Psalms 19 Cross References - Coverdale

1 The very heaues declare the glory off God, ad the very firmamet sheweth his hadye worke. 2 One daye telleth another, and one night certifieth another. 3 There is nether speach ner laguage, but their voyces are herde amoge the. 4 Their soude is gone out in to all londes, and their wordes in to the endes of the worlde. 5 In the hath he sett a tabernacle for ye Sone, which cometh forth as a brydegrome out of his chambre, & reioyseth as a giaunte to rune his course. 6 It goeth forth fro the one ende of the heauen, and runneth aboute vnto the same ende agayne, & there maye no ma hyde himself fro the heate therof. 7 The lawe of the LORDE is a perfecte lawe, it quickeneth the soule. The testimony of ye LORDE is true, & geueth wisdome euen vnto babes. 8 The statutes of the LORDE are right, & reioyse the herte: ye comaundemet of ye LORDE is pure, and geueth light vnto the eyes. 9 The feare of the LORDE is cleane, & endureth for euer: the iudgmentes of the LORDE are true and rigtuous alltogether. 10 More pleasunt are they then golde, yee then moch fyne golde: sweter then hony & the hony combe. 11 These thy seruaunt kepeth, & for kepinge of them there is greate rewarde. 12 Who can tell, how oft he offendeth? Oh clese thou me fro my secrete fautes. 13 Kepe thy seruaute also from presumptuous synnes, lest they get the dominion ouer me: so shal I be vndefyled & innocet fro the greate offence. 14 Yee the wordes of my mouth & the meditacio of my herte shalbe acceptable vnto the, o LORDE, my helper and my redemer.

Genesis 1:6-8

6 And God sayde: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it deuyde ye waters a sunder. 7 Then God made ye firmamet, and parted the waters vnder the firmamet, from the waters aboue the firmament: And so it came to passe. 8 And God called ye firmament, Heauen. Then of the euenynge & mornynge was made the seconde daye.

Genesis 1:14-15

14 And God sayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to deuyde the daye fro the night, that they maye be vnto tokes, seasons, dayes, and yeares.

Genesis 1:14-18

14 And God sayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to deuyde the daye fro the night, that they maye be vnto tokes, seasons, dayes, and yeares. 15 And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to shyne vpon the earth: And so it came to passe.

Genesis 1:15-18

15 And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to shyne vpon the earth: And so it came to passe. 16 And God made two greate lightes: one greater light to rule the daye, and a lesse light to rule the night, and (he made) starres also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of heauen, yt they might shyne vpo earth, 18 and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God sawe that it was good.

Genesis 4:4-5

4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge: 5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged.

Genesis 8:22

22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and haruest, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceasse so longe as the earth endureth.

Genesis 20:6

6 And God sayde vnto him in a dreame: I knowe that thou dyddest it wt a pure hert, and therfore I kepte the, that thou shuldest not synne agaynst me, nether haue I suffred the to touch her.

Genesis 22:12

12 He sayde: Laye not thy handes vpon the childe, & do nothinge vnto him: for now I knowe that thou fearest God, and hast not spared thine onely sonne for my sake.

Genesis 26:5

5 because Abraham was obedient vnto my voyce, and kepte myne ordinaunces, my comaundementes, my statutes, and my lawes.

Genesis 42:18

18 Vpon the thirde daye he sayde vnto the: Yf ye wil lyue, the do thus, for I feare God:

Exodus 15:20-21

20 And Miriam the prophetisse, Aarons sister, toke a tymbrell in hir hande, and all the women folowed out after her with timbrels in a daunse. 21 And Miriam sange before the: O let vs synge vnto the LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, man and horse hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Exodus 18:16

16 for whan they haue eny thinge to do, they come vnto me, that I maye iudge betwixte euery one & his neghboure, and shewe them the statutes of God, and his lawes.

Exodus 21:1

1 These are the lawes, that thou shalt laye before them.

Exodus 21:14

14 But yf a man presume vpon his neghboure, and slaye him with disceate, then shalt thou take the same fro myne altare, that he maye be slayne.

Leviticus 4:2-35

2 Speake vnto the childre of Israel, and saye: Whan a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce in any commaundemet of the LORDE, which he ought not to do: As namely, 3 yf a prest which is anoynted, synne, that he make the people do amysse, he shall brynge for ye synne that he hath done, a yonge bullocke without blemysh vnto the LORDE for a synofferynge. 4 And the bullocke shal he brynge to the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE, & laie his hade vpo his heade, & kyll him before ye LORDE. 5 And ye prest yt is anoynted, shal take of his bloude, & brynge it in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 6 And he shall dyppe his fynger in to the bloude, & sprenkle therwith seue tymes before the LORDE, towarde the vayle of ye Holy. 7 And he shal put of the same bloude vpon the hornes of the altare of incense, yt stondeth before ye LORDE in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: & all the bloude of the bullocke shal he poure vpon the botome of the altare of burntofferinges, yt stondeth at the entringe in of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 8 And all the fat of the synofferynge shal he Heue vp: namely, the fat yt couereth the bowels, & all the fat yt is within, 9 ye two kydneys with the fatt that is theron vpon the loynes, and the net on the leuer vpon the kydneys also 10 (like as he Heueth it from the oxe in the deadofferynge) and shall burne it vpon the altare of burntofferynges. 11 But the skynne of the bullocke, and all the flesh, with the heade & legges, & the bowels and the donge, 12 shal he cary alltogether out of the hoost, in to a cleane place, where ye asshes are poured out, & shal burne it vpon wodd with fyre. 13 Whan the whole cogregacion of Israel synneth thorow ignorauce, & the dede be hyd from their eyes, so yt they do ought agaynst eny of the comaundementes of the LORDE, which they shulde not do, 14 & come afterwarde to the knowlege of the synne that they haue done, they shal bringe a yonge bullocke for a synofferynge, and set him before ye dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 15 And the Elders of the congregacion shall laye their handes vpon his heade before the LORDE, & kyll ye bullocke before the LORDE. 16 And ye prest yt is anoynted shal brynge of ye bullockes bloude into the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 17 & dyppe ther in with his fynger, and sprenkle therwith seuen tymes before the LORDE, eue before the vayle of the Holy. 18 And shall put of the bloude vpon the hornes of the altare, yt stondeth before the LORDE in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: & all ye other bloude shal he poure vpo the botome of ye altare of burntofferynges, yt stondeth before the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 19 But all his fatt shal he Heue vp, & burne it vpo the altare: 20 & shal do with this bullocke, as he dyd with ye bullocke of the synofferinge: Thus the prest shal make an attonement for them, & it shall be forgeuen them. 21 And the bullocke shall he brynge without the hoost, and burne him, as he brent ye first bullocke. This shalbe ye synofferynge of the congregacion. 22 Whan a prynce synneth, & doth agaynst the comaundement of the LORDE his God, yt he ought not to do, & offendeth ignorauntly, & commeth to the knowlege 23 of his synne yt he hath done, he shal bringe for his offeringe an he goate without blemysh, 24 & laye his hande vpo the goates heade, & slaye him in ye place where ye burntofferinges are slayne before ye LORDE. 25 The shal ye prest take of ye bloude of ye synofferinge wt his fynger, and put it vpon the altare of burntofferynges, & poure the other bloude vpon the botome of the altare of burntofferynges. 26 But all the fat of it shal he burne vpo the altare, like as the fat of the healthofferynge. And so the prest shal make an attonement for his synne, and it shal be forgeuen him. 27 Wha a soule of ye comon people synneth ignorauntly, doinge eny thinge agaynst the comaundement of the LORDE, yt he ought not to do, & so offendeth, 28 & cometh to ye knowlege of the synne yt he hath done, he shal bringe for his offerynge a she goate without blemysh, for the synne yt he hath done, 29 and shal laye his hande vpon the heade of the synofferynge, & slaye it in the place of the burntofferynges. 30 And the prest shall take of the bloude wt his fynger, & put it vpon the hornes of ye altare of burntofferynges, & poure all the bloude vpon the botome of the altare. 31 But all the fat of it shal he take awaye, like as he taketh awaye the fat of the deadofferynge, and shal burne it vpon the altare for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. And so shal the prest make an attonemet for him, and it shal be forgeuen him. 32 But yf he brynge a lambe for a synofferynge, then let him brynge a female without blemysh, 33 and laye his hande vpon the heade of the synofferynge, & kyll it for a synofferynge, in the place where the burntofferynges are slayne. 34 And the prest shal take of ye bloude wt his fynger, & put it vpon the hornes of the altare of burntofferynges, & poure all the bloude vpon the botome of the altare. 35 But all ye fatt therof shall he take fro it, like as he dyd the fat of the lambe of the healthofferynge, & shal burne it vpon ye altare for the LORDES sacrifice. And so ye prest shal make an attonement for the synne that he hath done, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

Numbers 15:30-31

30 But yf a soule do ought presumptuously, whether he be one of youre selues or a straunger, he hath despysed the LORDE: ye same soule shalbe roted out from amoge his people: 31 because he hath despysed the worde of the LORDE, and hath left his commaundement vndone: that soule shall vtterly perishe, his synne shalbe vpon him.

Deuteronomy 4:5-6

5 Beholde I haue taughte you ordinauces and lawes, soch as the LORDE my God commaunded me, that ye shulde do eue so in the londe, into ye which ye shal come, to possesse it. 6 Kepe them now therfore and do them: for that is youre wysdome and vnderstondinge in the sight of all nacions, which wha they haue herde all these ordinaunces, shall saye: O what a wyse and vnderstondinge folke is this? and how excellent a people?

Deuteronomy 4:8

8 And where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath so righteous ordinaunces and lawes, as all this lawe which I laye before you this daye.

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 yt thou lifte not vp thine eyes towarde heauen, and se the Sonne and the Moone & the starres, and the whole hoost of heaue, and be disceaused, and worsh ppe, and serue them: which the LORDE yi God hath made to serue all nacios vnder ye whole heaue.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

6 And these wordes, which I commaude the this daie, shalt thou take to hert, 7 & shalt whet them vpon yi children, and shalt talke of them, wha thou syttest in thyne house, & whan thou walkest by the waie: whan thou lyest downe, & wha thou rysest vp. 8 And thou shalt bynde them for a signe vpon thine hande, and they shall be a token of remebraunce before thine eyes, 9 and thou shalt wryte them vpon the postes of thine house, and vpon thy gates.

Deuteronomy 12:11-12

11 Now whan the LORDE thy God hath chosen a place, to make his name dwell there, ye shall brynge thither all yt I haue commaunded you, namely, yor burnt sacrifices, youre other offerynges, youre tythes, the Heueofferynges of youre handes, & all youre fre vowes, which ye shall vowe vnto ye LORDE: 12 and there shal ye eate, and reioyse before the LORDE youre God, ye and youre sonnes, and youre doughters, and youre seruauntes, and youre maydes, and the Leuites that are within youre gates, for they haue no porcion ner inheritauce with you.

Deuteronomy 16:11

11 and shalt reioyse before the LORDE thy God, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunt, thy mayde, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, ye straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe, that are amonge you, in the place which ye LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there.

Deuteronomy 16:14

14 and thou shalt reioyse in thy feast, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunte, thy mayde, the Leuite, the straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe that are within yi gates.

Deuteronomy 17:12-13

12 And yf eny man deale presumptuously, so that he herkeneth not vnto the prest (which stondeth to do seruyce vnto the LORDE thy God) or to the Iudge, the same shal dye: and thou shalt put awaye the euell from Israel, 13 that all ye people maye heare, and feare, and be nomore presumptuous.

Deuteronomy 17:18-20

18 And whan he is set vpon the seate of his kingdome, he shal take of the prestes the Leuites this seconde lawe, and cause it be wrytten in a boke, 19 and that shall he haue by him, and he shall rede therin all the dayes of his life, that he maye lerne to feare ye LORDE his God, to kepe all the wordes of this lawe, all these ordinauces, so that he do therafter. 20 He shall not lifte vp his herte aboue his brethren, and shall not turne asyde from the commaundement, nether to the right hade ner to the lefte, that he maye prologe his dayes in his kyngdome, he and his children in Israel.

Deuteronomy 32:4

4 Perfecte are the workes of the Stone, for all his wayes are righteous. God is true, and no wickednes is there in him, righteous and iust is he.

Joshua 1:8

8 And let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but exercyse thy selfe therin daie and nighte, that thou mayest kepe and do euery thinge acordinge to it that is wrytte therin: Then shalt thou prospere in thy waies, and deale wysely.

1 Samuel 12:24

24 Feare ye the LORDE therfore, and serue him faithfully with all yor hert: for ye haue sene, how greate thinges he doth vnto you.

1 Samuel 14:26-29

26 and whan the people came in to the wodd, beholde, the hony flowed, but no man put of it to his mouth with his hade: for the people were afraied because of the ooth. 27 As for Ionathas he had not herde, that his father had charged the people, and he put forth his staff that he had in his hande, and dypped the ende of it in ye hony combe, and turned his hande to his mouth, and his eyes were lighted. 28 Then answered one of the people, and sayde: Thy father hath charged the people, and sayde: Cursed be euery ma that eateth oughte this daye. Neuertheles the people were faynte. 29 Then sayde Ionathas: My father hath troubled the londe: Se how lighte myne eyes are become, because I haue taisted a litle of this hony.

1 Samuel 25:32-34

32 Then saide Dauid vnto Abigail: Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel, which hath sent the to mete me this daye: 33 and blessed be thy speach, and blessed be thou, which hast kepte me backe this daye, that I am not come agaynst bloude, to auenge me with myne awne hande. 34 Verely (as truly as the LORDE the God of Israel lyueth, which hath hyndred me that I shulde do the no euell.) Yf thou haddest not met me in all the haist, Nabal shulde not haue had lefte him vntyll ye lighte mornynge, so moch as one that maketh water agaynst the wall.

1 Samuel 25:39

39 Whan Dauid herde that Nabal was deed, he sayde: Blessed be ye LORDE which hath auenged my rebuke on Nabal, and preserued his seruaunt from euell. And the LORDE hath rewarded Nabal that euell vpon his heade. And Dauid sent, and caused to talke with Abigail, yt he mighte take her to wife.

2 Samuel 23:5

5 euen so shal my house be with God. For he hath made an euerlastinge couenaunt with me, well appoynted on euery syde and sure. For this is all my health & pleasure, that it shal growe.

1 Kings 18:3-4

3 And Achab called Abdia his chefe officer: (As for Abdia, he feared ye LORDE greatly: 4 for wha Iesabel roted out ye prophetes of ye LORDE, Abdia toke an C. prophetes, and hyd them in caues, here fiftye, & there fiftye, & prouyded for them wt bred and water.)

1 Kings 18:12

12 Now whan I were gone from the, the sprete of the LORDE shulde take ye awaye, I can not tell whither: and yf I then came and tolde Achab, and founde the not, he shulde slaye me: But thy seruaunt feareth the LORDE from his youth vp.

1 Chronicles 10:13-14

13 Thus dyed Saul in his trespace which he commytted agaynst the LORDE, because he kepte not the worde of the LORDE: & because he axed councell at the soythsayer, 14 and axed not at the LORDE, therfore slewe he him, & turned the kyngdome vnto Dauid.

2 Chronicles 19:10

10 In all causes that come vnto you from youre brethren (which dwell in their cities) betwene bloude and bloude, betwene lawe and commaundement, betwene statutes and ordinaunces ye shal enforme them, yt they synne not against the LORDE, and so the wrath to come vpon you and youre brethren. Do thus, and ye shal not offende.

Nehemiah 5:15

15 For the olde Debytes that were before me, had bene chargeable vnto the people, and had take of the bred and wyne, and fortye Sycles of syluer: Yee and their seruauntes had oppressed the people. But so dyd not I, and that because of the feare of God.

Nehemiah 8:12

12 And all the people wente their waye to eate and drinke, and to sende parte vnto other, and to make greate myrth, for they had vnderstonde the wordes that were declared vnto them.

Nehemiah 9:13

13 Thou camest downe also vpo mount Sinai, and spakest vnto them from heauen, and gauest them righte iudgmentes, true lawes, good commaundementes and statutes,

Job 6:24

24 Teach me and I will holde my tonge: and yf I do erre, shewe me wherin.

Job 19:25

25 For I am sure, that my redemer lyueth, and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the latter daye:

Job 22:14

14 Tush, the cloudes couer him, yt he maye not se, for he dwelleth in heauen.

Job 23:12

12 I haue not forsaken the comaundemet of his lippes, but loke what he charged me with his mouth, that haue I shutt vp in my herte.

Job 25:3

3 whose men of warre are innumerable, and whose light aryseth ouer all.

Job 28:15-17

15 She can not be gotten for the most fyne golde, nether maye the pryce of her be bought with eny moneye. 16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, nether golde ner Christall, nether swete odours ner golden plate.

Psalms 5:1-2

1 Heare my wordes (o LORDE) considre my callynge. 2 O marke the voyce of my peticion, my kynge & my God: for vnto the wil I make my prayer.

Psalms 7:10

10 thou rightuous God, yt triest the very hertes & the reynes.

Psalms 8:3

3 For I considre thy heauens, euen the worke off thy fyngers: the Moone and the starres which thou hast made.

Psalms 10:5

5 His wayes are allwaye filthie, thy iudgmentes are farre out of his sight, he defyeth all his enemies.

Psalms 11:7

7 For the LORDE is rightuous, ad he loueth rightuousnes, his countenaunce beholdeth the thige yt is iust.

Psalms 12:6

6 The wordes of the LORDE are pure wordes: eue as ye syluer, which from earth is tried and purified vij. tymes in the fyre.

Psalms 13:3

3 Considre, ad heare me, o LORDE my God: lighten myne eyes, that I slepe not in death.

Psalms 18:1-2

1 I wil loue the (o LORDE) my stregth. The LORDE is my sucor, my refuge, my Sauior: my god, my helper i who I trust: my buckler, ye horne of my health, & my proteccio. 2 I wil prayse ye LORDE & call vpon him, so shal I be safe fro myne enemies.

Psalms 18:23

23 Vncorrupte will I be before hi, & wil eschue myne owne wickednes.

Psalms 18:30

30 The waye of God is a perfecte waye: the wordes of the LORDE are tried in the fyre: he is a shylde of defence, for all them that trust in him.

Psalms 23:3

3 He quickeneth my soule, & bringeth me forth in the waye of rightuousnes for his names sake.

Psalms 24:7-10

7 Sela. Open yor gates (o ye prices) let the euerlastinge dores be opened, yt ye kynge of glory maye come in. 8 Who is this kynge of glory? It is the LORDE stroge and mightie, euen the LORDE mightie in batell. 9 Open youre gates (o ye prynces) let the euerlastinge dores be opened, yt the kynge off glory maye come in. 10 Who is this kynge off glory? It is the LORDE of hoostes, he is the kynge of glory. Sela.

Psalms 33:6

6 By the worde of the LORDE were the heauens made, & all the hoostes of them by ye breth of his mouth.

Psalms 34:11-14

11 Come hither (o ye children) herken vnto me, I wil teach you the feare of the LORDE. 12 Who so listeth to lyue, & wolde fayne se good dayes. 13 Let him refrayne his tonge from euell, and his lippes that they speake no gyle. 14 Let him eschue euell, and do good: Let him seke peace & ensue it.

Psalms 36:1

1 My hert sheweth me the wickednesse of the vngodly, that there is no feare of God before his eyes.

Psalms 36:6

6 Thy rightuousnesse stondeth like the stronge mountaynes, & thy iudgment like the greate depe.

Psalms 40:8

8 In the begynnynge of the boke it is written of me, that I shulde fulfill thy wil O my God, & that am I contet to do: yee thy lawe is within my hert.

Psalms 40:12

12 For innumerable troubles are come aboute me: my synnes haue taken soch holde vpon me, that I am not able to loke vp: yee they are mo in nombre then the hayres of my heade, and my hert hath fayled me.

Psalms 50:6

6 And the heauens shal declare his rightuousnesse, for God is iudge himself.

Psalms 51:2

2 Wash me well fro my wickednesse, & clense me fro my synne.

Psalms 51:5-10

5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me. 6 But lo, thou hast a pleasure in the treuth, and hast shewed me secrete wy?dome. 7 O reconcile me with Isope, and I shal be clene: wash thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe. 8 Oh let me heare of ioye and gladnesse, that the bones which thou hast broken, maye reioyse. 9 Turne thy face fro my synnes, and put out all my my?dedes. 10 Make me a clene hert (o God) and renue a right sprete within me.

Psalms 51:15

15 Open my lippes (O LORDE) that my mouth maye shewe thy prayse.

Psalms 63:5

5 As loge as I liue wil I magnifie the, & lift vp my hondes in thy name.

Psalms 65:3

3 Oure my?dedes preuayle agaynst vs, oh be thou mercyfull vnto oure synnes.

Psalms 66:18-20

18 (Yff I enclyne vnto wickednes with my herte, ye LORDE wil not heare me.) 19 Therfore God hath herde me, ad considred the voyce off my prayer. 20 Praysed be God, which hath not cast out my prayer, ner turned his mercy fro me.

Psalms 72:1-2

1 Geue the kinge thy iudgmet (o God) and thy rightuousnesse vnto the kynges sonne. 2 That he maye gouerne thy people acordinge vnto right, and defende thy poore.

Psalms 74:16

16 Thou dyggest vp welles & brokes, thou dryest vp mightie waters.

Psalms 78:1-7

1 Heare my lawe (o my people) encline yor eares vnto ye wordes of my mouth. 2 I wil open my mouth in parables, and speake of thinges of olde. 3 Which we haue herde and knowne, and soch as oure fathers haue tolde vs.

Psalms 78:3-7

3 Which we haue herde and knowne, and soch as oure fathers haue tolde vs. 4 That we shulde not hyde them from the children of the generacions to come: but to shewe the honoure of the LORDE, his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done.

Psalms 78:4-7

4 That we shulde not hyde them from the children of the generacions to come: but to shewe the honoure of the LORDE, his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done. 5 He made a couenaunt with Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, which he comaunded oure forefathers to teach their children.

Psalms 78:5-7

5 He made a couenaunt with Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, which he comaunded oure forefathers to teach their children. 6 That their posterite might knowe it, and the children which were yet vnborne.

Psalms 78:6-7

6 That their posterite might knowe it, and the children which were yet vnborne. 7 To the intent yt when they came vp, they might shewe their children the same.

Psalms 84:11

11 I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of the vngodly.

Psalms 90:8

8 Thou settest oure mi?dedes before the, and oure secrete synnes in the light of thy countenaunce.

Psalms 93:5

5 The wawes of the see are mightie, & rage horribly: but yet the LORDE that dwelleth on hye, is mightier. Thy testimonies (o LORDE) are very sure, holynesse becommeth thyne house for euer.

Psalms 98:3

3 The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health, and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithe.

Psalms 104:2

2 Thou deckest thy self with light, as it were wt a garment, thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne.

Psalms 104:34

34 O that my wordes might please him, for my ioye is in the LORDE.

Psalms 105:45

45 That they might kepe his statutes, and obserue his lawes. Halleluya. Halleluya.

Psalms 111:7

7 The workes of his hodes are verite & iudgment, all his comaundemetes are true.

Psalms 111:10-112:6

10 The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wy?dome, a good vnderstondinge haue all they that do therafter: the prayse of it endureth for euer.

Psalms 113:3

3 The LORDES name is worthy to be praysed, fro the rysinge vp of the Sonne vnto the goinge downe of the same.

Psalms 115:13

13 Yee he blesseth all them that feare the LORDE, both small & greate.

Psalms 115:16

16 All the whole heauens are the LORDES, but the earth hath he geue vnto ye childre of men.

Psalms 119:1

1 Blessed are those yt be vndefiled in the waye: which walke in the lawe of ye LORDE.

Psalms 119:7

7 I wil thanke the with an vnfayned herte, because I am lerned in the iudgmentes of thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 119:9

9 Where withall shall a yonge man clense his waye? Euen by rulinge himself after thy worde.

Psalms 119:11

11 Thy wordes haue I hyd within my herte, yt I shulde not synne agaynst the. 12 Praysed be thou O LORDE, O teach me thy statutes.

Psalms 119:14

14 I haue as greate delite in the waye of thy testimonies, as in all maner of riches.

Psalms 119:16

16 My delite shalbe in thy statutes, I will not forget thy wordes.

Psalms 119:24

24 In thy testimonies is my delite, they are my councelers.

Psalms 119:39

39 Take awaye the rebuke yt I am afraied of, for thy iudgmetes are amiable. 40 Beholde, my delite is in thy commaudemetes, o quycke me in thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 119:54

54 Thy statutes are my songes in the house of my pilgremage.

Psalms 119:62

62 At mydnight stonde I vp, to geue thakes vnto the, for the iudgmentes of thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 119:72

72 The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me, the thousandes of golde & syluer.

Psalms 119:75

75 I knowe (o LORDE) yt thy iudgmentes are right, and yt thou of very faithfulnesse hast caused me be troubled.

Psalms 119:80

80 O let my herte be vndefyled in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed.

Psalms 119:92

92 Yf my delyte were not in thy lawe, I shulde perishe in my trouble.

Psalms 119:96-100

96 I se that all thinges come to an ende, but thy commaundemet is exceadinge brode. 97 O what a loue haue I vnto thy lawe? all the daye longe is my talkynge of it. 98 Thou thorow thy commaundement hast made me wyser the myne enemies, for it is euer by me. 99 I haue more vnderstondinge then all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my studye. 100 Yee I am wyser then the aged, for I kepe thy comaundementes.

Psalms 119:103

103 O how swete are thy wordes vnto my throte? Yee more the hony vnto my mouth.

Psalms 119:105

105 Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my fete & a light vnto my pathes. 106 I haue sworne & am sted fastly purposed, to kepe the iudgmetes of thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 119:108

108 Let the frewil offeringes of my mouth please the (o LORDE) & teach me yi iudgmetes.

Psalms 119:111

111 Thy testimonies haue I claymed as myne heretage for euer: & why? they are the very ioye of my herte.

Psalms 119:121

121 I deale wt the thinge yt is laufull & right, O geue me not ouer vnto my oppressours.

Psalms 119:127-128

127 For I loue thy comaundemetes aboue golde and precious stone.

Psalms 119:127

127 For I loue thy comaundemetes aboue golde and precious stone. 128 Therfore holde I straight all thy commaundemetes, and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre.

Psalms 119:128

128 Therfore holde I straight all thy commaundemetes, and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre.

Psalms 119:130

130 When thy worde goeth forth, it geueth light and vnderstodinge, eue vnto babes.

Psalms 119:133

133 Ordre my goinges after thy worde, that no wickednesse raigne in me.

Psalms 119:137-138

137 Rightuous art thou (o LORDE) & true is yi iudgmet. 138 The testimonies that thou hast commauded, are exceadinge rightuous and true.

Psalms 119:142

142 Thy rightuousnesse is an euerlastinge rightuousnes, and thy lawe is true. 143 Trouble and heuynesse haue take holde vpo me, yet is my delite in thy commaundementes.

Psalms 119:152

152 As concernynge thy testimonies, I haue knowne euer sens the begynnynge, that thou hast grounded them for euer.

Psalms 119:171

171 My lippes shall speake of thy prayse, seynge thou hast taught me thy statutes.

Psalms 134:1-3

1 Beholde, O prayse the LORDE all ye seruauntes of the LORDE, ye that by night stode in the house of the LORDE. 2 O lift vp youre handes in the Sanctuary, and prayse the LORDE. 3 The LORDE yt made heauen & earth, blesse the out of Sion.

Psalms 136:8-9

8 The Sonne to rule the daye, for his mercy endureth for euer. 9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the night, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Psalms 139:2

2 Thou art aboute my path & aboute my bedd, & spyest out all my wayes.

Psalms 139:6

6 Whither shal I go then from thy sprete? Or, whither shal I fle from thy presence?

Psalms 139:9

9 Euen there also shal thy honde lede me, and thy right hande shal holde me.

Psalms 139:23-24

23 Trye me (o God) and seke the grounde of myne hert: proue me, & examen my thoughtes. 24 Loke well, yf there be eny waye of wickednesse in me, & lede me in the waye euerlastinge.

Psalms 147:19-20

19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob, his statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel.

Psalms 147:19

19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob, his statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so wt all the Heithen, nether haue they knowlege of his lawes. Halleluya.

Psalms 148:3-4

3 Prayse him Sonne & Moone, prayse him all ye starres & light. 4 Prayse him all ye heauens, & ye waters yt be vnder the heauens.

Psalms 148:12

12 Yonge men & maydes, olde men and children.

Psalms 150:1-2

1 Halleluya. O prayse the LORDE in his Sanctuary, prayse him in the firmament of his power. 2 Prayse him in his noble actes, prayse him in his excellet greatnesse.

Proverbs 1:4

4 That the very babes might haue wyt, and that yonge men might haue knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 1:22-23

22 O ye childre, how loge wil ye loue childyshnesse? how longe wil ye scorners delyte in scornynge, & ye vnwyse be enemies vnto knowlege? 23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo, I wil expresse my mynde vnto you, and make you vnderstode my wordes.

Proverbs 2:6

6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 3:13-15

13 Well is him that fyndeth wy?dome, & opteyneth vnderstondinge, 14 for the gettinge of it is better then eny marchaundise of syluer, & the profit of it is better then golde. 15 Wy?dome is more worth the precious stones, & all ye thinges yt thou canst desyre, are not to be compared vnto her. 16 Vpon hir right hande is longe life, & vpon hir left hande is riches & honor. 17 Hir wayes are pleasaunt wayes, and all hir pathes are peaceable. 18 She is a tre of life to them that laye holde vpon her, and blessed are they that kepe her fast.

Proverbs 6:22-23

22 That they maye lede the where thou goest, preserue the when thou art aslepe, & yt when thou awakest, thou mayest talke of the 23 (For the commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light: yee chastenynge & nurtoure is ye waye of life)

Proverbs 6:23-23

23 (For the commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light: yee chastenynge & nurtoure is ye waye of life)

Proverbs 8:10-11

10 Receaue my doctryne therfore and not syluer, & knowlege more then fyne golde. 11 For wysdome is more worth then precious stones, yee all the thinges that thou cast desyre, are not to be compared vnto it.

Proverbs 8:13

13 With me is the feare of the LORDE, and ye eschuynge of euell. As for pryde, disdayne, an euell waye, & a mouth that speaketh wicked thiges, I vtterly abhorre the.

Proverbs 8:19

19 My frute is better the golde & precious stone, & myne encrease more worth then fyne syluer.

Proverbs 11:18

18 The laboure of the vngodly prospereth not, but he that soweth rightuosnes, shal receaue a sure rewarde.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The LORDE abhorreth ye sacrifice of the vngodly, but the prayer of the rightuous is acceptable vnto him.

Proverbs 16:16

16 To haue wy?dome in possession is better then golde, and to get vnderstondynge, is more worth then syluer.

Proverbs 24:13

13 My sonne, thou eatest hony & ye swete hony cobe, because it is good & swete in thy mouth.

Proverbs 29:18

18 Where no prophet is, there the people perishe: but well is him that kepeth the lawe.

Proverbs 30:5

5 All the wordes of God are pure & cleane, for he is a shylde vnto all them, that put their trust in him.

Ecclesiastes 1:5

5 The Sone aryseth, the Sonne goeth downe, & returneth to his place, yt he maye there ryse vp agayne.

Isaiah 3:10-11

10 Then shal they saye: O happie are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of their studies. 11 But wo be to ye vngodly and vnrightuous for they shalbe rewarded after their workes.

Isaiah 8:16

16 Now laye the witnesses together (sayde the LORDE) and seale the lawe with my disciples.

Isaiah 8:20

20 Yf eny man want light, let him loke vpon the lawe and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meanynge.

Isaiah 26:8

8 Therfore (LORDE) we haue a respecte vnto the waye of thy iudgmentes, thy name and thy remebraunce reioyse the soule.

Isaiah 38:19

19 but the lyuynge, yee the lyuynge acknowlege the, like as I do this daye. The father telleth his children of thy faithfulnesse.

Isaiah 40:22-26

22 That he sytteth vpon the Circle of the worlde, and that all the inhabitours of the worlde are in coparison of him, but as greshoppers: That he spredeth out the heaues as a coueringe, that he stretcheth them out, as. a tent to dwell in: 23 That he bringeth princes to nothinge, and the iudges of the earth to dust: 24 so that they be not planted nor sowen agayne, nether their stocke rooted agayne in the earth? For as soone as he bloweth vpon them, they wither & fade awaye, like the strawe in a whirle wynde. 25 To whom now wil ye licken me, & whom shal I be like, saieth the holy one? 26 Lift vp youre eyes an hie, and considre. Who hath made those thinges, which come out by so greate heapes? and he can call them all by their names. For there is nothinge hyd vnto the greatnesse of his power, strength, and might.

Isaiah 43:14

14 Thus saieth the LORDE the holy one of Israel youre redemer: For youre sake I will sende to Babilon, and bringe all the strongest of them from thence: Namely, the Caldees that boost them of their shippes:

Isaiah 44:6

6 Morouer, thus hath the LORDE spoke: euen the kinge of Israel, and his avenger, ye LORDE of hoostes: I am the first, and the last, and without me is there no God.

Isaiah 47:4

4 saieth oure redemer, which is called the LORDE of hoostes, the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 49:6

6 Let it be but a smal thinge, that thou art my seruaunt, to set vp the kinreddes of Iacob, & to restore the destructio of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my health vnto the ende of the worlde.

Isaiah 54:5

5 For he that made the, shalbe thy LORDE & husbonde (whose name is the LORDE of hoostes) & thine avenger shalbe euen the holy one off Israel, the LORDE of the whole worlde.

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her.

Isaiah 62:5

5 And like as yonge ma taketh a doughter to mariage, so shal God mary himself vnto yi sonnes. And as a brydegrome is glad of his bryde, so shal God reioyse ouer the.

Isaiah 64:5

5 Thou helpest him that doth right with cherefulnesse, and them that thynke vpon thy wayes. But lo, thou art angrie, for we offende, and haue bene euer in synne, and there is not one whole. 6 We are all as an vnclene thinge, & all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leaf, for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde.

Jeremiah 10:11-12

11 As for their goddes, it maye well be sayde of the: they are goddes, that made nether heaue ner earth: therfore shal they perish fro the earth, and from all thinges vnder heauen. 12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discrecion hath he spred out the heauens,

Jeremiah 15:16

16 When I had founde thy wordes, I at them vp gredely: they haue made my hert ioyfull & glad. For I call vpon thy name, o LORDE God off hoostes.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 Amonge all thinges lyuynge, man hath the most disceatfull and vnsercheable hert. Who shall then knowe it?

Ezekiel 3:17-21

17 Thou sonne off man, I haue made the a watch man vnto the house of Israel: therfore take good hede to the wordes, and geue them warnynge at my commaundement. 18 Yff I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly ma, that (without doute) he must dye, and thou geuest him not warnynge, ner speakest vnto him, that he maye turne from his euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrightuosnes: but his bloude will I requyre off thyne honde. 19 Neuertheles, yff thou geue warnynge vnto the wicked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule. 20 Now yf a rightuous ma go fro his rightuousnesse, and do the thinge that is euell: I will laye a stomblinge blocke before him, and he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warninge: Yee dye shall he in his owne synne, so that the vertue, which he did before, shall not be thought vpon: but his bloude will I requyre of thine honde. 21 Neuertheles, yf thou exhortest the rightuous, that he synne not, and so ye rightuous do not synne: Then shall he lyue, because he hath receaued thy warnynge, and thou hast discharged thy soule.

Ezekiel 33:3-9

3 ye same man (wha he seyth the swearde come vpon the londe) shall blowe the trompet, and warne the people. 4 Yff a man now heare the noyse off the trompet & will not be warned, and the swearde come ad take him awaye: his bloude shall be vpo his owne heade: 5 For he herde the soude of the trompet, and wolde not take hede, therfore his bloude be vpon him. But yff he will receaue warnynge, he shal saue his life. 6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swerde come, and shewe it not with the trompet, so yt the people is not warned: yff the swearde come then, and take eny man from amoge the: the same shall be taken awaye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre off the watchmans honde. 7 And now (O thou sonne of man) I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israel: that where as thou hearest eny thinge out of my mouth, thou mayest warne them on my behalfe. 8 Yff I saye vnto the wicked: thou wicked, thou shalt surely dye: and thou geuest him not warnynge, that he maye bewarre off his vngodly waye: then shall the wicked dye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre of thy honde. 9 Neuertheles yf thou warne the wicked off his waye, to turne from it, where as he yet wil not be turned from it: then shal he dye because off his synne, but thou hast delyuered thy soule.

Ezekiel 36:27

27 I wil geue you my sprete amonge you, and cause you to walke in my commaundemetes, to kepe my lawes, and to fulfill them.

Daniel 12:3

3 The wyse (soch as haue taught other) shal glister, as the shyninge of heauen: and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse, shalbe as the starres, worlde without ende.

Malachi 4:2

2 But vnto you that feare my name, shall the Sone of rightuousnesse aryse, & health shalbe vnder his winges. Ye shal go forth, & multiplie as ye fat calues.

Matthew 3:7

7 Now when he sawe many of the Pharises and of ye Saduces come to hys baptim, he sayde vnto them: ye generacio of vipers, who hath certified you, that ye shal escape ye vengeaunce to come?

Matthew 6:4

4 that thine almes maye be secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly.

Matthew 6:6

6 But when thou prayest, entre in to thy chamber, and shut thy dore to the, & praye to thy father which is in secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly.

Matthew 6:18

18 that it appeare not vnto men, that thou fastest: but vnto thy father which is in secrete: and thy father which seyth in secrete, shal rewarde the openly.

John 3:29

29 He that hath the bryde, is the brydegrome: but the frende of the brydegrome stondeth, and herkeneth vnto him, and reioyseth greatly ouer the voyce of the brydegrome, this same ioye of myne is now fulfilled.

John 3:32-33

32 and testifieth what he hath sene & herde, and no man receaueth his wytnesse. 33 But he that receaueth it, hath set to his seale, that God is true.

John 5:39

39 Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me,

Acts 10:22

22 They sayde: Cornelius the captayne, a iust man and one that feareth God, and of good reporte amoge all the people of the Iewes, was warned by an holy angell, to sende for the in to his house, and to heare wordes of the.

Acts 10:43

43 Of him beare all the prophetes wytnesse, that thorow his name all they yt beleue in him, shal receaue remyssion of synnes.

Acts 20:31

31 Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.

Acts 24:16

16 Therfore studye I to haue allwaye a cleare conscience towarde God and towarde men.

Romans 1:19-20

19 because that it, which maye be knowne of God, is manifest with the. For God hath shewed it vnto the, 20 that the inuisible thinges of God (that is, his euerlastinge power and Godheade) mighte be sene whyle they are considered by the workes from the creacion of the worlde: so that they are without excuse,

Romans 2:2

2 For we are sure that the iudgment of God is (acordinge to the trueth) ouer them that do soch.

Romans 2:17-20

17 But take hede, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, & makest thy boost of God, 18 and knowest his will: & for so moch as thou art enfourmed out of ye lawe, 19 thou prouest what is best to do, and presumest to be a leader of the blynde: a lighte of them yt are in darcknes: 20 an enformer of ye vnwyse: a teacher of ye symple: which hast the ensample of knowlege & of the trueth in the lawe.

Romans 3:2

2 Surely very moch. First Vnto them was commytted what God spake.

Romans 3:10-18

10 As it is wrytte: There is none righteous, no not one. 11 There is none yt vnderstondeth, there is none that seketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the waye, they are alltogether become vnprofitable: there is none that doeth good, no not one. 13 Their throte is an open sepulcre, with their tunges they haue disceaued, the poyson off Aspes is vnder their lippes. 14 Their mouth is full of cursynge and bytternesse. 15 Their fete are swifte to shed bloude. 16 Destruccion & wrechidnes are in their wayes, 17 and ye waye of peace haue they not knowne. 18 There is no feare of God before their eyes.

Romans 3:20

20 because yt by ye dedes of the lawe no flesh maye be iustified in his sighte. For by the lawe commeth but the knowlege of synne.

Romans 6:12-14

12 Let not synne reigne therfore in youre mortall bodye, that ye shulde obeye vnto the lustes of it. 13 ether geue ye ouer youre membres vnto synne to be wapens of vnrighteousnes, but geue ouer youre selues vnto God, as they that off deed are become lyuynge, and youre membres vnto God to be wapes off righteousnes. 14 For synne shal not haue power ouer you, in so moch as ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace.

Romans 6:16-22

16 Knowe ye not, that loke vnto who ye geue ouer youre selues as seruauntes to obeye, his seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey, whether it be of synne vnto death, or of obediece vnto righteousnes? 17 But God be thanked, that though ye haue bene the seruauntes of synne, ye are now yet obedient of herte to the ensample off the doctryne, whervnto ye are commytted. 18 For now that ye are made fre from synue, ye are become the seruauntes of righteousnes. 19 I wil speake grosly, because of the weaknes of youre flesh. Like as ye haue geuen ouer youre membres to the seruyce of vnclennesse, from one wickednesse to another: Eue so now also geue ouer youre membres to the seruyce of righteousnesse, that they maye be holy. 20 For whan ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye were lowse from righteousnes. 21 What frute had ye at that tyme in those thinges, wherof ye are now ashamed? For the ende of soch thinges is death. 22 But now that ye be fre from synne, and are become the seruauntes of God, ye haue youre frute that ye shulde be holy: but the ende is euerlastinge life.

Romans 7:7

7 What shal we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbyd: Neuertheles I knewe not synne, but by ye lawe. For I had knowne nothinge of lust, yf the lawe had not sayde: Thou shalt not lust.

Romans 7:12-14

12 The lawe in dede is holy, and the commaundement holy, iust and good. 13 Is that then which is good, become death vnto me? God forbyd. But synne, that it mighte appeare how yt it is synne, hath wroughte me death thorow good: that synne mighte be out of measure synfull by the commaundement. 14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder synne:

Romans 7:22

22 For I delite in the lawe of God after the inwarde man:

Romans 10:18

18 But I saye: Haue they not herde? No doute their sounde wete out into all londes, and their wordes in to the endes of the worlde.

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde therfore the kyndnesse and rigorousnes off God: on them which fell, rigorousnes: but towarde the, kyndnes, yf thou contynue in the kyndnesse. Els shalt thou be hewe of:

Romans 12:2

2 And fashion not youre selues like vnto this worlde, but be chaunged thorow the renewynge off yor mynde, yt ye maye proue, what thinge that good, yt acceptable, & perfecte wil of God is.

Romans 15:4

4 What so euer thinges are wrytte afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnynge, that we thorow pacience and comforte off the scriptures, might haue hope.

Romans 15:16

16 that I shulde be a mynister of Iesu Christ amonge the Heythen, to declare the gospell of God, that the Heythen mighte be an acceptable offerynge vnto God, sanctified by the holy goost.

1 Corinthians 4:4

4 I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me.

1 Corinthians 4:14

14 I wryte not this to shame you, but as my deare childre I warne you.

1 Corinthians 9:24-26

24 Knowe ye not, that they which runne in a course, runne all, yet but one receaueth the rewarde? Runne ye so, that ye maye optayne. 25 Euery one that proueth mastrye, absteyneth from all thinges, and they do it, that they maye optayne a corruptible crowne, but we to optayne an vncorruptible crowne. 26 I therfore so runne, not as at an vncertayne thinge: So fighte I, not as one yt beateth ye ayre:

2 Corinthians 10:13-16

13 Howbeit we wil not boast or selues aboue measure, but onely acordinge to the measure of the rule, wherwith God hath distributed vnto vs the measure to reach euen vnto you. 14 For we stretche not or selues to farre as though we had not reached vnto you. For euen vnto you haue we come with the Gospell of Christ, 15 and boast not oure selues out of measure in other mens laboures: Yee and we hope whan youre faith is increased in you, that we wil come farther (acordinge to oure measure) 16 and preach the Gospell vnto them that dwell beyonde you, and not to reioyse in that, which is prepared with another mans measure.

Galatians 2:19

19 But I thorow the lawe am deed vnto the lawe, that I might lyue vnto God.

Galatians 3:10-13

10 For as many as go aboute with the workes of the lawe, are vnder ye curse: For it is wrytte: Cursed be euery man, which cotynueth not in all thinges that are wrytte in the boke of the lawe, to do them. 11 That no man is iustified by the lawe in the sighte of God, it is euydet: For ye iust shal lyue by his faith. 12 The lawe is not of faith, but the ma that doth ye same, shal lyue therin. 13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre)

Galatians 3:21

21 Is the lawe then agaynst the promyses of God? God forbyd. Howbeit yf there had bene geuen a lawe which coulde haue geue life, the no doute righteousnes shulde come of the lawe.

Philippians 3:13-14

13 Brethren, I counte not my selfe yet that I haue gotten it: but one thinge I saye: I forget that which is behynde, and stretch my selfe vnto that which is before, 14 & preace vnto ye marck apoynted, to optayne the rewarde of the hye callynge of God in Christ Iesu.

Colossians 1:23

23 yf ye contynue grounded and stablished in the faith, and be not moued awaye from ye hope of the Gospell, wherof ye haue herde: which is preached amonge all creatures yt are vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a mynister.

Colossians 3:16

16 Let ye worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wyssdome. Teach and exhorte youre awne selues with psalmes and ymnes, and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them, synginge in youre hertes to the LORDE.

1 Thessalonians 1:10

10 and to loke for his sonne from heaue: whom he raysed vp from the deed, euen Iesus, which hath delyuered vs fro the wrath to come.

1 Thessalonians 5:14

14 We desyre you brethre, warne them that are vnruly, coforte the feble mynded, forbeare the weake, be pacient towarde all men.

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Be not thou asshamed therfore of ye testimony of or LORDE, nether of me, which am his presoner: but suffre thou aduersite also wt the Gospell, acordinge to the power of God

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But ye sure grounde of God stondeth fast, and hath this seale: The LORDE knoweth them that are his, and let euery ma that calleth vpon the name of Christ, departe from iniquyte.

2 Timothy 3:15-17

15 And for so moch as thou hast knowne holy scripture of a childe, the same is able to make ye wyse vnto saluacion thorow the faith in Christ Iesu. 16 For all scripture geue by inspiracion of God, is profitable to teach, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnes, 17 that a man off God maye be perfecte, and prepared vnto all good workes.

Titus 2:14

14 which gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs fro all vnrighteousnes, and to pourge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe, to be feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 6:18-19

18 yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs, 19 which (hope) we haue as a sure and stedfast anker of oure soule. Which (hope) also entreth in, in to those thinges that are within ye vayle,

Hebrews 9:7

7 But in to the seconde wente the hye prest alone once in the yeare, not without bloude, which he offred for himselfe and for the ignoraunce of the people.

Hebrews 11:4

4 By faith offered Abell vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice: by the which he optayned wytnesse, that he was righteous: God testifyenge of his giftes, by the which also he beynge deed, yet speaketh.

Hebrews 11:6-7

6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please God. For he that commeth vnto God, must beleue that God is, & yt he is a rewarder of them that seke him. 7 By faith Noe honoured God, after yt he was warned of thinges which were not sene, & prepared the Arke, to ye sauinge of his housholde: thorow the which Arke he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the righteousnes, which commeth by faith.

Hebrews 11:26

26 and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater riches, then the treasure of Egipte: for he had respecte vnto the rewarde.

Hebrews 12:1-2

1 Wherfore seynge we haue so greate a multitude of witnesses aboute vs let vs also laye awaye all yt presseth downe, and the synne that hangeth on, and let vs runne with pacience vnto the batayl that is set before vs, 2 lokynge vnto Iesus ye auctor and fynissher of faith: which whan the ioye was layed before him, abode the crosse, and despysed the shame, and is set downe on ye righte hade of ye trone of God.

Hebrews 13:15

15 Let vs therfore by him offre allwayes vnto God the sacrifice of prayse: that is to saye, the frute of those lippes which confesse his name.

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

James 1:21-25

21 Wherfore laye aparte all fylthines, all superfluite of maliciousnes, & receaue with meknes ye worde yt is grafted in you, which is able to saue youre soules. 22 And se that ye be doers of ye worde & not heares only, deceauinge youre awne selues. 23 For yf eny heare the worde, and do it not, he is like vnto a ma that beholdeth his bodily face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on himselfe, he goeth his waye, and forgetteth immediatly what his fasshion was. 25 But who so loketh in ye perfect lawe of libertie, and continueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happie in his dede.

James 1:25

25 But who so loketh in ye perfect lawe of libertie, and continueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happie in his dede.

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 and knowe, that ye were not redemed wt corruptible syluer and golde, from youre vayne conuersacion (which ye receaued by the tradicios of the fathers) 19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

2 Peter 2:10

10 but specially them that walke after the flesh in ye lust of vnclennes, and despyse the rulers: beynge presumptuous, stubborne, and feare not to speake euell of the yt are in auctorite

1 John 1:7

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

1 John 5:9-12

9 Yf we receaue the witnesse of men, the witnesse of God is greater: for this is the wytnesse of God, which he testifyed of his sonne. 10 He that beleueth on ye sonne of God, hath the wytnes in him selfe. He that beleueth not God, hath made him a lyar. 11 And this is that recorde, euen yt God hath geue vs euerlastinge life. And this life is in his sonne. 12 He that hath the sonne of God, hath life: He that hath not the sonne of God, hath not life.

2 John 1:8

8 Take hede to youre selues, that we lose not that which we haue wrought, but that we maye receaue a full rewarde.

Revelation 5:9

9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take the boke & to ope the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redemed vs by thy bloud, out of all kynreddes, and toges, and people, and nacions,

Revelation 14:13

13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.

Revelation 15:3

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, and the songe of the lambe, saynge: Greate and maruellous are thy workes LORDE God almyghty, iust and true are thy wayes, thou kynge of sayntes.

Revelation 16:7

7 And I herde another angell out of the aulter, saye: euen so LORDE God almighty, true and righteous are thy iudgmentes.

Revelation 19:2

2 for true and righteous are his iudgmentes, because he hath iudged the greate whore (which did corrupt ye earth with her fornicacion) and hath auenged the bloud of his seruautes of her hond.

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his fete, to worshippe him. And he sayde vnto me: Se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt, and one of thy brethren, and of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is ye sprete of prophesy.

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