1 Bvt it chaunsed wythin a while after, euen in the tyme of whete herueste, that Samson visited his wyfe wyth a Kydde. And when he supposed to haue gone in vnto hys wife into the chamber, her father woulde not suffre hym to go in:
Judges 15:1 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 6:4
4 There were tyrantes in the world in those dayes. For after that the chyldren of god had gone in, vnto the daughters of men, & had begotten them chyldren, the same chyldren were the mightiest of the world, & men of renowne.
Genesis 29:21
21 And Iacob sayed vnto Laban: gyue me my wyfe that I maye lye wyth hyr. For the tyme appoynted me is come.
Genesis 38:17
17 Than sayde he, I wyl sende the a kydd from the flocke. She answered, Than geue me a pledge tyl thou send it.
Luke 15:29
29 He aunswered and sayde to his father: Loo this many yeares haue I done the seruice, neyther brake at any tyme thy commaundement, & yet gauest thou me neuer so muche as a kyd to make mery with my louers: