israel.
5 And Moses sayed vnto the iudges of Israel: goo and slee those men that ioyned the selues vnto Baal Peor.
6 And beholde one of the childern of Israel came and broughte vnto his brethern a Madianitish wife euen in the sighte of Moses and in the sighte of all the multitude of ye childern of Israel as they were wepynge in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.
7 And when Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaro the preast sawe it he rose vp out of the companye and toke a wepon in his hande
8 and wet after the man of Israel in to the horehousse and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and also the woman euen thorow the belye of hir. And the plage ceased from the childern of Israel.
9 And there dyed in the plage. xxiiij. thousande.
Deuteronomy 4:3
3 Youre eyes haue sene what the Lorde dyd vnto Baal Peor: for al the men that folowed Baal Peor, the Lorde youre God hath destroyed from amoge you:
Deuteronomy 7:2
2 ad whe the Lorde thy God hath sett them before the that thou shuldest smyte them se that thou vtterly destroye them and make no couenaunt with them nor haue compassion on them.
Leviticus 25:44
44 Yf thou wilt haue bondseruauntes and maydens thou shalt bye them of the heythen that are rounde aboute you
Deuteronomy 21:10-14
10 When thou goest to warre agenst thyne enemies and the Lorde thy God hath delyuered them in to thine handes and thou hast take them captyue,
11 and seist amonge the captyues a bewtifull woman and hast a fantasye vnto her that thou woldest haue her to thy wyfe.
12 Then bringe her home to thine housse and let her shaue hir heed and pare hir nayles
13 ad put hir rayment that she was taken in from hir, and let hir remayne in thine housse and bewepe hir father and hir mother a moneth long and after that goo in vnto her ad marie her ad let her be thi wife.
14 And yf thou haue no fauoure vnto her, then let her go whother she lusteth: for thou mayst not sell her for monye nor make cheuesauce of her, because thou hast hubled her.
Numbers 19:11-22
11 Be that twycheth any deed persone shalbe vncleane .vij. dayes.
12 And he shall purifye him selfe with the asshes the thyrde daye ad then he shalbe cleane the seuenth daye. And yf the purifye not himselfe the thyrde daye the the seuenth daye he shall not be cleane.
13 Who soeuer twicheth any persone yt dyeth and sprynkleth not him selfe defyleth the dwellynge of the Lorde: ad therfore that soule shalbe roted out of Israel because he hath not sprynkled the sprynklynge water vppon him. he shalbe vncleane and his vnclennesse shall remayne vppon him.
14 This is the lawe of the man that dyeth in in a tent: all that come in to the tent and all yt is in the tent shalbe vncleane .vij dayes.
15 And all the vessels that be ope which haue no lyd nor couerynge apon them are vncleane.
16 And who soeuer twicheth one that is slayne with a swerde in the feldes or a deed persone or a bone of a deed man or a graue: shall be vncleane .vij. dayes.
17 And they shall take for an vncleane persone of the burnt asshes of the synofferynge and put runnynge water thereto in to a vessell.
18 And a cleane persone shall take Isope and dyppe it in the water and sprynkle it apon ye tent and apon all the vessells and on the soules that were there and apon him that twyched a bone or a slayne persone or a deed body or a graue.
19 And the cleane persone shall sprynkle apon the vncleane the thyrde daye and the seuenth daye. And the seuenth daye he shall purifie him selfe and wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and shalbe cleane at euen.
20 Yf any be vncleane and sprynkle not him selfe the same soule shalbe destroyed fro amoge the congregacion: for he hath defyled the holy place of the Lorde. And he that sprynkleth ye sprynklynge water shall wassh his clothes.
21 And he that twicheth the sprynklynge water shalbe vncleane vntill eue.
22 And what soeuer ye vncleane persone twicheth shalbe vncleane. And the soule that twicheth it shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.
Genesis 35:2
2 Than sayd Iacob vnto his housholde and to all yt were with him put away the strauge goddes that are amonge you and make youre selues cleane and chaunge youre garmetes
Exodus 19:10
10 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Go vnto the people and sanctifie them to daye and tomorow, and let them wash their clothes:
Numbers 19:14-16
14 This is the lawe of the man that dyeth in in a tent: all that come in to the tent and all yt is in the tent shalbe vncleane .vij dayes.
15 And all the vessels that be ope which haue no lyd nor couerynge apon them are vncleane.
16 And who soeuer twicheth one that is slayne with a swerde in the feldes or a deed persone or a bone of a deed man or a graue: shall be vncleane .vij. dayes.
Numbers 19:22
22 And what soeuer ye vncleane persone twicheth shalbe vncleane. And the soule that twicheth it shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.
Numbers 30:16
16 These are the ordinaunces which ye Lorde commaunded Moses betwene a man and his wife and betwene the father and his doughter beyenge a damsell in hir fathers housse.
Leviticus 11:32
32 And what soeuer any of the dead carkesses of them fall apon, shalbe vnclene: what soeuer vessell of wodd it be, or rayment, or skynne, or bagge or what soeuer thinge it be that any worke is wroughte with all. And they shalbe plunged in the water and be vnclene vntill the eue, and then they shalbe clene agayne.
Leviticus 15:17
17 And all the clothes or furres whereon soch seed chaunceth shalbe washed with water ad be vncleane vnto the eue.
Numbers 8:7
7 And this doo vnto them when thou clensest them sprinckle water of purifyenge apon them and make a rasure to runne alonge apon all the fleshe of them and let them washe their clothes and then they shall be cleane.
Numbers 19:9
9 And one that is cleane shall goo and take vpp the asshes of the cowe and put them without the hoste in a cleane place where they shall be kepte to make sprynklynge water for the multitude of the childern of Israel: for it is a synofferynge
Numbers 19:17
17 And they shall take for an vncleane persone of the burnt asshes of the synofferynge and put runnynge water thereto in to a vessell.
Matthew 3:11
11 I baptise you in water in toke of repentauce: but he ye cometh after me is myghtier then I whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy gost and with fyre:
1 Corinthians 3:13
13 every mannes worke shall appere. For the daye shall declare it and it shalbe shewed in fyre. And ye fyre shall trye euery mannes worke what it is.
Ephesians 5:26
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
Titus 3:5-6
1 Peter 1:7
7 that youre fayth once tried beinge moche more precious then golde yt perissheth (though it be tried with fyre) myght be founde vnto lawde glory and honoure at the apperinge of Iesus Christ:
1 Peter 3:21
21 which signifieth baptim that now saveth vs not ye puttinge awaye of ye filth of the flesshe but in that a good conscience consenteth to God by ye resurreccio of Iesus Christ
1 Peter 4:12
12 Dearly beloved be not troubled in this heate which now is come amoge you to trye you as though some strauge thinge had happened vnto you:
Revelation 3:18
18 I counsell the to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre that thou mayste be riche and whyte raymet yt thou mayste be clothed yt thy fylthy nakednes do not apere: and anoynt thyne eyes with eye salve yt thou mayste se.
Leviticus 11:25
25 ad whosoeuer bereth the carkesse of the, shal wash his clothes ad shalbe vnclene vntyll euen.
Leviticus 14:9
9 Whe the seuenth daye is come, he shall shaue off al his heer both apo his heade ad his berde ad on his browes: ad eue all the heer that is on him, shalbe shauen off. And he shall wasshe his clothes and his flesh in water and then he shalbe cleane.
Leviticus 15:13
13 When he that hath an yssue is clensed of his yssue, let him numbre .vij. dayes after he is cleane, ad wasshe his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in runnynge water, ad then he is cleane.
Numbers 19:19
19 And the cleane persone shall sprynkle apon the vncleane the thyrde daye and the seuenth daye. And the seuenth daye he shall purifie him selfe and wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and shalbe cleane at euen.
Genesis 14:20
20 And blessed be God the most hyghest which hath delyvered thyne enimies in to thy handes. And Abra gaue hym tythes of all.
Numbers 18:21
21 And beholde I haue geuen the childern of Leui the tenth in Israel to enherite for the seruyce whiche they serue in the tabernacle of witnesse
Numbers 18:26
26 speake vnto the leuites and saye vnto the: when ye take of the childern of Israel the tithes whiche I haue geuen you of them to youre enheritaunce ye shall take an heueoffrynge of that same for the Lorde: euen the tenth of that tythe.
Numbers 31:30
30 And of the halfe of ye childern of Israel take one of fyftye of ye wemen of the oxen of the asses and of the shepe and of all maner of beestes and geue them vnto the leuites which wayte apon ye habitacion of the Lorde.
Numbers 31:47
47 And Moses toke of this halfe that pertayned vnto the childern of Israel: one of euery fyftie both of the wemen and of the catell and gaue them vnto the leuites which wayted vppon the habitacion of the Lorde as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
Matthew 22:21
21 They sayde vnto him: Cesars. Then sayde he vnto them. Geve therfore to Cesar that which is Cesars: and geve vnto god that which is goddes.
Exodus 29:27
27 And sanctifie the brest of the waueoffrynge and the shulder of the heueoffrynge whiche is waued and heued vp of the ram whiche is the fulloffrynge of Aaron ad of his sonnes.
Deuteronomy 12:12
12 And ye shall reioyse before the Lorde youre God, both ye, youre sonnes and youre doughters, youre seruauntes and youre maydes and the leuite that is within youre gates for he hath nether parte nor enheritaunce with you.
Deuteronomy 12:19
19 And bewarre that thou forsake not the leuite as loge as thou lyuest vppon the erth.
Numbers 3:7-8
Numbers 3:25
25 And the office of the childern of Gerson in the tabernacle of witnesse was the habitacion and the tente with the coueringe theroff and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse
Numbers 3:31
31 and their office was: the arcke the table the candelsticke and the alter and the holy vessels to minystre with and the vayle with all that serued thereto.
Numbers 3:36-39
36 And the office of the sonnes of Merari was: the bordes of ye dwellynge and the barres pilers with the sokettes thereof and all the instrumetes there of and all that serued thereto:
37 and the pilers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes with their pynnes and cordes.
38 But on ye fore front of ye habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witnesse east warde shall Moses and Aaron and his sonnes pytch and wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of ye childern of Ysrael. And the straunger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.
39 And the hole summe of the leuites which Moses and Aaron nubred at ye comaudmet of ye Lorde thorow out their kynredes euen of all ye males of a moneth olde and aboue was .xxij. thousande.
Numbers 18:1-5
1 And the Lorde sayed vnto Aaron: Thou and thy sonnes and thy fathers housse with the shall bere the faute of that whiche is done amysse in the holy place. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall beare the faute of that whiche is done amysse in youre preasthode.
2 And thy brethern also ye tribe of leui ye trybe of thy father take with the and let them be yoyned vnto the and ministre vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall ministre before the tabernacle of witnesse.
3 And let them wayte apon the and apon all the tabernacle: only let them not come nye the holy vessels and the alter that both they ad ye also dye not.
4 And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of witnesse and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle and let no straunger come nye vnto you.
5 Wayte therfore apon the holye place and apon the alter yt there fall no moare wrath apon the childern of Israel:
Numbers 18:23-28
23 And the leuites shall do the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse and beare their synne and it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you: But amonge the childern of Israel they shall enheret none enheritaunce.
24 For the tithes of the childern of Israel whiche they heve vnto the Lorde I haue geuen the Leuites to enherett. Wherfore I haue sayed vnto them: Amonge the chyldern off Israell ye shall enherett none enheritaunce.
25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
26 speake vnto the leuites and saye vnto the: when ye take of the childern of Israel the tithes whiche I haue geuen you of them to youre enheritaunce ye shall take an heueoffrynge of that same for the Lorde: euen the tenth of that tythe.
27 And it shalbe rekened vnto you for youre heueofferynge euen as though ye gaue corne out of the barne or a fullofferynge from the wyne presse.
28 And of this maner ye shall heue an heueofferynge vnto ye Lorde of all youre tithes which ye receaue of the childern of Israel and ye shall geue there of the Lordes heueofferinge vnto Aaron the preast
Numbers 31:28
28 And take a porcion vnto the Lorde of the men of warre whiche went oute to batayle one of fyue hundred of the wemen and of the oxen and of the asses and of the shepe:
Acts 20:28
28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves and to all the flocke wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears to rule the congregacion of God which he hath purchased with his bloud.
1 Corinthians 4:2
2 Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faithfull.
1 Corinthians 9:13-14
Colossians 4:17
17 And saye to Archippus: take hede to the office that thou hast receaved in the Lorde that thou fulfill it.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obeye the that have the oversight of you and submit youre selves to them for they watch for youre soules even as they that must geve a comptes: that they maye do it with ioye and not with grefe. For that is an vnproffitable thynge for you.
Numbers 5:9
9 And all heueofferynges of all the halowed thinges which the childern of Israel brynge vnto the preaste shalbe the preastes
Numbers 18:8
8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: beholde I haue geuen the the kepynge of myne heueofferynges in all the halowed thynges of the childern of Israel. And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge ad to thy sonnes: to be a dutye for euer.
Numbers 18:19
19 All the holy heueofferynges whiche the childern of Israel heue vnto ye Lorde I geue the and thy sonnes and thi doughters with the to be a dutye for euer. And it shalbe a salted couenaunte for euer before the Lorde: vnto the and to thy seed with the.
Numbers 31:29-31
29 and ye shall take it of their halfe and geue it vnto Eleazer the preast an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde.
30 And of the halfe of ye childern of Israel take one of fyftye of ye wemen of the oxen of the asses and of the shepe and of all maner of beestes and geue them vnto the leuites which wayte apon ye habitacion of the Lorde.
31 And Moses and Eleazer the preast did as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
Matthew 10:10
10 In to whatsoever cite or toune ye shall come enquyre who ys worthy yn it and there abyde till ye goo thence.
1 Corinthians 9:10-14
10 Ether sayth he it not all to gedder for oure sakes? For oure sakes no doute this is written: that he which eareth shuld eare in hope: and that he which thressheth in hope shuld be parttaker of his hope.
11 Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thynges: is it a greate thynge yf we reepe youre carnall thynges
12 Yf other be parttakers of this power over you? wherfore are not we rather.Neverthelesse we have not vsed this power: but suffre all thinges lest we shuld hynder the gospell of Christ.
Galatians 6:6
6 Let him that is taught in ye worde minister vnto him yt teacheth him in all good thinges
1 Timothy 5:17
17 The elders yt rule wel are worthy of double honoure most specially they which laboure in ye worde and in teachinge.
Hebrews 7:4-6
4 Consyder what a man this was vnto who the patriarke Abraham gave tythes of the spoyles.
5 And verely those children of levy which receave the office of the prestes have a commaundement to take a cordyng to the lawe tythes of the people that is to saye of their brethren yee though they spronge out of the loynes of Abraham.
6 But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them receaved tythes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promyses.
Hebrews 7:9-12
9 And to saye the trueth Levy him silfe also which receaveth tythes payed tythes in Abraham.
10 For he was yet in the loynes of his father Abraham when Melchisech met him.
11 Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron?
12 Now no dout yf the presthod be translated then of necessitie must the lawe be translated also.
Numbers 18:21-24
21 And beholde I haue geuen the childern of Leui the tenth in Israel to enherite for the seruyce whiche they serue in the tabernacle of witnesse
22 that the childre of Israel henceforth come not nye the tabernacle of witnesse and beare synne and dye.
23 And the leuites shall do the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse and beare their synne and it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you: But amonge the childern of Israel they shall enheret none enheritaunce.
24 For the tithes of the childern of Israel whiche they heve vnto the Lorde I haue geuen the Leuites to enherett. Wherfore I haue sayed vnto them: Amonge the chyldern off Israell ye shall enherett none enheritaunce.
Deuteronomy 12:17-19
17 Thou mayst not eate within thi gates the tythe of thi corne, of thy wyne and of thi oyle, ether the firstborne of of thine oxen or of thy shepe, nether any of thi vowes which thou vowest, nor thi frewilofferinges or heueofferynges of thyne handes:
18 but thou must eate them before the Lorde thi God, in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen: both thou thi sonne and thi doughter, thi seruaunte and thy mayde ad the leuite that is within thi gates: ad thou shalt reioyse before the Lorde thi God, in al that thou puttest thine hande to.
19 And bewarre that thou forsake not the leuite as loge as thou lyuest vppon the erth.
Luke 10:1-8
1 After these thinges the Lorde apoynted other seventie also and sent them two and two before him into every citie and place whither he him silfe wolde come.
2 And he sayde vnto them the harvest is greate: but the laborers are feawe. Praye therfore the Lorde of ye harvest to send forth laborers into his hervest.
3 Goo youre wayes: beholde I sende you forthe as lambes amonge wolves.
4 Beare noo wallet nether scryppe nor shues and salute noo man by the waye.
5 Into whatsoever housse ye enter fyrst saye: Peace be to this housse.
6 And yf ye sonne of peace be theare youre peace shall rest vpon him: yf not yt shall returne to you agayne.
7 And in ye same housse tary still eatinge and drinkinge soche as they have. For the laborer is worthy of his ewarde. Go not fro housse to housse:
8 and in to whatso ever citye ye enter yf they receave you eate soche thinges as are set before you
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
John 18:9
9 That ye sayinge might be fulfilled which he spake: of the which thou gavest me have I not lost one.
Exodus 30:12
12 when thou takest the summe of the childern of Israel ad tellest them, they shall geue euery ma a reconcylinge of his soule vnto the Lorde, that there be no plage amonge them when thou tellest them.
Exodus 30:15-16
15 The rych shall not passe, and the poore shall not goo vnder halfe a sycle, when they geue an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde for the attonemet of their soules.
16 And thou shalt take the reconcylinge money of the children of Israel and shalt put it vnto the vse of the tabernacle of witnesse, and it shall be a memoriall of the childern of Israel before the Lorde, to make attonement for their foules.
Leviticus 17:11
11 for the life of the flesh is in the bloude, and I haue geuen it vnto you apon the alter, to make an attonement for youre soules,
Numbers 7:2-6
2 then the prynces of Ysrael heedes ouer the housses of their fathers which were the lordes of the trybes that stode ad numbred offered
3 ad broughte their giftes before the Lorde sixe couered charettes and .xij. oxen: two and two a charet and an oxe euery man and they broughte them before the habitacion.
4 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge
5 take it of them and let them be to do the seruyce of ye tabernacle of witnesse and geue them vnto the leuites euery man acordynge vnto his office
6 And Moses toke the charettes ad the oxen and gaue them vnto the leuites:
Numbers 31:32
32 And ye botye and the praye which the men of warre had caught was .vi. hundred thousande and lxxv. thousande shepe:
Exodus 30:16
16 And thou shalt take the reconcylinge money of the children of Israel and shalt put it vnto the vse of the tabernacle of witnesse, and it shall be a memoriall of the childern of Israel before the Lorde, to make attonement for their foules.
Numbers 16:40
40 to be a remembraunce vnto the childern of Israel that no straunger whiche is not of the seed of Aaron come nere to offer cens before the Lorde that he be not made like vnto Corah and his companye: as the Lorde sayed vnto him by the hande of Moses.
Luke 22:19
19 And he toke breed gave thankes and gave to them sayinge: This is my body which is geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.
Acts 10:4
4 When he looked on him he was afrayde and sayde: what is it lorde? He sayde vnto him. Thy prayers and thy almeses ar come vp into remembraunce before God.