Romans 11:31 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  31 G3779 Even so G544 have G3778 these G2532 also G3568 now G544 not believed [G5656]   G2443 , that G5212 through your G1656 mercy G846 they G2532 also G1653 may obtain mercy [G5686]  .

Romans 10:16

  16 G235 But G5219 they have G3756 not G3956 all G5219 obeyed [G5656]   G2098 the gospel G1063 . For G2268 Esaias G3004 saith [G5719]   G2962 , Lord G5101 , who G4100 hath believed [G5656]   G2257 our G189 report?

Romans 11:15

  15 G1063 For G1487 if G580 the casting away G846 of them G2643 be the reconciling G2889 of the world G5101 , what G4356 shall the receiving G1508 of them be, but G2222 life G1537 from G3498 the dead?

Romans 11:25

  25 G1063 For G2309 I would [G5719]   G3756 not G80 , brethren G5209 , that ye G50 should be ignorant [G5721]   G5124 of this G3466 mystery G3363 , lest G5600 ye should be [G5753]   G5429 wise G3844 in G1438 your own conceits G3754 ; that G4457 blindness G575 in G3313 part G1096 is happened [G5754]   G2474 to Israel G891 , until G3739   G4138 the fulness G1484 of the Gentiles G1525 be come in [G5632]  .

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.