Galatians 2:1 Cross References - JMNT

1 Later, after a period of fourteen years, I again walked up into Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus, also, along with me.

Acts 4:36-37

36 Now Joseph, the one from among the sent-forth folks being surnamed "Barnabas" – which is normally being translated and interpreted "A son of comfort, consolation and encouragement (or: One who has the character and qualities of being an aid-giver and a helpful assistant; a son of a paraclete {or: the Paraclete})" – a Levite, a Cyprian by country of origin, 37 upon selling a field belonging to him, brought the money and placed (deposited) [it] beside the feet of the sent-forth folks (= set it to be at the disposal of the representatives).

Acts 11:25

25 So he went forth into Tarsus to hunt up (to seek up and down as well as back and forth for; = to make a thorough search for) Saul,

Acts 11:30

30 which, also, they did, sending [it] off to the older men (or: elders) through [the] hand (= by the means or personal agency) of Barnabas and Saul.

Acts 12:25

25 Yet Barnabas and Saul, after returning out of [D reads: from; other MSS: into] Jerusalem [E and other witnesses add: into Antioch], [are] fulfilling the dispensing and attending service – having taken along with [them] John, the one surnamed Mark.

Acts 13:2

2 So, in the midst of their continually doing public work (service for the people) for (or: in; to; by; with) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], as well as periodically fasting, the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) said, "Now therefore, you folks section off (mark off boundaries so as to define) Barnabas and Saul – to (or: for; by; in; with) Me – into the work toward which I Myself have called (or: summoned) them."

Acts 13:50

50 But the Jews incited and spurred on the reverent, respectable (or: reputable; influential; of good form and decorum) women, as well as the leading (principal; foremost) men of the city, and they aroused (raised up; mounted) a pursuit and persecution upon Paul and Barnabas, and then threw them out of their midst – away from their boundaries (= city limits; or: territory; district).

Acts 14:12

12 Furthermore, they began calling Barnabas, "Zeus," yet Paul, "Hermes," since he himself continued being the one constantly taking the lead with reference to the Logos (or: was the leader of the message; or: continued taking the lead from the Word; or: was repeatedly guiding the discourse).

Acts 15:2-4

2 But [p74, A & others: Therefore] with there coming to be no little occurrence of taking positions (making stands in the dissension) as well as of debating, disputing and seeking a resolution [to the question] by (or: with; or: to) Paul and Barnabas, face to face with them, they made arrangements for Paul and Barnabas – and certain others from among them – to now go up unto Jerusalem, to the sent-forth folks and older men concerning the effect of this seeking (or: about this question) [D reads: ... face to face with them, for Paul, insisting firmly, continued telling {them} to remain thus, according as they had believed. Yet the men who had come from Jerusalem passed on instruction to them for Paul and Barnabas – and some other folks – to now go up to face the sent-forth ones, even {the} elders, in Jerusalem so that they could have a decision made upon them about this matter in question]. 3 Accordingly (or: Indeed, therefore), after being sent forward (or: = being helped forward [on their journey]; or: being escorted [part way]) by the called-out community, they themselves continued passing through both Phoenicia and Samaria, repeatedly relating in detail the turning about (= the conversion) of the ethnic multitudes (the non-Jews; the [people] of the nations). And thus they continued producing (making; causing; creating) great joy for (in; to) all the brothers (= fellow believers). 4 Now on having come to be alongside (= upon arriving) into the midst of Jerusalem, they were welcomely received as part of the group by the called-out community – even the sent-forth folks, including the older men (or: the elders) – and so they recounted (or: reported) whatever (or: as many things as) God had done in accompaniment with them.

Acts 15:25

25 "in coming to be like-minded (of one accord; unanimous), it seemed [good; productive] to us, by choosing men out from ourselves, to send [them] to you, together with our beloved Barnabas and Paul:

Acts 15:36-39

36 Now after some days, Paul said to Barnabas, "In returning (= retracing our journey), doubtless we can and should visit and look in on the brothers, city by city, in every one in which we brought the message down, and announced the Logos of the Lord (or: the Word of [Yahweh]; the idea of the [Christ]; the message from the Lord), [to see] how they continue holding [it] (or: how they progressively have [it]; or: = how they are now getting on)." 37 However, Barnabas kept on wanting – and stuck with intending – to take along together with [them] also John, the one normally being called Mark. 38 Yet Paul kept on thinking it not fitting (of appropriate worth) to continue taking along with them this one – the person having withdrawn from them, away from Pamphylia, and not going together with them into the work [D adds: into which they were sent]. 39 So there occurred a sharp dispute, with the result for them to at once be pulled apart and disunited from one another. And thus at that point Barnabas, taking along Mark, set sail unto Cyprus.

1 Corinthians 9:6

6 Or, are only Barnabas and I continuing to have no right (privilege; authority) not to be habitually active in a trade (not to be constantly working)?

2 Corinthians 8:16

16 Now grace [is] in and with God (or: Yet favor [is] by God; or, perhaps: But thanks [be] to God) – in (or: by; with) the One constantly imparting within the heart of Titus this very same haste and earnest, diligent care over you folks,

2 Corinthians 8:23

23 So whether concerning Titus – my partner (person of common being and existence) and co-worker [dispensing] into you people – or whether our brothers (= fellow believers), [they are] those sent forth pertaining to the called-out folks: Christ's glory (or: [these are] emissaries and representatives who belong to the called-out communities – a good reputation for the Anointed One and a manifestation which brings Him praise).

Galatians 1:18

18 Later on, after three years, I went up into Jerusalem to become acquainted with (or: to inquire of, examine and get information from) Cephas [some MSS: Peter] while visiting him and relating my story to him, and then stayed on with him for fifteen days.

Galatians 2:3

3 However, not even Titus – the one with me – was compelled or even strongly urged to be circumcised, although being a Greek!

Galatians 2:13

13 And so the rest of the Jews also, as a group, came under the decision to separate with (or: to) him, so that even Barnabas was jointly brought along (or: led away together) by their [Law]-based separation (or: their perverse judgment which ended in a base decision; or: = legalistic behavior).

Colossians 4:10

10 Aristarchus, my fellow captive (the one taken at spear-point, together with me), continues embracing and greeting you folks, as does Mark, cousin of Barnabas, concerning whom you received goal-oriented directions [that] if he should ever come to you, receive (accept and hospitably welcome) him,

Titus 1:4

4 To Titus, a genuine born-one (legitimate child [one born in wedlock]) down from and corresponding to a common and partnered (equally owned, shared and participated-in) faith, trust and loyalty: Grace (or: Favor), and peace [= shalom; A, C2 & others: mercy; compassion], [are; continue coming] from Father God (or: God [the] Father) – even Christ Jesus, our Deliverer (or: and [the] Anointed Jesus, our Savior, Rescuer and Restorer to health, wholeness and our original condition; as well as from [the Messiah], Jesus, our Safe-keeper).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.