Galatians 2:4 Cross References - JMNT

4 Yet, through the led-in-at-the-side (or: smuggled-in) false brothers (or: = deceitful or lying fellow believers; or: = imitation members) – folks who entered alongside to spy out (to attentively look down and around, observe and take note of) our freedom which we continuously possess (constantly have and hold) within Christ Jesus, to the end that they will utterly enslave us (or: with a purpose that they shall bring us down into slavery) –

John 8:31-36

31 Therefore, Jesus began saying to the Jews who had trusted and were now believing by Him (or: in Him), "If you yourselves would remain (can dwell; should abide) within My word (My message; My communication; My expressed thought; My Idea), you folks are, and continue being, truly (really; genuinely) My disciples (or: learners from Me), 32 "and you will progressively come to know the Truth (or: Reality; that which is unsealed, open and without concealment) by intimate experience, and the Truth (Reality) will progressively liberate and make (or: set) you free!" 33 The [Jewish leaders] considered and replied to Him, "We are Abraham's seed (offspring; descendants), and we have served as slaves to no one at any time. How are you now saying, 'You will progressively come to be free ones'?" 34 Jesus decidedly answers them, "It is certainly true (Amen, amen). I am now saying to you that everyone habitually doing the failure (constantly making the mis-shot; repeatedly performing the sin; progressively producing error) is (or: exists being) a slave of the failure (the error; the sin; the mis-shot; the mistake; the deviation). 35 "Now the slave is not remaining (dwelling; abiding) within the house (= having no perpetual place in the household) on into the Age. The son continuously remains (dwells; abides) on into the Age. 36 "Therefore, if the Son should (or: would) at some point liberate or begin to make (or: set) you free, you folks will progressively exist being free ones in your very essence and being.

Acts 15:1

1 Later, certain men, having come down from Judea, began teaching the brothers that, "Unless you folks should (or: would) get circumcised within (or: by) the custom of Moses [D reads: and should habitually walk (= order your lives) in (by) the custom of Moses], you continue without power to be saved (or: you continue unable to be healed, made whole or returned to the original state and condition)."

Acts 15:24

24 "Since we hear (or: heard) that certain folks going out from among us disturbed (agitated; troubled; perplexed) you folks with words (or: by messages; in thoughts) progressively dismantling (breaking up the camp of; bankrupting by removing the furniture of; remodeling) your inner lives (souls) – to whom we of ourselves gave no distinctive decision, thorough arrangement, determined instruction or assignment –

Acts 20:30

30 "and men from among you yourselves (= from your own community) will of themselves proceed standing up, repeatedly speaking things having been thoroughly turned and twisted (things that are distorted and not straight), to progressively drag (or: draw; [D & p41 read: turn]) away the disciples behind (thus: after) themselves.

Romans 8:15

15 For you folks did (or: do) not receive again a spirit of slavery to fear (or: get slavery’s spirit or breath-effect again, unto fear; or: take an attitude which personifies being a slave [in Egypt or under the Law, leading] into fear again), but rather you received a spirit of being placed as a son (or: a Breath-effect which set you in the position of a son; or: you receive an attitude of one having been adopted [in accord with Greek or Roman law]), within which (or: in union with Whom) we are habitually crying out, “Abba (Dad), O Father!”

2 Corinthians 3:17

17 Now the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] continuously exists being the Spirit (or: Yet the Breath-effect is the Lord), so where [the] Lord's Breath-effect (Spirit; Attitude) [blows, there is] freedom (or: and so in the place in which the Breath-effect – the Spirit – which is [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] [blows], liberty [comes]).

2 Corinthians 11:13

13 For such folks [are] false emissaries (pseudo-representatives) – fraudulent and deceitful workers – constantly changing their outward fashion and transforming themselves into emissaries of Christ (representatives of [the] Anointed One).

2 Corinthians 11:17

17 What I am presently speaking I am speaking not down from or in accord with [the] Lord (Master; Owner; [= Christ or Yahweh]), but to the contrary, as within senselessness (foolishness; imprudence) – within this assumed position as a basis for boasting:

2 Corinthians 11:20

20 In fact, you constantly put up with anyone if he is progressively bringing you down to slavery (or: is completely enslaving you as his habit) – if someone is repeatedly devouring; if someone is constantly taking [you] in hand; if someone is progressively elevating himself or lifting himself up upon [you]; if someone is continuously bringing the lash into your face (flaying you with a whip so as to remove the skin and eat into the face)! (= you folks constantly tolerate tyranny, abusive insults, pride and arrogance, as well as being drained of resources, being manipulated and being restrained.)

2 Corinthians 11:26

26 on journeys often (many times); in dangers (perils) of rivers (or: floods); in dangers of robbers (perils of plunderers); in dangers from out of [my] race (kindred); in dangers from out of the multitudes of ethnic groups ([the] nations); in dangers within city; in dangers within a desolate place (wilderness); in dangers at sea; in dangers among false-brothers (= pseudo-believers; or: = Family members who lie and deal falsely);

Galatians 3:23-26

23 So before the [time, or, event for] the Faith to come (or: prior to the coming of this trust, assurance and conviction), we were being continuously confined and held in custody under the watch of a guard, being folks constantly encircled, enclosed, shut up and locked together by and under Law, [with a view to, aimed and moving] into the Faith and Trust being about to be unveiled (or: revealed; disclosed), 24 so that, consequently, the Law (= Torah) had come to be (had been birthed into existence) and continued being our supervising guardian and attending escort [with a view to, aimed and moving] into Christ, to the end that we could (or: would) be made just, fair and equitable (rightwised; turned in the right direction and placed in right relationship within the Way pointed out; freed from guilt; also = included in covenant) from out of faith, conviction and trust. 25 So now with the coming of the Faith and Trust, we no longer continuously exist (or: are) under [the] supervising guardian or an attending escort [comment: = the Law; Torah]! 26 For you folks are all [i.e., Jew and non-Jew; male and female; slave and freeman] God's sons, through the faith resident within Christ Jesus (or: by means of the trust in union with an Anointing from Jesus)!

Galatians 4:3

3 Thus also we ourselves, when we were progressing from infants to minors, we continued being folks having been enslaved under (or: by) the System's elementary principles (the rows, ranks and series of the organized system of culture, economy, government in secular society and religion, as well as of the world and universe; or: the rudimentary things pertaining to the cosmos).

Galatians 4:9-10

9 Yet now, coming to know God by intimate experience and personal insight – or, rather, being known intimately by God – how are you folks progressively turning around again, upon the weak (feeble; infirm; diseased; impotent) and poor (beggarly) elementary and rudimentary principles to which (for which; in which) you people are presently wanting (and progressively intending) to again become, and perform as, slaves anew (or: back again)? 10 You are for yourselves and in yourselves continuously watching closely and observing days [e.g., sabbaths; days for fasting] and months (or: new moons) and seasons (or: appointed situations [e.g., feasts]) and [sacred] years!

Galatians 4:25

25 Now this Hagar is (= represents) Mount Sinai, within Arabia, and she continuously stands in the same line (or: keeps step in the same rank; marches in a column; walks or stands in a parallel row; or: is habitually rudimentary together; = corresponds to) with the present Jerusalem, for she continues in slavery (or: bondage) with her children.

Galatians 5:1

1 For the [aforementioned] freedom, Christ immediately set us free (or: [The] Anointed One at once frees us in, to, for and with freedom)! Keep on standing firm, therefore, and do not again be habitually held within a yoke of slavery (or: a cross-lever [of a pair of scales] whose sphere is bondage) (or: Continuously stand firm, then, in the freedom [to which the] Anointing sets us free, and let not yourselves be progressively confined again by a yoke pertaining to servitude)!

Galatians 5:10

10 I myself have been convinced so as to be confident (have come to a settled persuasion), [with a view] into you folks – within [the] Lord (Owner; [= Yahweh, or Christ]; or: I am confident in [the] Lord, [directing my thoughts] into you) – that you will [in] nothing continue being disposed otherwise (or: that you will have not [even] one other opinion or frame of mind). Now the person constantly agitating and disturbing you people will lift up and progressively carry (or: bear) the effect of the decision (or: result of [his] sifting and judgment), whoever he or she may be.

Galatians 5:12-13

12 Would that (or: I wish that) those continually unsettling you (causing you to rise up as in an insurrection; thus: disturbing or exciting you folks) will also, one after another, cut themselves away (i.e., amputate themselves from your body [of believers]; or: cut themselves off [note: some read this to mean to mutilate themselves or castrate themselves])! 13 For you folks were called upon the foundation of (on the basis of; for the purpose of) freedom, [my] brothers. Only not (or: Just not) the freedom [which is leading] into a starting point (or: unto an opportunity, occasion or incentive; to a base of operation) for (to; in; by; with) the flesh [comment: = circumcision with the flesh ordinances and ceremonial laws of Judaism; or: = personal license for the estranged human nature], but to the contrary, through the Love [agape: cf vs. 6b, above] be continuously slaving for one another (serving and performing the duties of a slave to each other).

2 Timothy 3:6

6 for you see, forth from out of the midst of these folks are the people repeatedly slipping-in, into the houses, (or: worming their way into households) and habitually leading into captivity little women [note: this is the diminutive of "women, " thus, perhaps: women of undeveloped character, ability, or inward stature. While the word for “woman” is feminine, the noun “little women” and the following participles are neuter – or neutral – so this rare word may be a figure for what was a cultural view for “feminine” aspects of all people, e.g., their feelings and emotions, or general receptive qualities] – those having been piled on and now being heaped up with failures (errors; misses of the target; deviations from the goal; sins), being constantly, or from time to time, led by (or: in; to) various (diverse; many-colored) over-desires (or: full passions; wants and wishes that are rushed upon) [A adds: and gratifications],

1 Peter 2:16

16 as free folks (those not bound) – and not continually holding (or: having) the freedom as a covering (or: a veil) of worthlessness (bad quality; evil; poorness of situation) – but still, as God's slaves.

2 Peter 2:1-2

1 Yet false prophets also birthed themselves (or: Now of themselves folks who pretended to have light ahead of time, or who had false knowledge and spoke before folks, came to be) among the People – as also false teachers will continue existing (or: being) among you folks, ones who will proceed to stealthily introduce (or: will continue bringing in alongside or smuggling in) destructive choices (or: destructive sects or schools; heresies marked by, and which pertain to, loss or destruction) even repeatedly denying (disowning; disclaiming) the Sovereign Owner (or: Absolute Master) having purchased them (or: buying them at the gathering, or market, place), continuously bringing swift loss, ruin or destruction upon themselves. 2 And many will progressively follow out to (for; in; by) their outrageous behaviors (extravagant or licentious conducts), on account of whom (or: because of which ones) the Way [other MSS: the glory] of the Truth and Reality will proceed being blasphemed (vilified; defamed; misrepresented with abusive slander; or: having its light hindered),

2 Peter 2:19

19 while constantly promising freedom (or: liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist inherently being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) – for you see, by whom (or: by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (or: less), to this one (or: by this thing) he has [some MSS add: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave.

1 John 4:1

1 Beloved ones, stop believing (or: you must not continually believe or put trust in; being loyal or pledging allegiance to) every spirit (or: expression of some influence; breath-effect; attitude), but rather, you folks must constantly examine, test and prove the spirits (influences; attitudes) to assay (or: prove) if they are existing from out of God, because many false prophets have gone (or: come) out into the ordered System (world of societal culture, government, economy and religion) and continue there.

Jude 1:4

4 For you see, some people came in unobserved, from the side – those having been previously written of old into this judgment (or: people having from long ago been written into the effects and result of this decision): [to exist being] impious ones, people continuously changing the grace and favor of God into licentiousness, as well as repeatedly denying and disowning our only Sovereign and Lord (or: Supreme Ruler and Owner), Jesus Christ [= Messiah].

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.