1 And there was one Iephthaha Gileadite, a strong man, the sonne of an harlott: and Gilead begat Iephthah.
2 And Gileads wyfe bare him sonnes, which when they were come to age, thrust out Iephthah, and sayd vnto him: thou shalt not enheret in oure fathers house, for thou art the sonne of a straung woman.
3 Then Iephtah fledd from his brethren, & dwelt in the land of Tob. And there geathered ydle men to Iephthah, and went out wt him.
4 And it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the children of Ammon made warre agaynst Israel.
5 And whan the children of Ammon fought thus agaynst Israel, the elders of Gilead went to fett Iephthah out of the land of Tob
6 and sayd vnto him: come & be oure captayne, that we maye fyght wt the children of Ammon.
7 Iephthah answered the elders of Gilead: did not ye hate me & expell me out of my fathers house? how happeneth it then, that you come vnto me now in tyme of youre tribulacion?
8 And the elders of Gilead sayde vnto Iephthah: Therfore we turne agayne to the now, that thou mayest go wt vs, & fight agaynst the children of Ammon and be oure heed ouer all the enhabiters of Gilead.
9 And Iephthah sayde vnto the elders of Gilead: If ye brynge me home agayn, to fight with the children of Ammon, then yf the Lord deliuer them before me, shall I be your heed?
10 And the elders of Gilead sayde to Iephthah: that Lorde be witnesse betwene vs yf we do not according to thy wordes.
11 Then Iephthah went wyth the elders of Gilead. And the people made hym heed and ruler ouer them. And Iephthah rehearsed all hys wordes before the Lorde in Mizpa.
12 And Iephthah sent messenges vnto the king of the children of Ammon, saying: what hast thou to do wt me, that thou art come agaynst me, to fight in my land?
13 The king of the children of Ammon answered vnto the messengers of Iephthah: Because Israel toke awaye my land, when they came out of Egypt: euen from Arnon vnto Iabok, and vnto Iordan. Now therfore restore those landes agayne wt faire meanes.
14 And Iephthah sent messegers again vnto the children of Ammon
15 and sayd vnto him: thus sayth Iepthah: Israel toke not awaye the land of Moab, nor the land of the children of Ammon.
16 But when Israel came out of Egypt, & walked thorow the wildernesse, euen vnto the redd see, they came to Cades
17 & sent messengers vnto the king of Edom, saying: let me (I praye the) go thorow thy land. But the king of Edom wolde not agre therto. And in lyke maner they sent vnto the king of Moab, but he wold not consent. And so Israel abode stil in Cades.
18 And then they went along thorow the wildernesse, & compased the lande of Edom, & the land of Moab, & came a long by the east syde of the land of Moab, & pitched on the othersyde of Arnon, & wolde not come with in the coaste of Moab: for Arnon was the vtmost border of Moab.
19 And then Israel sent messengers vnto Schon, king of the Amorites, & king of Hesbon, & sayd vnto him: Lett vs passe thorow thy land vnto oure awne contreye.
20 But Sehon consented not to Israel, that he shulde go thorow hys coast: but gathered all his people togeather, & pitched in Iazah, & fought wt Israel.
21 And the Lord God of Israel delyuered Sehon & all his folke into the handes of Israel. And so Israel smote them & conquered all the land of the Amorites, the enhabiters of the sayde contrey.
22 And they conquered all the coastes of the Amorites, from Arnon vnto Iabok, & from the wildernesse vnto Iordan.
23 So now, seyng the Lorde God of Israel hath cast out the Amorites before hys people Israel, shuldest thou possesse the land?
24 Naye, but what people, Camos thy God dryueth out, that land possesse thou. Euen so whatsoeuer nacion the Lorde oure God expelleth, that lande ought we to enioye.
25 And art thou better then Balack the sonne of Zephor king of Moab? dyd he striue wt Israel or fyght agaynst them,
26 all the whyle Israel dwelt in Hesbon and her townes, in Aroer & her townes, & in all the cyties that be a longe by the coastes of Arnon, thre hundred yeres? why dydist thou not recouer them in all that space?
27 Wherfore I haue not synned agaynst the. But thou doest me wronge, to warre agaynst me. The Lorde therfore which is a Iudge be Iudge thys daye betwene the children of Israel, and the children of Ammon.
28 Howbeit the kynge of the chyldren of Ammon, harkened not vnto the wordes of Iephthah, which he sent him.
29 Then the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Iephthah. And he passed ouer to Gylead & to Manasses, & came to Mazphah that lieth in Gilead, and from thence vnto the chyldren of Ammon.
30 And Iephthah vowed a vowe vnto the Lord, and sayd: If thou shalt delyuer the chyldren of Ammon into my handes,
31 then that thinge that cometh oute of the dores of my house against me, when I come home in peace, from the chyldren of Ammon, shalbe the Lordes, and I wyll offer it vp for a burnt offering:
32 And so Iephthah went vnto the children of Ammon to fyght wt them. And the Lord delyuered them into hys handes.
33 And he smote them from Aroer tyll thou come to Menith, euen .xx. cytes: and so forth to the playne of the vyneyardes, with an exceding great slaughter. And thus the children of Ammon were brought vnder, before the chyldren of Israel
34 When Iephthah came to Mazphah vnto his house, se, his daughter came out agaynst him, with tymberelles & daunses, which was his onely childe: so that besyde her, he had nether sonne, nor daughter.
35 And when he sawe her, he rent his clothes, and sayde: Alas my daughter, thou hast brought me lowe, and art one of them that trouble me. For I haue opened my mouth vnto the Lord, and cannot go backe.
36 And she sayd vnto him: my father, yf thou haue opened thy mouth vnto the Lorde, then do wt me accordyng to it that proceaded out of thy mouth, for as moch as the Lorde hath aduenged the of thyne enemyes the chyldren of Ammon.
37 And she sayde vnto her father: do thys moche for me: lett me alone two monethes, that I maye go downe to the mountaynes, & be wayle my virginyte, I & my felowes.
38 And he sayd: go, & he sent her awaye two monethes. And so she went with her companions, & lamented her maydenheed vpon the mountaynes.
39 And after the ende of the two monethes, she turned agayne vnto her father, which dyd with her accordynge to hys vowe which he had vowed, & she had knowne no man. And it grewe to a custome in Israel.
40 The daughters of Israel came yere by yere to lament the daughter of Iephthah the Gyleadite, foure dayes in a yere
Judges 11 Cross References - Great
Judges 6:12
12 & the angell of the Lord apeared vnto hym, & sayde: the Lord is wyth the, thou mightie man of warre.
2 Kings 5:1
1 Naaman, captayne of the Hoste of the kynge of Siria, was a greate man, and honorable in the syght of his master: because that by him the Lorde had geuen health vnto Siria. He was also a myghtie man, and experte in warre, but he was a leper.
Hebrews 11:32
32 And what shall I more saye: for the tyme wyll be to short for me to tell of Gedon, of Barach, & of Sampson, & of Iephthae, of Dauid also & Samuel, & of the Prophetes:
Genesis 12:10
10 But there was a derth in that londe, and therfore wente Abram downe in to Egypte, that he myght soiourne there, for there was a sore derth in the londe.
Deuteronomy 23:2
2 And he that is borne of a comen woman, shall not come into the congregacyon of the Lorde, no not in the tenth generacyon he shall not entre into the congregacyon of the Lorde.
Proverbs 2:16
16 That thou mayest be deliuered also from the straunge woman, and from her that is not thyne awne: which geueth swete wordes,
Proverbs 5:3
3 For the lyppes of an harlot are a droppyng hony combe and her throte is more glisterynge them oyle.
Proverbs 5:20
20 My sonne, why wylt thou haue pleasure in an harlot, & embrace the bosome, of another woman?
Proverbs 6:24-26
Galatians 4:30
30 Neuerthelesse, what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman.
Judges 9:4
4 And they gaue him .lxx. peces of syluer out of the temple of Baal Berith, where wyth Abimelech hyred vayne and lyght personnes which went with him.
1 Samuel 22:2
2 And there geathered vnto him all men that were in combraunce, and in dett, and troubled in their mindes, & he became a captayne ouer them And there were with hym vpon a foure hundred men.
1 Samuel 27:2
2 And Dauid arose, & he & the syxe hundred men that were wt him went vnto Achis, the sonne of Maoch, king of Geth.
1 Samuel 30:22-24
22 Then answered all the wycked & the vnthriftes (of the men that went with Dauid) & sayde: because they went not with vs, therfore will we geue them none of the praye, that we haue recouered, But let euery man take hys wyfe and hys chyldren: Those lett them cary awaye, and be walkynge.
23 Then sayde Dauid: ye shall not do so (my brethren) wt that which the Lord hath geuen vs, & hath preserued vs, & delyuered the companye that came agaynst vs, into oure handes.
24 For who shuld herken vnto you in thys matter? But as hys parte is that goeth downe & fyghteth, so shall his parte be, that taryeth by the stuffe, that it maye be parted alyke.
2 Samuel 10:6
6 And when the chyldren of Ammon saw that they stancke in the sight of Dauid, they sent and hired the Syrians of the house of Rehob, & the Sirians of Zoba .xx. thousand fote men, and of kyng Maacha a thousand men, & of Istob twelue thousand men.
2 Samuel 10:8
8 And the children of Ammon came out, and waged battell at the entring in of the gate, & the Sirians of Zobah, of Rehob, Istob and Maacah were by them selues in the felde.
Job 30:1-10
1 But now they that are younger then I, haue me in derysion: yee, euen they, whose fathers I wolde haue thought scorne to haue set with the dogges of my catell.
2 The power & strength of their handes might do me no good: for the tyme is but lost among them.
3 For very misery and honger, they fled in to the wyldernesse horrible & waist,
4 pluckynge vp nettels amonge the busshes, and the Iuniper rotes for their meate.
5 And when they were dryuen forth, men cryed after them, as it had bene after a thefe.
6 Their dwelling was besyde foule brokes, yee, in the caues and dennes of the earth.
7 Amonge the busshes wente they aboute crying, and vnder the thornes they gathered them selues together.
8 They were the chyldren of fooles and vylaines, which are vexed out of the worlde.
9 Now am I their songe, and am become their ieastinge stock:
10 they abhorre me, and flye farre fro me, and stayne my face with spetle.
Acts 17:5
5 But the Iewes which beleued not, had indignacion and toke vnto them euyll men, which were vagabundes, and gathered a company, and set all the cytie on a roare, & made assaute vnto the house of Iason, & sought to brynge them out to the people.
Judges 10:9
9 Moreouer, the children of Ammon went ouer Iordan to fight agaynst Iuda, Beniamin, and the house of Ephraim: so that Israel was sore combred,
Judges 10:17-18
17 Then the children of Ammon geathered togeather, & pitched in Gilead. And the children of Israel geathered them togeather, & pitched in Mizpa.
18 And the Lords of Gilead sayd eche to other: whosoeuer will beginne the battell agaynst the children of Ammon, the same shalbe hed ouer all the enhabiters of Gilead.
1 Samuel 10:27
27 But the chyldren of Belial sayde: howe shall he saue vs? and they despised him, and brought him no presentes. And he helde is tonge.
1 Samuel 11:6-7
6 And the sprete of God came vpon Saul, when he heard those tydinges, and he was excedyng angrye,
7 and toke a yocke of oxen, and hewed them in peces, & sent them thorowe out all the coastes of Israel by the handes of messengers, sayeng: whosoeuer commeth not forth after Saul and after Samuel, so shall hys oxen be serued. And the feare of the Lorde fell on the people, and they cam out as it had bene but one man.
1 Samuel 11:12
12 And the people sayde vnto Samuel: what is he that darre saye: shall Saul raygne ouer vs? brynge those men, that we maye slaye them.
Psalms 118:22-23
Acts 7:35-39
35 This Moses whom they forsoke (saying: who made the a ruler and a iudge?) the same dyd God sende to be a ruler and a delyuerer, by the handes of the aungell which appeared to hym in the busshe.
36 And the same brought them out, shewynge wondres and signes in Egypt, and in the red see, and in the wyldernes fourty yeres.
37 Thys is that Moses, which sayde vnto the children of Israel: A prophete shall the Lord your God rayse vp vnto you of your brethren, like vnto me, him shall ye heare.
38 This is he that was in the congregacion, in the wildernes with the angel (which spake to hym in the mount Sina) and with our fathers. This man receaued the word of life to geue vnto vs,
39 to whom our fathers wold not obey, but cast it from them, and in theyr hertes turned backe agayne into Egypt,
1 Corinthians 1:27-29
27 But God hath chosen the folisshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosen the weake thynges, of the worlde, to confounde thynges whych are myghtye.
28 And vyle thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, yee and thinges of no reputacyon, for to brynge to nought thynges of reputacyon,
29 that no flesshe shulde reioyce in hys presence.
Genesis 26:27
27 And Isahac sayde vnto them: wherfore come ye to me, seinge ye hate me & haue put me awaye from you?
Genesis 37:27
27 come on and let vs sell hym to the Ismaelytes, and let not oure hande be vpon hym: for he is oure brother and oure fleshe. And hys brethren were content.
Genesis 45:4-5
4 And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethren: come nere to me, and they came nere. And he sayde: I am Ioseph youre brother whom ye solde in to Egypte.
5 Nowe therfore be not greued ther wyth, nether let it seme a cruel thynge in your eyes, that ye solde me hyther. For God dyd send me before you to saue lyfe.
Proverbs 17:17
17 He is a frende that all waye loueth, and in aduersyte a man shall knowe who is hys brother.
Isaiah 60:14
14 Moreouer, those shall come knelyng vnto the, that haue vexed the: and all they that despysed the, shall fall downe at thy fote. Thou shalt be called the cytie of the Lorde, Sion the cytie of the holy one of Israel.
Acts 7:9-14
9 And the patriarkes hauing indygnacyon solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with hym,
10 and delyuered hym out of al his aduersities, and gaue him fauour & wysdome in the syght of Pharao kynge of Egypte. And he made hym gouernoure ouer Egypte, and ouer all hys housholde.
11 But ther came a derth ouer all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great afflyccion that our fathers founde no sustenaunce.
12 But when Iacob hearde that there was corne in Egypt he sent our fathers first.
13 And at the second tyme, Ioseph was knowen of his brethren, & Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao.
14 Then sent Ioseph a message, and caused hys father to be brought, and all his kynne .lxxv. soules.
Revelation 3:9
9 Beholde, I make them of the congregacyon of Sathan, whych call them selues Iewes, and are not, but do lye: Beholde, I wyll make them that they shall come, and worshypp before thy fete: and shall knowe, that I haue loued the.
Exodus 8:8
8 Then Pharao called for Moses & Aaron and sayde praye ye vnto the Lorde, that he maye take awaye the frogges from me & from my people, and I wyll let the people goo, that they maye do sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
Exodus 8:28
28 And Pharao sayd: I will let you go, that ye maye sacrifice vnto the Lorde youre God in the wildernesse: but go not farre awaye, praye for me.
Exodus 9:28
28 Praye ye vnto the Lorde: for it is moch that there shulde be thonders of God & hayle. I will let you go, and ye shall tary no longer.
Exodus 10:17
1 Kings 13:6
6 And the kynge answered, and sayde vnto the man of God. Oh praye vnto the Lorde thy God, and make intercessyon for me, that my hande maye be restored me agayne. And the man of God besought the Lorde, and the kynges hande was restored agayne, & became as it was afore.
Luke 17:3-4
Numbers 32:20-29
20 And Moses sayde vnto them: yf ye will do this thinge, and goo harnessed before the Lorde to warre,
21 and wyll go all of you in harnesse ouer Iordan before the Lorde, vntyll he haue cast out his enemies before him:
22 and vntyll the lande be subdued before the Lorde, then ye shall returne and be without synne before the Lord and before Israel, and this lande shalbe youre possessyon before the Lorde.
23 But and yf ye wyll not do so, beholde, ye haue synned agaynst the Lord: and be sure, youre synne wyll fynde you out.
24 Nowe therfore, buylde cityes for youre chyldren, and foldes for your shepe, and do that ye haue spoken.
25 The children of Gad and the children of Ruben spake vnto Moses, sayinge: thy seruauntes wyll do as my lorde commaundeth.
26 Our chyldren, our wyues, oure shepe and our catell shall remayne here in the cityes of Gilead.
27 But thy seruauntes wyll goo all harnessed for the warre, and vnto battayll before the Lorde, as my lorde sayth.
28 And for theyr sakes, Moses commaunded Eleazar the preast, and Iosua the sonne of Nun, and the auncient fathers of the trybes of the chyldren of Israel:
29 and Moses saide vnto them: If the children of Gad and the children of Ruben wyll go with you ouer Iordan, all prepared to fyght before the Lord, then when the lande is subdued before you, ye shall geue them the lande of Gilead to possesse:
Genesis 16:5
5 And Sarai sayde vnto Abram: Thou dost me wronge: I haue geuen my mayde into thy bosome. Whych seynge that she hath conceaued, I am despysed in hyr eyes, the Lorde iudge betwene the and me.
Genesis 21:23
23 And nowe therfore swere vnto me euen here by God, that thou wylt not hurt me nor my chyldren, nor my chyldrens chyldren. But that thou shalt deale with me and the contre where thou hast bene a straunger, accordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue shewed the.
Genesis 31:50
50 If thou shalt vexe my daughters or shalt take other wyues beside my daughters. Here is no man with vs: beholde, God be witnesse betwixte the and me.
Genesis 31:53
53 The God of Abraham, the God of Nahor, & the God of theyr fathers be iudge betwyxte vs. And Iacob sware by the feare of hys father Isahac.
Exodus 20:7
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne, for the Lorde wyll not holde him gyltlesse that taketh his name in vayne.
Deuteronomy 1:16
16 And I charged youre Iudges that same tyme saying: heare the cause of your brethren and iudge ryghteously betwene euery man and hys brother, and the straunger that is with hym.
1 Samuel 12:5
5 He sayde vnto them agayne: the Lord is witnesse agaynst you, & hys anoynted is wytnesse thys daye, that ye haue founde naught in my handes. And they answered: he is wytnesse.
1 Samuel 24:12
12 The Lord be iudge betwene the and me, and the Lorde aduenge me of the. But myne hand be not vpon the.
Jeremiah 29:23
23 because they synned shamefully in Israel. For they haue not onely defiled their neyghbours wyues, but also preached lyinge wordes in my name, which I haue not commaunded them. This I testifye, and assure, sayth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 42:5
5 And they sayde vnto Ieremy. The Lord of trueth & faithfulnes be oure recorde, that we wyll do all that the Lorde thy God commaundeth vs,
Zechariah 5:4
4 & I wyl brynge it furth (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) so that it shall come to the house of the thefe, & to the house of him, that falsly sweareth by my name: & shall remayne in hys house, & consume it, wt the tymbre and stones therof.
Malachi 3:5
5 I wyll come and punyshe you, and I my selfe wyl be a swyfte wytnes agaynst the witches, agaynste the aduouterers, agaynst false swearers: yee, & agaynst those that wrongeously kepe back the hyrelynges dewty: which vexe the wyddowes and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, saieth the Lorde of hostes.
Romans 1:9
9 For God is my wytnes (whom I serue. Wyth my sprete in the Gospell of hys sonne) that wythout ceasynge I make mencyon of you prayinge allwayes in my prayers,
2 Corinthians 11:31
31 (
Joshua 15:38
38 Deleam, Mizpa, and Iektheel:
Judges 10:17
17 Then the children of Ammon geathered togeather, & pitched in Gilead. And the children of Israel geathered them togeather, & pitched in Mizpa.
Judges 20:1
1 Then all the chyldren of Israel went out: and the congregacyon was gathered togeather as it had bene but one man, euen from Dan to Berseba and vnto the lande of Gilead, vnto the Lorde in Mizpa,
1 Samuel 10:17
17 And Samuel called the people together vnto the Lorde to Mizpa,
1 Samuel 11:15
15 And all the people went to Gilgal, & made Saul kyng there, before the Lorde in Gilgal. And there they offered peaceofferynges before the Lorde. And there Saul and all the men of Israel reioysed excedyngly.
1 Samuel 23:9-12
9 And Dauid hauing knowlege that Saul imagened myschef against him, sayd, to Abiathar the preast: Bryng the Ephod.
10 Then sayde Dauid: O Lord God of Israel, thi seruaunt hath heard, that Saul is about to come against keila to destroye the cytie for my sake:
11 Wyll the men of keyla delyuer me into hys hande? And will Saul come downe, as thy seruaunt hath heard saye? O Lord God of Israel, tell they seruaunt. And the Lorde sayde: he will come downe.
12 Then sayd Dauid: will the men of keila delyuer me and the men that are with me into the hand of Saul? & the Lord sayde: they will betraye you.
1 Kings 3:7-9
7 And nowe, O Lord my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father, And I am but yonge, and wote not howe to go out and in.
8 And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people, which thou haste chosen. And verely, the people are so manye, that they cannot be tolde nor nombred for multitude.
9 Geue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge hert, to iudge thy people, that I maye decerne betwene good and bad. For who is able to iudge thys, thy so myghtye a people?
2 Corinthians 3:5
5 not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke eny thyng, as of our selues: but yf we be able vnto any thinge the same commeth of God,
James 1:5
5 If eny of you lacke wysdome, let hym aske of him that geueth it: euen God, which geueth to all men indifferentlye, and casteth no man in the teeth: and it shalbe geuen him.
James 1:17
17 Euery good gyfte, and euery parfayt gyft, is from aboue, and commeth downe from the father of lyghtes wt whome is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
Numbers 20:14
14 And Moses sent messengers from Cades vnto the kynge of Edom. Thus sayeth thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauell that hath happened vs,
Numbers 21:21
21 And Israel sent messengers vnto Sehon, kynge of the Amorites, sayinge:
Deuteronomy 2:26
26 And so I sent messengers out of the wyldernesse of kedemoth vnto Sehon kynge of Hesbon, with wordes of peace, sayinge:
Deuteronomy 20:10-11
2 Kings 14:8-12
8 Then Amaziahu sent messengers to Iehoas the sonne of Iehoahaz sonne of Iehu kynge of Israel, sayinge: come, let vs se eche other.
9 And Iehoas the kynge of Israel sent to Amaziahu kynge of Iuda, sayinge: dyd not a thystle that is in libanon, sende to a Cedre tre that is in Libanon, sayinge: geue thy daughter to my sonne to wyfe: And the wylde beaste that was in Libanon, went and troade downe the thistell.
10 Thou hast smytten Edom, thyne hart hath made the proude: Enioye thys glory, & tarye at home. Why dost thou prouoke to mischeue, that thou shuldest be ouerthrowen, and Iuda wyth the?
11 But Amaziahu wolde not heare. And Iehoas kynge of Israel went vp, and he and Amaziahu kynge of Iuda sawe ether other at Bethsames whych is in Iuda.
12 And Iuda was put to the worse before Israel, and they fled euery man to theyr tentes.
Proverbs 25:8-9
Matthew 18:15-16
Genesis 32:22
22 and toke hys two wyues and hys two maydens, and hys eleuen sonnes, and went ouer the foorde Iabok
Numbers 21:24-26
24 And Israel smote him in the edge of the swerde, and conquered hys lande, from Arnon vnto Iakob: and vnto the chyldren of Ammon. For the border of the chyldren of Ammon was, stronge.
25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all the cyties of the Amorites: in Hesbon and in all the townes that longe therto.
26 For Hesbon was the cytie of Sehon the kynge of the Amorites, whyche fought before agaynst the kynge of the Moabites, and toke all his lande out of hys hande, euen vnto Arnon.
Deuteronomy 2:37
37 onely vnto the lande of the children of Ammon thou camest not, nor vnto euery place of the ryuer Iabock, nor vnto the cyties in the mountaynes, nor vnto whatsoeuer the Lorde oure God forbade vs.
Deuteronomy 3:16
16 And vnto the Rubenites and Gaddites I gaue halfe Gilead vnto the ryuer of Arnon, halfe the valey & beyonde, euen vnto the ryuer Iabock, which is the border of the chyldren of Ammon:
Proverbs 19:5
5 A false witnes shall not remayne vnpunysshed: and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape.
Proverbs 19:9
9 A false witnes shall not remayne vnpunyshed: and he that speaketh lyes shall peryshe.
Psalms 120:7
7 I laboure for peace, but when I speake therof, they make them to battayle.
Romans 12:18
18 If it be possyble, (as moch as is in you) lyue peaceably with all men.
Hebrews 12:14
14 Folow peace with all men and holynes: with out the which no man shall se the Lorde.
1 Peter 3:11
11 Let him eschue euyll, & do good: let him seke peace, and ensue it.
Numbers 21:13-15
13 And they departed thence, and pytched on the other syde of Arnon, which is in the wyldernesse, and commeth oute of the costes of the Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab, betwene Moab and the Amorites.
14 Wherfore it is spoken in the boke of the warre of the Lord, what thynge he dyd in the redd see, & in the ryuers of Arnon.
15 And the heade of the ryuers, that goeth downe to the dwellyng of Ar, and stretcheth vnto the border of Moab:
Numbers 21:27-30
27 Wherfore they saye in the prouerbe: come to Hesbon, and let the cytye of Sehon be bylt & repayred:
28 for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon, and a flamme from the cytie of Sehon, and hath consumed Ar in Moab, and the inheritours of the hye places in Arnon.
29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chamos, ye are vndone, he hath put his sonnes to flyghte, and hys daughters to captiuyte vnto Sehon kynge of the Amorites.
30 Theyr empire is lost from Hesbon vnto Dibon, and we made a wyldernesse euen vnto Nopha, whych reacheth vnto Mediba.
Deuteronomy 2:9
9 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Thou shalt not fyght agaynst the Moabites, nether prouoke them to battell, for I wyll not geue the of their lande to possesse:
Deuteronomy 2:19
19 and whan thou commest nye vnto the chyldren of Ammon, thou shalt not laye sege vnto them, ner moue warre agaynst them. For I wyll not geue the of the lande of the chyldren of Ammon a possessyon,
2 Chronicles 20:10
10 And nowe behold, the chyldren of Ammon, and Moab, & mount Seir, by whom thou woldest not let them of Israel go, when they came out of the lande of Egipte: but they departed from them, & destroyed them not.
Acts 24:12-13
Genesis 14:7
7 And they returnynge, came to En Mispat which is Cades, & smote all the countre of the Amalechytes, and also the Amorites that dwelt in Hazezon Thamar.
Numbers 13:26
26 And they went and came to Moses and Aaron, and vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel, in the wildernes of Pharan: which is Cades, and brought them worde, and also vnto all the congregacion, and shewed them the frute of the lande.
Numbers 14:25
25 and also the Amalekites & Cananites whiche dwell in the playne contreye. Tomorowe turne you, and get you into the wildernesse: euen by the waye of the redd see.
Numbers 20:1
1 And the children of Israel came wt the whole multitude into the deserte of Sin in the fyrst moneth, and the people abode at Cades. And there dyed MirIam, and was buryed there.
Deuteronomy 1:40
40 But as for you, turne youre face, and take youre iourneye into the wildernesse: euen by the waye of the reade see.
Deuteronomy 1:46
46 And so ye abode in Cades a longe ceason, according vnto the tyme that ye remayned in other places.
Joshua 5:6
6 For the children of Israel walked fourty yeres in the wildernesse, tyll all the people of the men of warre that came out of Egipte were consumed, because they harkened not vnto the voyce of the Lorde. Wherfore the Lorde sware, that he wolde not shewe them the land which the Lord sware vnto theyr fathers, that he wolde geue vs, euen a lande that floweth wyth milke & honye.
Numbers 20:14-21
14 And Moses sent messengers from Cades vnto the kynge of Edom. Thus sayeth thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauell that hath happened vs,
15 Oure fathers went doune into Egpte, and we haue dwelt in Egypte a longe tyme, and the Egypcians vexed vs & oure fathers.
16 And whan we cryed vnto the Lorde, he herde oure voyce, and sent an angell, and hath fett vs vp out of Egypt. And beholde, we are in Cades, euen in the vttermost cyte of thy border.
17 We wyll go now thorow thy countre: but we will not go thorowe the feldes or vyneyardes, nether wyll we dryncke of the water of the fountaynes, we wyll go by the kynges hye waye, and nether turne vnto the ryghte hande nor to the lefte, vntyll we be past thy countre.
18 And Edom answered hym. Thou shalt not go by me, lest I come out agaynst the with the swerde.
19 The chyldren of Israel sayde vnto hym: we wyll go by the beaten waye: and yf I and my catell drynke of thy water, I wyll paye for it I wyll but onely (without any harme) go thorowe on my fete.
20 He answered. Thou shalt not go thorowe. And Edom came oute agaynst hym with moche people, and wyth a myghtie power.
21 And thus Edom denied to geue Israel passage thorow his countre: wherfore Israel turned awaye from hym.
Deuteronomy 2:4-9
4 And warne thou the people sayinge: Ye shall go thorowe the coast of youre brethren the chyldren of Esau whyche dwell in Seir, & they shalbe afrayed of you: Take ye good hede vnto your selues therfore.
5 Ye shall not prouoke them, for I wyll not geue you of their lande, no not so moche as a fote bredth because I haue geuen mounte Seir vnto Esau to possess
6 ye shall bye meat of them for money to eate, and ye shall procure water of them for money to drynke.
7 For the Lord thy God hath blessed the in all the workes of thy hande. He knewe thy entrynge into this greate wyldernesse this .xl. yeres, and the Lorde thy God hath bene with the, so that thou hast lacked nothynge.
8 And when we were departed from oure brethren the chyldren of Esau whych dwelt in Seir, the playne waye from Elath & from Ezion Gaber, we turned & went by the waye of the wyldernesse of Moab.
9 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Thou shalt not fyght agaynst the Moabites, nether prouoke them to battell, for I wyll not geue the of their lande to possesse:
Deuteronomy 2:29
29 (as the chyldren of Esau which dwell in Seir, & the Moabites whych dwell in Ar, dyd vnto me) vntyll I be come ouer Iordan, into the lande which the Lorde oure God geueth vs.
Joshua 24:9
9 Then Balak the sonne of Ziphor, king of Moab arose, & warred agaynst Israell, & sent & called Balaam the sonne of Beor for to cursse you.
Numbers 20:22
22 And the chyldren of Israel departed from Cades, and came vnto mount Hor wyth all the congregacyon.
Numbers 21:4-13
4 And they departed from mount Hor by the waye of the redd see: to compasse the land of Edom. And the soule of the people faynted by the waye.
5 And the people spake agaynst God & agaynst Moses wherfore hast thou brought vs oute of Egypte, for to dye in the wildernesse? for here is nether bread nor water, & oure soule lotheth thys lyghte breade.
6 Wherfore the Lorde sent fyerye serpentes amonge the people, whych stonge them: and moche people of Israel dyed.
7 Therfore the people came to Moses and sayde: we haue synned, for we haue spoken agaynst the Lorde & agaynst the, make intercessyon to the Lorde, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses made intercessyon for the people.
8 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: make the a fyrie serpent & set it vp for a sygne, that as many as are bytten, maye loke vpon it, & lyue.
9 And Moses made a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a sygne. And when the serpentes had bytten any man, he behelde the serpent of brasse, and was healed.
10 And the chyldren of Israel departed thence, and pytched in Oboth.
11 And they departed from Oboth, and pitched at the heapes of Abarim: euen in the wyldernesse whyche is by the playne of Moab on the east syde.
12 And they remoued thence, and pytched vpon the ryuer of Zarad.
13 And they departed thence, and pytched on the other syde of Arnon, which is in the wyldernesse, and commeth oute of the costes of the Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab, betwene Moab and the Amorites.
Numbers 22:36
36 And when Balac herde that Balaam was come, he went out to mete hym vnto a cytie of Moab, whiche is in the border of Arnon, euen in the vtmost coast.
Numbers 33:37-44
37 And they remoued from Cades, and pitched in mounte Hor, whiche is in the edge of the lande of Edom.
38 And Aaron the preast went vp into mount Hor at the commaundement of the Lorde, and dyed there, euen in the fourtyth yere, after the chyldren of Israel were come out of the lande of Egypte, and in the fyrst daye of the fyfth moneth.
39 And Aaron was an hundred and .xxiij. yere olde when he died in mount Hor.
40 And king Erad the Canaanite, which dwelte in the south of the lande of Canaan, hearde of the comming of the chyldren of Israel.
41 And they departed from mounte Hor, and pitched in Zalmona.
42 And they departed from Zalmona, and pitched in Phunun.
43 And they departed from Phunun, and pitched in Oboth.
44 And they departed from Oboth, and pitched in Iehabarim, and towarde the border of Moab.
Deuteronomy 2:1-8
1 Then we tourned oure face, & toke oure iourney into the wyldernesse euen by the waye of the read see as the Lorde spake vnto me. And we compassed mount Seir a longe tyme.
2 And the Lord spake vnto me, sayinge:
3 Ye haue compassed thys mountayne longe ynough, tourne you northward.
4 And warne thou the people sayinge: Ye shall go thorowe the coast of youre brethren the chyldren of Esau whyche dwell in Seir, & they shalbe afrayed of you: Take ye good hede vnto your selues therfore.
5 Ye shall not prouoke them, for I wyll not geue you of their lande, no not so moche as a fote bredth because I haue geuen mounte Seir vnto Esau to possess
6 ye shall bye meat of them for money to eate, and ye shall procure water of them for money to drynke.
7 For the Lord thy God hath blessed the in all the workes of thy hande. He knewe thy entrynge into this greate wyldernesse this .xl. yeres, and the Lorde thy God hath bene with the, so that thou hast lacked nothynge.
8 And when we were departed from oure brethren the chyldren of Esau whych dwelt in Seir, the playne waye from Elath & from Ezion Gaber, we turned & went by the waye of the wyldernesse of Moab.
Numbers 21:21-35
21 And Israel sent messengers vnto Sehon, kynge of the Amorites, sayinge:
22 I wyll go thorowe thy lande: we wyll not tourne into thy feldes or vyneyardes, nether drynke of the waters of the well: but we wyll go a longe by the kynges hye waye, vntyll we be past thy countre.
23 But Sehon wolde geue Israel no licence to passe thorowe hys countre, but gethered all hys people together and went oute agaynst Israel into the wyldernesse. And he came to Iaheza and foughte agaynst Israel.
24 And Israel smote him in the edge of the swerde, and conquered hys lande, from Arnon vnto Iakob: and vnto the chyldren of Ammon. For the border of the chyldren of Ammon was, stronge.
25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all the cyties of the Amorites: in Hesbon and in all the townes that longe therto.
26 For Hesbon was the cytie of Sehon the kynge of the Amorites, whyche fought before agaynst the kynge of the Moabites, and toke all his lande out of hys hande, euen vnto Arnon.
27 Wherfore they saye in the prouerbe: come to Hesbon, and let the cytye of Sehon be bylt & repayred:
28 for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon, and a flamme from the cytie of Sehon, and hath consumed Ar in Moab, and the inheritours of the hye places in Arnon.
29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chamos, ye are vndone, he hath put his sonnes to flyghte, and hys daughters to captiuyte vnto Sehon kynge of the Amorites.
30 Theyr empire is lost from Hesbon vnto Dibon, and we made a wyldernesse euen vnto Nopha, whych reacheth vnto Mediba.
31 And thus Israel dwelt in the lande of the Amorites.
32 And Moses sent to serche oute Iaezer, and they toke townes belongynge therto, and rooted oute the Amorites that were there in.
33 And they tourned and went vp towarde Basan. And Og the kynge of Basan came out agaynst them, he and all his people to fyght at Adrei.
34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses, feare him not, for I haue delyuered him in thy hande, and all his people, and hys lande. And thou shalt do to him as thou dydest vnto Sehon the kyng of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon.
35 They smote hym therfore, and his sonnes, and all his people, vntill ther was nothinge lefte him. And they conquered hys lande.
Deuteronomy 2:26-36
26 And so I sent messengers out of the wyldernesse of kedemoth vnto Sehon kynge of Hesbon, with wordes of peace, sayinge:
27 I wyll go thorowe thy lande. I wyll go alonge by the hye waye: I wyll nether turne vnto the ryghte hande nor to the lefte.
28 Thou shalt sell me meate for money for to eate, and geue me drinke for money for to drinke. Onely graunt me, that I maye go thorowe on my fot
29 (as the chyldren of Esau which dwell in Seir, & the Moabites whych dwell in Ar, dyd vnto me) vntyll I be come ouer Iordan, into the lande which the Lorde oure God geueth vs.
30 But Sehon the kynge of Hesbon wolde not let vs passe by him, for the Lord thy God hardened his sprete, & made his herte tough, because he wolde delyuer him into thy hande, as it is come to passe thys daye.
31 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: beholde, I haue begonne to set Sehon and his lande before the: go to and conquere, and possesse his lande.
32 Then both Sehon & all hys people came out agaynst vs to fyght at Iaza.
33 And the Lorde set him before vs, & we smote him and hys sonnes and all hys people.
34 And we toke all his cyties the same ceason, and slue the men, wemen and chyldren of all the cyties, and let nothynge remayne,
35 saue the catell onely we caught vnto oure selues, and the spoyle of the cyties which we toke,
36 from Aroer which is by the brinke of the ryuer of Arnon, & from the cytie that is in the ryuer, vnto Gilead: there was not one cytie to stronge for vs. The Lorde oure God delyuered all vnto vs:
Deuteronomy 3:1-17
1 Then we turned & went vp the waye to Basan. And Og the kynge of Basan came out agaynst vs: he and all hys people to battel at Edrai.
2 And the Lord sayde vnto me: feare him not, for I wyll delyuer hym, & all his people and hys lande into thy hande, and thou shalt do vnto him, as thou dyddest vnto Sehon kinge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon.
3 And so the Lorde oure God delyuered into oure handes, Og also the kynge of Basan and all hys folke. And we smote him, vntyll none was lefte hym alyue.
4 And we toke all his cyties the same ceason (nether was there a cytie which we toke not from them) euen thre score cyties thorow out all the region of Argob, the kyngdome of Og in Basan.
5 All these cyties also were made stronge with hye walles, gates and barres, besyde vnwalled townes a greate meanye.
6 And we vtterly destroyed them, as we dyd vnto Sehon kynge of Hesbon, bringyng to nought all the cyties, with men, wemen and chyldren.
7 But all the catell and the spoyle of the cyties, we caughte for oure selues.
8 And thus we toke the same ceason, out of the hande of two kynges of the Amorites, the lande that was on the other syde Iordan, from the ryuer of Arnon vnto mount Hermon
9 (whych Hermon the Sidons call Syrion, and the Amorites call it Senyr)
10 all the cyties that laye in the playne, and all Gilead and all Basan vnto Salecha and Edrai, cityes of the kyngdome of Og in Basan.
11 For onely Og kynge of Basan remayned of the remnaunt of the gyauntes, whose bed was a bed of yron. And is it not yet at Rabah amonge the chyldren of Ammon? .ix. cubytes doth the length therof conteyne, and foure cubytes the breadth of it, after the cubite of a man.
12 And so we conquered this lande the same tyme, from Aroer whych is by the ryuer of Arnon, vnto halfe mount Gilead, & the cities therof gaue I vnto the Rubenites and Gaddites.
13 And the rest of Gilead and all Basan of the kyngdome of Og, gaue I vnto the halfe trybe of Manasse: euen all the rygyon of Argob with all Basan: which is called the lande of gyauntes.
14 Iair the sonne of Manasse toke all the region of Argob vnto the coastes of Gesuri and Maachati, and called them after hys owne name: Basan Hauoth Iair vnto thys daye.
15 And I gaue Gilead vnto Machir.
16 And vnto the Rubenites and Gaddites I gaue halfe Gilead vnto the ryuer of Arnon, halfe the valey & beyonde, euen vnto the ryuer Iabock, which is the border of the chyldren of Ammon:
17 the playne also and Iordan and the coast therof, from Ceneroth euen vnto the see whych is in the playne, euen the salt see vnder the springes of the hyll, eastwarde.
Joshua 13:8-12
8 For with the other halfe the Rubenites and the Gaddites haue receaued theyr enheritaunce, whych Moses gaue them beyonde Iordan eastwarde: euen as Moses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue them:
9 from Aroer that lyeth on the brym of the ryuer Arnon, and from the citie that is in the myddes of the ryuer. And all the playn of Medeba vnto Dibon,
10 & all the cyties of Sehon kynge of the Amorites, which raygned in Hesbon, euen vnto the border of the chyldren of Ammon:
11 and Gilead, & the border of Gesuri and Machati, and all mount Hermon, with all Basan vnto Salecah:
12 euen all the kyngdom of Og in Basan, whyche raygned in Astharoth and Edrai, which same remayned yett of the rest of the Giauntes. These dyd Moses smyte, & cast them out
Numbers 21:23-25
23 But Sehon wolde geue Israel no licence to passe thorowe hys countre, but gethered all hys people together and went oute agaynst Israel into the wyldernesse. And he came to Iaheza and foughte agaynst Israel.
24 And Israel smote him in the edge of the swerde, and conquered hys lande, from Arnon vnto Iakob: and vnto the chyldren of Ammon. For the border of the chyldren of Ammon was, stronge.
25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all the cyties of the Amorites: in Hesbon and in all the townes that longe therto.
Deuteronomy 2:32-34
Joshua 13:15-32
15 Moses gaue vnto the trybe of the chyldren of Ruben enheritaunce accordyng to theyr kynredes.
16 And theyr coast was from Aroer that lyeth on the bancke of the ryuer Arnon, & from the citie that is in the myddes of the ryuer, and all the playne which is by Medeba,
17 Hesbon, wyth all their townes that that lye in the playne: Dibon and the hyll places of Baal, and the house Baalmeon:
18 and Iahazah, and kedemoth and Mephaah
19 Kiriathaim, Sabamah and Zarath Zahar in the mounte of the valley,
20 the house of Peor, and the sprynges of the hylles: and Bethiesimoth:
21 and all the cyties of the playne. And all the kyngdome of Sehon kynge of the Amorites, whych raygned in Hesbon, which Moses smote with the lordes of Madian, Eui, Rekem, Zur, and Hur and Reba, the which were dukes of Sehon dwellyng in the contrey.
22 And Balaam also the sonne of Beor the sothesayer, dyd the children of Israel slaye with the swerde, among other of them that were slayne.
23 And the border of the chyldren of Ruben was Iordan with the contrey that lyeth theron. This was the enheritaunce of the chyldren of Ruben after their kynredes, cyties & villages pertaynynge therto.
24 And Moses gaue enheritaunce vnto the trybe of Gad, euen vnto the chyldren of Gad he gaue by theyr kynredes.
25 And theyr costes were Iazer, & all the cyties of Gilead, and halfe the lande of the chyldren of Ammon, vnto Aroer that lyeth before Rabba.
26 And from Hesbon vnto Ramoth, Mazphah, & Betonim: and from Mahanaim vnto the borders of Lidbir.
27 And in the valeye they had Betharan Bethnimra, Socoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kyngdome of Sehon kyng of Hesbon, vnto Iordan and the costes that lye theron, euen vnto the edge of the see of Ceneroth, on the other syde Iordan eastward.
28 This is the enheritaunce of the children of Gad after their kynredes, their cyties and villages.
29 And Moses gaue enheritaunce vnto the halfe trybe of Manasses. And this was the possession of the halfe trybe of Manasses by theyr kynredes.
30 Theyr coste was from Mahanaim, euen all Basan, & all the kyngdom of Og kynge of Basan, and all the townes of Iair which lye in Basan, euen thre skore cyties,
31 & halfe Gilead, Astaroth, & Edrai, cyties of the kyngdome of Og in Basan whiche pertayne vnto the chyldren of Machir the sonne of Manasses, euen the halfe porcion of the chyldren of Machir by theyr kynredes.
32 These are the thinges which Moses did distribute in the feldes of Moab, on the other syde Iordan ouer against Iericho eastward.
Nehemiah 9:22
22 And thou gauest them kyngedomes and nacyons, & partedst them accordynge to their porcions, so that they possessed the lande of Sehon kyng of Hesebon, and the lande of Og the kynge of Basan.
Psalms 135:10-12
Psalms 136:17-21
17 Which smote great kinges: for his mercy endureth for euer.
18 Yee, & slue myghtye kynges: for his mercy endureth for euer.
19 Sehon kynge of the Amorites: for hys mercy endureth for euer.
20 And Og the kyng of Basan: for hys mercy endureth for euer.
21 And gaue awaye theyr lande for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for euer.
Deuteronomy 2:36
36 from Aroer which is by the brinke of the ryuer of Arnon, & from the cytie that is in the ryuer, vnto Gilead: there was not one cytie to stronge for vs. The Lorde oure God delyuered all vnto vs:
Numbers 21:29
29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chamos, ye are vndone, he hath put his sonnes to flyghte, and hys daughters to captiuyte vnto Sehon kynge of the Amorites.
Deuteronomy 9:4-5
4 Speake not thou in thyne hert (after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out before the) sayinge: for my ryghteousnes the Lorde hath brought me in, to possesse thys lande. Nay, but for the wyckednesse of these nacyons the Lorde hath cast them out before the.
5 It is not for thy righteousnes sake or for thy ryght hert, that thou goest to possesse theyr lande. But for the wyckednesse of these nacions, the Lorde thy God doth cast them out before the, euen to performe the worde, which the Lorde thy God sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Isahac and Iacob.
Deuteronomy 18:12
12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the.
Joshua 3:10
10 And Iosua sayde, Herbye ye shall knowe that the liuyng God is among you, & that he will wythout fayle cast out before you, the Cananites, & the Hethites, the Heuites, the Pheresites, the Gergesites, the Amorites, & the Iebusites.
1 Kings 11:7
7 For than did Salomon buylde an hye place for Chamos the abominacyon of Moab, in the hyll that is before Ierusalem, & vnto Moloch the abhominacyon of the chyldren of Ammon.
Psalms 44:2
2 How thou hast dryuen out the Heithen wt thy hande, & planted them in: how thou hast destroyed the nacions, & cast them out.
Psalms 78:55
55 And brought them within the borders of hys Sanctuary: euen to this mountayne, whych he purchased with hys ryght hande.
Jeremiah 48:7
7 For because thou hast trusted in thine owne workes and treasure, thou shalt be taken. Chamos with his prestes and princes shall go awaye into captiuyte.
Jeremiah 48:46
46 Wo be vnto the, O Moab, for thou people of Chamos shalt peryshe. Yee, thy sonnes and daughters shalbe leade awaye captiue.
Micah 4:5
5 Therfore, where as all the people haue walcked euery man in the name of hys awne God, we wyll walcke in the name of oure God for euer and euer.
Numbers 22:2-21
2 And Balac the sonne of Ziphor sawe all that Israel had done to the Amorites:
3 and the Moabites were sore afrayed of the people, because they were many, and stode in feare of the chyldren of Israel.
4 And Moab sayde vnto the elders of Madian: now shall this companye lycke vs vp all that are rounde aboute vs, as an oxe lycketh vp the grasse of the felde. And Balac the sonne of Ziphor was kynge of the Moabites at that tyme.
5 He sent messengers therfore vnto Balaam the sonne of Beor in Pethor (whych is by the ryuer in the lande of the chyldren of his folke) to call him, sayinge: beholde, there is a people come oute of Egypte, & beholde, they couer the face of the erth, & dwell ouer agaynst me.
6 Come nowe therfore & curse thys people for my sake. For they are to myghtie for me, yf so perauenture I myght be able to smyte them & to dryue them oute of the lande. For I wote that he whome thou blessest, is blessed, and whome thou cursest is cursed.
7 And the elders of Moab and the elders of Madian departed, hauynge the rewarde of the sothsayinge in theyr hande. And they came vnto Balaam, and tolde him the wordes of Balac.
8 He answered them: tary here thys nyght, and I wyll brynge you worde, euen as the Lord shall saye vnto me. And the Lordes of Moab abode with Balaam.
9 And God came vnto Balaam and sayde, what men are these wyth the?
10 And Balaam sayde vnto God: Balac the sonne of Ziphor kynge of Moab hath sent vnto me, sayinge:
11 beholde, there is a people come out of Egypt and couereth the face of the erth: come nowe therfore, and curse them for my sake, yf so peraduenture I maye be able to ouercome them in batell, and to dryue them oute.
12 And God sayde vnto Balaam: Go not thou with them, nether curse the people, for they are blessed.
13 And Balaam rose vp in the mornynge & sayde vnto the Lordes of Balac: get you vnto youre lande: for the Lorde wyll not suffre me to go wyth you.
14 And the Lordes of Moab rose vp, & went vnto Balac and sayde: Balaam wolde not come wyth vs.
15 And Balac sent agayne a greatter companye of Lordes and more honorable then they:
16 whyche came to Balaam, and told him: Thus sayeth Balac the sonne of Ziphor: oh, let nothynge let the, but come vnto me,
17 for I wyll greatly promote the vnto greate honoure, and wyll do whatsoeuer thou sayest vnto me, come I praye the, curse thys people for my sake:
18 And Balaam answered and sayde vnto the seruauntes of Balac: If Balac wolde geue me hys housefull of syluer and golde, I cannot go beyonde the worde of the Lord my God, to do lesse or moare.
19 Nowe therfore tarye ye here thys nyghte: that I maye wete, what the Lorde wyll saye vnto me moare.
20 And God came vnto Balaam by nyghte, & sayde vnto him: If the men come to call the, ryse vp and go with them: but loke what I saye vnto the, that shalt thou do.
21 And Balaam rose vp early, and sadeld hys asse, & went with the Lordes of Moab.
Deuteronomy 23:3-4
3 The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not come into the congregacyon of the Lorde, no not in the tenth generacyon, nor they shall neuer come into the congregacyon of the Lorde,
4 because they met you not wyth bread and water in the waye, when ye came out of Egypt, and because they hyred agaynst the. Balaam the sonne of Beor of Pethor, of Mesopotamia, to curse the.
Joshua 24:9-10
Micah 6:5
5 Remembre (O my people) what Balach the kyng of Moab had Imagyned agaynst the and what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal, that ye maye knowe the louyng kyndnesses of the Lorde.
Numbers 21:25-30
25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all the cyties of the Amorites: in Hesbon and in all the townes that longe therto.
26 For Hesbon was the cytie of Sehon the kynge of the Amorites, whyche fought before agaynst the kynge of the Moabites, and toke all his lande out of hys hande, euen vnto Arnon.
Deuteronomy 2:24
24 Ryse ye vp therfore, and take youre iourney ouer the ryuer Arnon. Beholde, I haue geuen into thy hande Sehon the Amorite kyng of Hesbon, and his lande. Go to therfore and conquere, and prouoke hym to battell.
Deuteronomy 3:2
2 And the Lord sayde vnto me: feare him not, for I wyll delyuer hym, & all his people and hys lande into thy hande, and thou shalt do vnto him, as thou dyddest vnto Sehon kinge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon.
Deuteronomy 3:6
6 And we vtterly destroyed them, as we dyd vnto Sehon kynge of Hesbon, bringyng to nought all the cyties, with men, wemen and chyldren.
Joshua 11:18
18 Iosua made warre longe tyme wt those kynges:
Joshua 12:2
2 Sehon kynge of the Amorites, that dwelt in hesbon, and ruled from Aroer, whych is besyde the ryuer of Arnon, and from the middell of the ryuer, and from halfe Gilead vnto the ryuer Iabock, whych is the border of the chyldren of Ammon:
Joshua 12:5
5 & rayned in mount Hermon, and in Salcah: and in all Basan, vnto the border of the Gesurites & the Macathites, & halfe mount Gilead, vnto the borders of Sehon kynge of Hesbon.
Joshua 13:10
10 & all the cyties of Sehon kynge of the Amorites, which raygned in Hesbon, euen vnto the border of the chyldren of Ammon:
Joshua 23:1
1 And it came to passe a longe ceason after that the Lorde had geuen reste vnto Israel from all theyr enemyes rounde about, that Iosua waxed olde, and was stricken in age.
Judges 3:11
11 And the lande had rest fourtye yeres, and Othoniel the sonne of kenes died.
Judges 3:30
30 so Moab was subdued that daye, vnder the hande of Israel: and the land had rest .lxxx. yeres.
Judges 5:31
31 So perishe all thine enemyes: O Lord: but they that loue him, let them be as the sonne whan he ryseth in his might. And the lande had rest fourtye yeres.
Judges 8:28
28 Thus was Madian brought lowe before the chyldren of Israel, so that they lyfte vp their heades no moare. And the contreye was in quietnes fourtye yeres in the dayes of Gedeon.
Judges 9:22
22 When Abimelech had raygned thre yere,
Judges 10:2-3
Judges 10:8
8 which from that yere forth, pyld & oppressed the children of Israel .xviii. yere, all that were on the other syde Iordan: in the lande of the Amorites which is in Gilead.
Genesis 18:25
25 That be farre from the, that thou shuldest do after thys sayinge, & sley the ryghtwes with the wicked, & that the ryghtwes shulde be as the wicked, that be farre from the. Shall not the iudge of all the worlde do accordynge to ryghte?
1 Samuel 2:10
10 The lordes aduersaries shall be destroyed of hym: and out of heauen shall he thunder vpon euery one of them. The lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, & shall gyue myght vnto his kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted.
1 Samuel 24:15
15 The Lorde be iudge, and iudge betwene the and me, & se & pleate my cause, and avenge me of thyne hande.
Job 9:15
15 Yee, though I were ryghteous, yet myght I not geue hym one worde agayne, but mekely submytte my self to hym as my iudge.
Job 23:7
7 No, but he wyll make me the stronger. He that is iust, shall entre disputacion with hym, and my iudge shall delyuer me for euer.
Psalms 7:8-9
Psalms 7:11
11 My helpe commeth of God, which preserueth them that are true of herte.
Psalms 50:6
6 And the heauens shall declare hys ryghteousnesse, for God is iudge hym selfe. Sela.
Psalms 75:7
7 For promocion commeth nether from the East, ner from the west, ner yet from the south.
Psalms 82:8
8 Aryse, O God, and iudge thou the earth, for thou shalt take all Heathen to thine enheritaunce.
Psalms 94:2
2 Aryse thou iudge of the worlde, and rewarde the proude after theyr deseruynge.
Psalms 98:9
9 Let the floudes clappe their handes, and let the hylles be ioyfull together. Before the Lord, for he is come to iudge the earth. Wyth ryghteousnes shall he iudge the worlde, & the people with equite.
Ecclesiastes 11:9
9 Be glad then (O thou yonge man) in thy youth, and let thyne hert be mery in thy yong dayes, folowe the wayes of thyne awne herte, & the lust of thine eyes but be thou sure, that God shall brynge the into iudgement for all these thynges.
Ecclesiastes 12:14
14 Let vs heare the conclusyon of all thynges: Feare God, and kepe hys commaundementes: For that toucheth all men.Ecc
John 5:22-23
Romans 14:10-12
10 But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other, why doest thou despise thy brother? We shalbe all brought before the iudgement seate of Christ.
11 For it is written: as truely as I lyue sayth the Lorde: all knees shall bowe to me, and all tonges shall geue prayse to God.
12 So shall euery one of vs geue accomptes of hym selfe to God.
2 Corinthians 5:10
10 For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ, that euery man maye receaue the workes of hys body accordynge to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
2 Corinthians 11:11
11 Wherfore? Because I loue you not? God knoweth.
2 Timothy 4:8
8 From hence forth ther is layde vp for me a crowne of ryghtewesnes, which the Lorde (that is a ryghteous iudge) shall geue me at that daye: not to me onely, but vnto all them also that loue his comminge.
Hebrews 12:23
23 and vnto the congregacion of the fyrst borne sonnes; whych are wrytten in heauen, and to God, the iudge of all, & to the spretes of iust and parfecte men,
2 Kings 14:11
11 But Amaziahu wolde not heare. And Iehoas kynge of Israel went vp, and he and Amaziahu kynge of Iuda sawe ether other at Bethsames whych is in Iuda.
Proverbs 16:18
18 Presumtpteousnes goeth before destruccyon, and after a proude stomake there foloweth a fall.
Numbers 11:25
25 And the Lorde came downe in a cloud, and spake vnto hym, and toke of the sprete that was vpon hym, and gaue it vnto the .lxx. elders. And it fortuned that when the sprete rested vpon them, they prophecied, & did not ceasse.
Judges 3:10
10 And the sprete of the lorde came vpon him. And he iudged Israel, and went out to warre. And the lorde delyuered Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia into his hande, & his hande preuayled agaynst Chusan Risathaim.
Judges 6:34
34 but the sprete of the Lord came vpon Gedeon. And he blewe a trompette, & called Abiezer to folow him,
Judges 13:25
25 And the sprete of the Lorde beganne to moue hym in the host of Dan, betwene Zaraah & Esthaol.
1 Samuel 10:10
10 And when they came to the hill: beholde, the companye of prophetes met hym, and the sprete of God cam vpon hym also, & he prophesyed among them.
1 Samuel 16:13-15
13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama.
14 But the sprete of the Lorde departed from Saul, and an euell sprete sent of the Lorde vexed him.
15 And Sauls seruauntes sayde vnto him: Beholde, an euell sprete sent of God vexed the,
1 Chronicles 12:18
18 And the spiryte came vpon Amasai which was the chefe amonge thyrtye, and he sayde, thyne are we Dauid, and on thy syde thou sonne of Iesai: Peace, peace be vnto the, and peace be to thyne helpers, for thy God is thine helpe. Then Dauid receaued them, and made them heedes of companyes of the men of warre.
Genesis 28:20
20 And Iacob vowed a vowe, sayinge: If God wyll be wyth me, and wyll kepe me in thys iourney which I goo, and will geue me bread to eate, and clothes to put on,
Numbers 30:2-16
2 If a man vowe a vowe vnto the Lord, or swere an oth to bynde his soule: he shall not go back with his worde: but shall fulfyll all that is proceded out of his mouth.
3 If a woman also vowe a vowe vnto the Lorde, and bynde her selfe beynge in her fathers house in the tyme of her youth,
4 and her father heare her vowe and bonde which she hath made vpon her soule, and holde his peace therto: then all her vowes & bondes which she hath made vpon her soule shall stande in effect.
5 But and yf her father forbyd her the same daie that he heareth it, none of her vowes nor bondes which she hath made vpon her soule shalbe of value: and the Lorde shall forgeue her, because her father forbade her.
6 If she had an husbande when she vowed or pronounced ought out of her lippes, wherwith she bonde her soule,
7 and her husbande hearde it and helde his peace there at the same daye he heard it, then her vowes and her bondes wherwith she bounde her soule, shall stande in effecte.
8 And yf her husbande forbade her the same daye that he hearde it: and made her vowe which she hath vpon her of none effecte, and released the openyng of her lyppes, wherwith she bounde her soule, the Lorde shall forgeue her.
9 But euery vowe of a wedowe and of her that is deuorced (that they haue bounde their soule withall) shall stande in effect wt them.
10 If she vowed in her husbandes house, or bounde her soule with an oth,
11 and her husbande hearde it, and helde his peace, and forbad her not, then all her vowes and bondes wherwith she bounde her soule, shall stande.
12 But yf her husbande disannulled them the same daye that he heard them, then nothing that proceadeth out of her lippes in vowes and bondes (wherwith she bounde her soule) shall stande in effecte: for her husbande hath lowsed them. And the Lorde shall forgeue her.
13 All vowes and othes that binde to humble the soule, maye her husbande stablysh or breake.
14 But yf her husbande holde his peace from one daye vnto another, then he stablisheth all her vowes and bondes which she had vpon her, because he helde his peace the same daye that he hearde them.
15 But yf he breake them, after that he hath heard them, he shall beare her synne him selfe.
16 These are the ordynaunces whiche the Lorde commaunded Moses, betwene a man and hys wyfe: and betwene the father and his daughter, beynge yet a damsell in her fathers house.
1 Samuel 1:11
11 and vowed a vowe, and sayd: O Lord of hostes, yf thou wylt loke on the trouble of thine handmayde, & remembre me, and not forget thine handmayde, but geue vnto thine handmayde a man chylde: I wyll geue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his lyfe, & there shall no raser come vpon his heed.
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2
1 When thou commest into the house of God, kepe thy fote & draw nye that God which is at hande may heare: that thou gyue not the offeringes of fooles, for they knowe nowght, but to do euell.
2 Be not hastye with thy mouth, and let not thine hert speake eny thing rashly before God. For God is in heauen, and thou vpon earth, therfore let thy wordes be few.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
Leviticus 27:2-3
Leviticus 27:11-12
Leviticus 27:28-29
28 Notwithstandynge, no damned thynge that a man putteth from hym and dedycateth vnto the Lorde, of all his good (whether it be man or beast or lande of hys enheritaunce) maye be sold or redemed: for euery thinge so put awaye, is most holy vnto the Lorde.
29 Let no damned thynge that a man separateth, be redemed, but dye the death.
Deuteronomy 23:18
18 Thou shalt nether brynge the hyer of an whore nor the pryce of a dogge into the house of the Lorde thy God, in any maner of vowe, for euen both of them are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God.
1 Samuel 1:28
28 and therfore I haue geuen hym vnto the Lord, as long as he is mete for the lorde. And they worshipped the Lorde there.
1 Samuel 2:18
18 But the child Samuel ministred before the Lorde, girded about wyth a lynen Ephod.
1 Samuel 14:24
24 And whyle the men of Israel were kepte downe wyth honger that daye, Saul charged the people with an ooth sayinge: Cursed be the man that eateth any foode vntyll nyght, tyll I be aduenged of myne enemyes: And so, none of the people tasted any sustinaunce.
1 Samuel 14:44
44 Saul answered: God do so and so to me, thou shalt dye the death Ionathas.
Psalms 66:13-14
Isaiah 66:3
3 For who so slayeth an oxe for me, doth me so greate dishonoure, as he that kylleth a man. He that kylleth a shepe for me, knetcheth a dogge. He that bryngeth me meatoffrynges, offreth swynes bloude: Who so maketh me a memoryall of incense, prayseth the thynge that is vnryght. Yet take they soch wayes in hande, and their soule delyteth in these abhominacyons.
Judges 1:4
4 And Iuda went vp, and the Lorde delyuered the Cananites & Pheresites into theyr handes. And they slewe of them in Bezek ten thousand men.
Judges 2:18
18 And when the lord raysed them vp Iudges, he was with the Iudge, and delyuered them out of the handes of their enemyes all the dayes of the Iudge for the Lorde had compassyon ouer their sorowinges, whych they had, by the reason of them that oppressed them & vexed them:
Ezekiel 27:17
17 Iuda and the lande of Israel occupied wt the & brought vnto thy markettes, wheat, of Minnith and pannag, balme, hony, oyle, & tryacle.
Exodus 15:20
20 And Mir Iam a prophetysse the syster of Aaron toke a tymbrell in her hande, & all the wemen came out after her wt tymbrels & daunces.
Judges 5:1-31
1 Then Debora & Barak the sonne of Abinoam sange the same daye, sayeng:
2 Prayse ye the Lord, for the auengyng of Israel, and for the people that became so wylling.
3 Heare O ye kynges, herken o ye prynces: I, euen I, will syng vnto the Lord, I wyl prayse the Lorde God of Israel.
4 Lord, whan thou wentest out of Seir, whan thou departedst out of the felde of Edom, the erth trembled, & the heauens rayned: the cloudes also dropped water.
5 The mountaynes melted before the lord, euen as dyd Sinai, before the lorde God of Israel.
6 In the dayes of Samgar the sonne of Anath, in the dayes of Iael the hye wayes were vnoccupied: And the ronners of the pathes walked thorow by wayes.
7 The inhabiters of the townes were gone, they were gone in Israel, vntyll I Debora came vp, which came vp a mother in Israel.
8 They chose new goddes, and then had they (the enemye) in the gates, though there were shilde and speare. There was not a child or spere sene amonge fourtye thousande of Israel.
9 My hart loueth the gouerners of Israel, and them that are willing amonge the people. O prayse ye the Lorde.
10 Speake ye that ryde on fayre asses, & that sitt vppermost in iudgement, & walke by the wayes
11 At the cryeng of the archers amonge the drawers of water, there shall they speake of the righteousnes of the Lorde, his righteousnesse in the vnfenced places of Israel: then shall the people of the Lord go downe to the gates.
12 Up Debora vp, get the vp, and syng a songe: Aryse Barac, and leade the captiuyte captyue, thou sonne of Abinoam.
13 Then shall they that remayne, haue domynion of the proudest of the people (of Iabin:) The Lorde shall for my sake haue domynion ouer the myghtie.
14 Out of Ephraim was there a rote of them agaynst Amaleck, and after the, Beniamin amonge thy people. Out of Machir came rulers, & out of zabulon they that gouerne the penne of the wryter.
15 And of Isachar, there were prynces with Debora, Isachar also and Barac were sent on their fete into the valley, whan in the departing awaye of Ruben there were greate men, and wyse of hert?
16 Why abodest thou among the shepe foldes, to heare the bleatinges of the flockes, & to separate thy selfe awaye wt greate men and wyse of hert?
17 Gilead also abode beyonde Iordane: and why doth Dan remayne in shippes? Aser contynued on the see shore, and taried in hys decayed places.
18 But the people of Zabulon haue ieoperde their lyues euen vnto the dethe, lyke as did Nephthalim in the hye places of the felde.
19 The kynges came & fought, then fought the kynges of Canaan in Thamnah, by the waters of Negiddo, and wanne no money.
20 They fought from heauen, euen the starres in their courses fought agaynst Sisera.
21 The ryuer of Cyson remoued them, that auncient ryuer, the ryuer Cyson: My soule shall treade (hym) downe mightely.
22 Then were the horse hoffes smytten asunder by the meames of the praunsinges that their mightye men made.
23 Curse ye the cite of Meros (sayd the angell of the Lord) cursse the inhabitours therof, because they came not to helpe the Lorde, to helpe the Lorde with the myghtie.
24 Iael the wife of Haber the kenyte shalbe blessed aboue other wemen, blessed shall she be aboue other wemen in the tent.
25 He asked water, & she gaue him mylck, she brought furth butter in a lordly disshe.
26 She put hir hande to the nayle, and hir right hande to the smythes hammer: wt the hammer smote she Sisera, and smote hys heade, wounded him, & pearsed his temples.
27 He bowed hym downe at hir fete, he fell downe & laye still: At hir fete he bowed him downe, & fell. And when he had soncke downe, he laye still desolate.
28 The mother of Sisera loked out at a wyndowe, & cried thorow the lattesse? Why is his charret so long a commyng? Why tarye the wheles of his cartes?
29 All the wyse ladyes answered her, ye and her awne wordes answered hir selfe.
30 Surely they haue founde, they deuyde the spoyles: euery man hath a damsell or two: Sisera hath a praye of diuerse couloured garmentes, euen a praye of rayment dyed wt sondrye coloures, & that are made of nedle worke: rayment of diuerses coloures & of nedle worke which is mete for him that is chefe in distributinge of the spoyles.
31 So perishe all thine enemyes: O Lord: but they that loue him, let them be as the sonne whan he ryseth in his might. And the lande had rest fourtye yeres.
Judges 11:11
11 Then Iephthah went wyth the elders of Gilead. And the people made hym heed and ruler ouer them. And Iephthah rehearsed all hys wordes before the Lorde in Mizpa.
1 Samuel 18:6-7
6 And it happened as they went, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that wemen came out of all cyties of Israel syngynge & daunsyng, agaynst kynge Saul, and wyth tymbrelles, wyth ioye, and with instrumentes of musick.
7 And the wemen answered one another in theyr playe, & sayde Saul hath slayne his thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande.
Psalms 68:25
25 The syngers go before, the mynstrels folow after: in the myddes are the damosels playeng with the tymbrels.
Psalms 148:11-12
Psalms 150:4
4 Prayse him in the cymbales and daunse, prayse him vpon the strynges and pype.
Jeremiah 31:4
4 I will repayre the agayne, O thou daughter of Israel, that thou mayest be fast and sure. Thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne, and go forth with them, that leade the daunce.
Jeremiah 31:13
13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce, yee, both yonge and olde folkes. For I wyll turne their sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll conforte them from theyr sorowes and make them ioyfull.
Zechariah 12:10
10 Moreouer, vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the cytesyns of Ierusalem will I poure out the sprete of grace & compassion, so that they shall loke vpon me, whom they haue pearsed: & they shal bewepe him as men mourne for their only begotten sonne: yee, & be sory for him, as men are sory for their first chyld.
Luke 7:12
12 When he came nye to the gate of the cytie: behold, ther was a deed man caryed out, which was the onely sonne of his mother, & she was a wedowe, & moch people of the cytie was with her.
Luke 8:42
42 for he had but one daughter onely, vpon a .xij. yeare of age, and she laye a dying. But as he went, the people thronged hym.
Luke 9:38
38 And beholde, a man of the company cried oute, sayenge: Master, I beseche the behold my sonne, for he is all that I haue:
Genesis 37:29-30
Genesis 37:34-35
34 And Iacob rent hys cloothes, and put sacke clothe aboute his loynes, and sorowed for his sonne a longe season.
35 But all his sonnes and all hys doughters rose vp to comforte him. Neuertheles he wolde not be comforted, but sayde: I wyll go downe into the graue vnto my sonne, mourninge. And thus hys father wepte for hym.
Genesis 42:36-38
36 And Iacob theyr father sayde vnto them: Me haue ye robbed of my chyldren: Ioseph is a waye, and Symeon is awaye, and ye take Ben Iamin awaye. All these thynges are agaynst me.
37 Ruben sayde vnto hys father: Slee my two sonnes, yf I brynge hym not to the agayne. Delyuer hym to my hande, and I wyll brynge hym to the agayne:
38 And he sayde: my sonne shall not go downe wyth you. For hys brother is dead, & he is left alone. If some mysfortune happen vnto him by the waye which ye go, ye shall brynge my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue.
Numbers 30:2-5
2 If a man vowe a vowe vnto the Lord, or swere an oth to bynde his soule: he shall not go back with his worde: but shall fulfyll all that is proceded out of his mouth.
3 If a woman also vowe a vowe vnto the Lorde, and bynde her selfe beynge in her fathers house in the tyme of her youth,
4 and her father heare her vowe and bonde which she hath made vpon her soule, and holde his peace therto: then all her vowes & bondes which she hath made vpon her soule shall stande in effect.
5 But and yf her father forbyd her the same daie that he heareth it, none of her vowes nor bondes which she hath made vpon her soule shalbe of value: and the Lorde shall forgeue her, because her father forbade her.
Judges 21:1-7
1 And euery man of Israel sware in Mizpa, sayinge: there shall none of vs geue hys daughter vnto any of BenIamin to wyfe.
2 And the people came to Bethell & abode there tyll euen before God, & lyfte vp theyr voyces and wept sore,
3 and sayde. O Lorde God of Israel, why is thys chaunced in Israel, that there shulde be thys daye one trybe lackynge in Israell?
4 And on the morow the people rose vp by tyme, and made there an altare, and offered burntofferinges and peaceofferynges.
5 And the chyldren of Israell asked, who are they amonge all the tribes of Israel, that came not vp with the congregacyon vnto the Lorde? for they had made a greate othe concernynge him that came not vp to the Lord to Mizpa, sayinge: he shall suerlye dye.
6 And the chyldren of Israell had pytie on BenIamin theyr brethren, and sayde: there is one trybe cut of from Israell thys daye:
7 what shall we do vnto the remnaunt of them, that they maye haue wyues? we haue sworne by the Lorde, that we will not geue them of oure daughters to wyues.
1 Samuel 14:44-45
44 Saul answered: God do so and so to me, thou shalt dye the death Ionathas.
45 And the people sayde vnto Saul: shall Ionathas dye, which hath so myghtelye helped Israel? God forbyd. As truly as the Lorde lyueth there shall not one heere of hys heed fall to the grounde: for he hath wrought with God thys daye. And so the people delyuered Ionathas, that he dyed not.
2 Samuel 13:30-31
2 Samuel 18:33
33 And the kynge was moued, and went vp to a chambre ouer the gate, and wept. And as he went, thus he sayde: O my sonne Absalom, my sonne, my sonne Absalom, wolde God I had dyed for the: O Absalom my sonne, my sonne.
Job 1:20
20 Then Iob stode vp, and rent his clothes, and shaued hys heade, fell downe vpon the grounde, worshipped,
Psalms 15:4
4 He that setteth not by hym selfe: but is lowly in hys awne eyes, & maketh moch of them that feare the Lorde: he that sweareth vnto his neyghbour, & disapoynteth hym nott, though it were hys awne hinderaunce.
Ecclesiastes 5:2-6
2 Be not hastye with thy mouth, and let not thine hert speake eny thing rashly before God. For God is in heauen, and thou vpon earth, therfore let thy wordes be few.
3 For where moch carefulnesse is, there are many dreames: and where many wordes are, there men maye heare fooles.
4 If thou make a vowe vnto God, be not slacke to perfourme it. As for folysh vowes, he hath no pleasure in them:
5 If thou promyse eny thinge, paye it: for better it is that thou make no vowe, then that thou shuldest promyse, and not paye.
6 Suffre not thy mouth to cause thy flesh for to synne, nether saye thou before the angell, that it is thy ignoraunce. For then God wilbe angrie at thy voyce, & destroye all the worckes of thyne handes.
Matthew 14:7-9
7 Wherfore he promysed with an othe, that he wolde geue her whatsoeuer she wolde aske.
8 And she beynge instructe of her mother before, sayde: geue me here Iohn Baptistes heed in a platter.
9 And the kynge was sory. Neuerthelesse, for the othes sake, & them which sate also at the table, he commaunded it to be geuen her:
Acts 23:14
14 And they came to the chefe prestes and elders, and sayde: we haue bounde oure selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothynge, vntyll we haue slayne Paul.
Judges 16:28-30
28 And Samson called vnto the Lord, and sayde: O Lorde God, thyncke vpon me, and strengthen me, at thys tyme onlye, O God, that I maye be aduenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.
29 And Samson caught the two middel pillers on which the house stode, and on which it was borne vp, the one in hys ryght hande, and the other in hys lefte,
30 and sayde: my soule shall dye with the Philistines, and bowed them with all hys myghte. And the house fell vpon the lordes and vpon all the people that were therin. And so the deed which he slewe at hys deeth, were moo then they whych he slewe in hys lyfe.
2 Samuel 18:19
19 Then sayde Ahimaaz the sonne of Sadock: let me runne nowe, and beare the kyng tydinges, how that the Lorde hath iudged hym quyte of the hande of hys enemyes.
2 Samuel 18:31
31 And beholde, Chusi came also, and sayde: Good tydinges my Lorde the kynge, For the Lorde hath quytte the thys daye out of the hande of all them that rose agaynst the.
2 Samuel 19:30
30 And Miphiboseth sayde vnto the kynge: yee lett him take all: for so moch as my Lorde the kynge is come agayne in peace vnto his awne house.
Acts 20:24
24 But none of these thinges moue me nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I might fulfyll my course with ioye, and the ministracyon which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.
Acts 21:13
13 Then Paul answered, & sayde: what do ye wepynge & veryng myne herte? I am ready, not to be bounde onely, but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu.
Romans 16:4
4 whych haue for my lyfe layde downe their awne neckes. Unto whom not I onely geue thankes, but also all the congregacions of the Gentyls.
Philippians 2:30
30 because that for the worke of Chryst he went so farre, that he was nye vnto deeth, and regarded not hys lyfe: to fullfyll that, which was lackynge on youre parte to warde me.
1 Samuel 1:6
6 And her enemye (Phenenna) vexed her sore contynually, to moue her, because the lord had made her barren.
Luke 1:25
25 Thys wyse hath God dealte with me, in the dayes wherin he hath loked on me, to take from me my rebuke amonge men.
Deuteronomy 12:31
31 Nay, thou shalt not do so vnto the Lorde thy God: for all abhominacions, & that whych the Lord hateth, the same haue they done vnto theyr Goddes. For they burne both theyr sonnes and theyr daughters wyth fyre before theyr Goddes.
Judges 11:31
31 then that thinge that cometh oute of the dores of my house against me, when I come home in peace, from the chyldren of Ammon, shalbe the Lordes, and I wyll offer it vp for a burnt offering:
1 Samuel 1:22
22 Neuertheles, Hanna went not vp, but sayde vnto her husbande: I wyll tarye vntill the ladde be wened, & then I wyll bring him that he maye apeare before the Lord, & there abide for euer.
1 Samuel 1:24
24 And when she had wened him she toke hym with her, with thre bullockes & an Epha of floure, & a bottel of wyne, and brought him vnto the house of the Lord in Silo, & the child was yet but tender of age.
Judges 5:11
11 At the cryeng of the archers amonge the drawers of water, there shall they speake of the righteousnes of the Lorde, his righteousnesse in the vnfenced places of Israel: then shall the people of the Lord go downe to the gates.
1 Kings 9:25
25 And thryse a yere dyd Salomon offer burntofferinges and peace offeringes vpon the aultare, whyche he buylt vnto the Lorde. And he burnt incense vpon the altare that was before the Lorde, and so he fynisshed the house.