Psalms 20 Cross References - Coverdale

1 The LORDE heare the in the tyme off trouble, the name of the God of Iacob defende the. 2 Sende the helpe fro the Sanctuary, & strength ye out of Sion 3 Remembre all thy offerynges, and accepte thy brent sacrifice. 4 Sela. Graunte the thy hertes desyre, & fulfill all thy mynde. 5 We will reioyse in thy health, & triuphe in ye name of the LORDE oure God: the LORDE perfourme all thy peticios. 6 Now knowe I, that the LORDE helpeth his anoynted, and will heare him fro his holy heauen: mightie is the helpe of his right hode. 7 Some put their trust in charettes, & some in horses: but we wil remebre ye name of the LORDE oure God. 8 They are brought downe and fallen, but we are rysen and stonde vp right. 9 Saue (LORDE) & helpe vs (o kynge) when we call vpon the.

Genesis 4:4

4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge:

Genesis 32:27-29

27 He sayde: What is thy name? He answered: Iacob. 28 He sayde: Thou shalt nomore be called Iacob, but Israel, for thou hast stryuen with God and with men, and hast preuayled. 29 And Iacob axed him, & sayde: Tell me, what is yi name? But he sayde: Why axest thou what my name is? And he blessed him there.

Genesis 48:15-16

15 And he blessed Ioseph, & saide: The God before who my fathers Abraha & Isaac haue walked: ye God yt hath fed me my lyfe longe vnto this daye: 16 the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euell, blesse these laddes, yt they maye be called after my name, & after ye name of my fathers Abraha & Isaac, yt they maye growe & multiplye vpon earth.

Exodus 3:13-15

13 Moses sayde vnto God: Beholde, whan I come to the childre of Israel, and saye vnto them: The God of youre fathers hath sent me vnto you, & they saye vnto me: What is his name? what shal I saye vnto them? 14 God saide vnto Moses: I wyl be what I wyll be. And he sayde: Thus shalt thou saye vnto ye children of Israel: I wyl he hath sent me vnto you. 15 And God sayde morouer vnto Moses: Thus shalt thou saye vnto the children of Israel: The LORDE God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, ye God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you, this is my name for euer, and my memoriall from childe to childes childe.

Exodus 17:15

15 And Moses buylded an altare vnto the LORDE, and called it: The LORDE Nissi,

Exodus 34:5-7

5 The came the LORDE downe in a cloude. And there he stepte vnto him, & called vpo ye name of ye LORDE. 6 And whan ye LORDE passed by before his face, he cryed: LORDE LORDE, God, mercifull & gracious, & longe sufferinge, and of greate mercy and trueth, 7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.

Leviticus 9:24

24 For there came a fyre from the LORDE, and vpon the altare it consumed the burntofferynge and the fat. Whan all the people sawe that, they reioysed, and fell vpon their faces.

Numbers 10:35-36

35 And whan the Arke wente forth, Moses sayde: Aryse LORDE, let thine enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the, flye before the. 36 And whan it rested, he sayde: Come agayne O LORDE vnto the multitude of the thousandes of Israel.

Judges 5:31

31 Thus all thine enemies must perishe O LORDE: but they that loue the, shal be euen as the Sonne rysinge vp in his mighte. And the londe had peace fortye yeares.

1 Samuel 1:17

17 Eli answered her, and sayde: Go yi waye in peace, the God of Israel shal graunte ye thy peticion that thou hast desyred of him.

1 Samuel 13:5

5 Then the Philistynes gathered them selues together to fighte wt Israel, thirtie thousande charettes, sixe thousande horsmen, and other people besyde, in nombre as the sonde by the See shore, and wente vp, and pitched at Michmas on the eastsyde of Bethauen.

1 Samuel 17:45

45 Neuertheles Dauid sayde vnto the Philistyne: Thou commest vnto me with swerde, speare and shylde. But I come vnto the in the name of the LORDE Zebaoth the God of the hoost of Israel, whom thou hast despysed.

2 Samuel 5:7

7 Howbeit Dauid wanne the castell of Sion, which is the cite of Dauid.

2 Samuel 6:17

17 But whan they brought in ye Arke of the LORDE, they set it in hir place in the myddes of the Tabernacle, which Dauid had pitched for it. And Dauid offred burntofferynges and deedofferyges before ye LORDE.

2 Samuel 8:4

4 And of them toke Dauid a thousande & seuen hundreth horsmen, and twenty thousande fote men, and lamed all the charettes, saue an hundreth which he kepte behynde.

2 Samuel 10:18

18 howbeit the Syrians fled before Israel. And Dauid slewe of the Syrians seue hundreth charettes, & fortye thousande horsme, & Sobath the chefe captayne smote he also, so that he dyed there.

1 Kings 6:16

16 And behynde in the house he buylded a wall of Ceder tymber twentye cubytes longe, from the floore vnto the rofe. And there on the ynsyde buylded he the quere for the most holy.

1 Kings 8:30

30 & heare the intercession of yi seruaunt & of thy people of Israel, which they shall make here in this place of thy habitacion in heauen: and whan thou hearest it, be gracious.

1 Kings 8:43

43 heare thou him then in heauen, euen in the seate of thy dwellynge, and do all for the which that straunger calleth vpon the, that all the nacions vpon earth maye knowe thy name, and that they maye feare the, as thy people of Israel do: and that they maye knowe, how that this house which I haue buylded, is named after thy name. 44 Whan thy people go forth to the battayll agaynst their enemyes, the waye that thou shalt sende them and shall praye vnto the LORDE towarde the waye of the cite which thou hast chosen, and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name, 45 heare thou then their prayer and peticion in heauen, and execute iudgment for them.

1 Chronicles 21:26

26 And there buylded Dauid an altare vnto ye LORDE, & offred burntofferynges & slaynofferynges. And whan he called vpo the LORDE, he herde him thorow the fyre from heaue vpon ye altare of the burntofferynge.

2 Chronicles 7:1

1 And wha Salomo had ended his praier, there fell a fyre from heauen, and cosumed the burntofferynge and the other offeringes. And the glory of the LORDE fylled the house,

2 Chronicles 13:10-12

10 But with vs is ye LORDE oure God, who we forsake not: and the prestes that minister vnto the LORDE, the children of Aaron and the Leuites in their busines, 11 and euery mornynge and euery euenynge kyndle they the burntofferynges vnto the LORDE, and the swete incense, and prepare the shewbred vpo the pure table, and the golden candilsticke with his lampes, to be kyndled euery euenynge: for we wayte vpo the LORDE oure God. As for you, ye haue forsaken him. 12 Beholde, God is the captayne of oure hoost, and with vs are his prestes, and the blowynge trompettes, to trompe agaynst you. Ye children of Israel, fight not agaynst the LORDE God of yor fathers: for ye shal not prospere.

2 Chronicles 13:16

16 And the children of Israel fled before Iuda, and God gaue them in to their handes,

2 Chronicles 14:11

11 And Asa called vpon ye LORDE his God and sayde: LORDE, it is no differece wt ye, to helpe by fewe or by many. Helpe vs O LORDE oure God: for oure trust is in the, & in thy name are we come forth against this multitude. LORDE oure God, let no man preuayle agaynst the.

2 Chronicles 20:8-9

8 so that they haue dwelt in it, & haue buylded the a Sanctuary vnto yi name therin, and sayde: 9 Yf there come eny plage, swerde, iudgmet, pestilence, or derth vpon vs, we wyll stonde before this house euen before the (for thy name is in this house) and wyll crye vnto the in oure trouble, and thou shalt heare, and shalt saue vs.

2 Chronicles 20:12-20

12 O oure God, wylt thou not iudge them? For in vs is no strength to withstonde this greate multitude that commeth agaynst vs. We knowe not what we shulde do, but oure eyes loke vnto the. 13 And all Iuda stode before the LORDE, with their children, wyues and sonnes. 14 But vpon Iehasiel the sonne of Zacharias, the sonne of Benaia, the sonne of Iehiel, the sonne of Mathania the Leuite of ye children of Assaph, came the sprete of the LORDE in the myddes of the congregacion, 15 and sayde: Geue hede all thou Iuda, and ye inhabiters of Ierusalem, and thou kynge Iosaphat: Thus sayeth the LORDE vnto you: Be not ye afrayed, nether feare ye this greate multitude: for it is not ye that fighte, but God. 16 Tomorow shal ye go downe vnto the. And beholde, they go vp by Sis, and ye shal fynde them at the reed see by the broke before the wyldernes of Ieruel: 17 for ye shall not fighte in this cause. Do ye but steppe forth, and stonde, and se the health of the LORDE that is with you. Feare not O Iuda and Ierusalem, and be not afrayed, tomorow go ye forth agaynst them, and the LORDE shalbe with you. 18 The Iosaphat bowed him selfe wt his face to the earth, & all Iuda, & the inhabiters of Ierusalem fell before the LORDE, & worshipped the LORDE. 19 And the Leuites of ye childre of the Kahathites & of the children of the Corahites arose to prayse the LORDE God of Israel wt loude voyce on hye. 20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.

2 Chronicles 32:8

8 With him is a fleshly arme, but with vs is the LORDE oure God, to helpe vs and to fighte for vs. And ye people trusted vnto the wordes of Ezechias kynge of Iuda.

Psalms 2:2

2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted.

Psalms 2:6-10

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion. 7 As for me I will preach the lawe, wherof the LORDE hath sayde vnto me: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the. 8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt rule them with a rodde of yron, and breake the in peces like an erthen vessell. 10 Be wyse now therfore (o ye kynges) be warned, ye that are iudges of the earth.

Psalms 3:4

4 I call vpon the LORDE with my voyce, and he heareth me out of his holy hill.

Psalms 3:7

7 Vp LORDE, and helpe me, o my God: for thou smytest all myne enemies vpon the cheke bones, and breakest the teth of the vngodly.

Psalms 5:2

2 O marke the voyce of my peticion, my kynge & my God: for vnto the wil I make my prayer.

Psalms 9:10

10 Therfore they yt knowe thy name, put their trust in ye: for thou (LORDE) neuer faylest the, that seke the.

Psalms 9:14

14 That I maye shewe all thy prayses within the portes off the doughter Sion, and reioyse in thy sauynge health.

Psalms 13:5

5 But my trust is in thy mercy, and my hert is ioyfull in thy sauynge health.

Psalms 17:6

6 For vnto the I crie, heare me o God: enclyne thine eares to me, and herke vnto my wordes. 7 Shewe yi maruelous louinge kindnesse, thou that sauest them which put their trust in the, from soch as resist thy right honde.

Psalms 18:2

2 I wil prayse ye LORDE & call vpon him, so shal I be safe fro myne enemies.

Psalms 18:35

35 Thou hast geue me the defence of thy health, thy right hande vpholdeth me, and thy louynge correccion maketh me greate.

Psalms 18:50

50 For this cause I wil geue thankes vnto ye (o LORDE) amonge the Gentiles, and synge prayses vnto thy name. Greate prosperite geueth he vnto his kynge, and sheweth louinge kyndnesse vnto Dauid his anoynted, yee & vnto his sede for euermore.

Psalms 19:4

4 Their soude is gone out in to all londes, and their wordes in to the endes of the worlde.

Psalms 21:1

1 Lorde, how ioyfull is the kynge in yi strength? O how exceadinge glad is he of thy sauynge health? 2 Thou hast geuen him his hertes desyre, & hast not put him fro the request of his lippes.

Psalms 24:7

7 Sela. Open yor gates (o ye prices) let the euerlastinge dores be opened, yt ye kynge of glory maye come in.

Psalms 28:8

8 The LORDE is my stregth and my shylde: my herte hoped in him, & I am helped: therfore my hert dauseth for ioye, and I will synge prayses vnto him.

Psalms 33:16-17

16 A kynge is not helped by his owne greate hoost, nether is a giaunte saued thorow the might of his owne stregth. 17 A horse is but a vayne thynge to saue a man, it is not the power of his stregth that can delyuer him.

Psalms 34:21-22

21 But mi?fortune shal slaye the vngodly, and they that hate ye rightuous shal be giltie. 22 The LORDE delyuereth the soules of his seruautes, and all they that put their trust in him, shal not offende.

Psalms 35:9

9 But let my soule be ioyfull in the LORDE, and reioyse in his helpe.

Psalms 37:4

4 Delyte thou in the LORDE, & he shal geue the thy hertes desyre.

Psalms 41:1

1 Blessed is he, yt considreth ye poore: ye LORDE shal delyuer him in the tyme of trouble.

Psalms 41:11

11 By this I knowe thou fauourest me, that my enemie shal not triumphe ouer me.

Psalms 44:4

4 But thy right hade, thyne arme & the light of thy countenaunce, because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them.

Psalms 45:17

17 In steade of thy fathers thou hast gotten children, whom thou shalt make prynces in all londes. I wil remembre thy name from one generacio to another: therfore shal the people geue thankes vnto the, worlde without ende.

Psalms 46:1

1 In oure troubles and aduersite, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe.

Psalms 46:7

7 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence.

Psalms 46:11

11 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Sela.

Psalms 50:5

5 Gather my sayntes together vnto me, those yt set more by the couenaunt then by eny offeringe.

Psalms 51:19

19 For then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightuousnesse, with the burntofferynges and oblacions: then shal they laye bullockes vpon thine aulter.

Psalms 60:4

4 Yet hast thou geue a toke for soch as feare the, yt they maye cast it vp in ye treuth.

Psalms 60:11

11 O be thou oure helpe in trouble, for vayne is the helpe of man.

Psalms 73:17

17 Vntill I wete in to ye Sanctuary of God, & considered the ende of these men.

Psalms 74:12

12 Why withdrawest thou thine honde? why pluckest thou not thy right hode out of thy bosome, to consume thine enemies?

Psalms 83:18

18 That they maye knowe, that thou art alone, that thy name is the LORDE, and that thou only art the most hyest ouer all the earth.

Psalms 89:20-23

20 Thou spakest somtyme in visios vnto thy sayntes, and saydest: I haue layed helpe vpon one that is mightie, I haue exalted one chosen out of the people. 21 I haue founde Dauid my seruaut, with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him. 22 My honde shal holde him fast, and my arme shal strength him. 23 The enemie shal not ouercome him, and the sonne of wickednesse shal not hurte him.

Psalms 91:14-15

14 Because he hath set his loue vpon me, I shal delyuer him: I shal defende him, for he hath knowne my name. 15 When he calleth vpon me, I shall heare him: yee I am with him in his trouble, wherout I wil delyuer him, and brynge him to honoure.

Psalms 114:2

2 Iuda was his Sactuary, Israel his dominion.

Psalms 118:15

15 The voyce of ioye & myrth is in the dwellynges of ye rightuous, for ye right hande of the LORDE hath gotte the victory.

Psalms 118:25-26

25 Helpe now o LORDE, o LORDE sende vs now prosperite. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORDE, we wish you good lucke, ye that be of the house of the LORDE.

Psalms 125:1

1 They that put their trust in ye LORDE, are eue as the mount Sion, which maye not be remoued, but stodeth fast for euer.

Psalms 138:7

7 Though I walke i ye myddest of trouble, yet shalt thou refresh me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hade vpo the furiousnes of myne enemies, & yi righthande shal saue me.

Psalms 145:19

19 He fulfilleth the desyre of them that feare him, he heareth their crie, and helpeth them.

Psalms 146:5-9

5 Which made heauen and earth, ye see and all that therin is, which kepeth his promise for euer 6 Which helpeth them to right yt suffre wronge, which fedeth ye hongrie. 7 The LORDE lowseth men out of preson, the LORDE geueth sight to the blynde. 8 The LORDE helpeth the vp that are fallen, the LORDE loueth the righteous. 9 The LORDE careth for the straungers, he defendeth ye fatherlesse and wyddowe: as for the waye of ye vngodly, he turneth it vpsyde downe.

Proverbs 11:23

23 The iust laboure for peace and traquylite, but the vngodly for disquyetnesse.

Proverbs 18:10

10 The name of ye LORDE is a stronge castell, ye righteous flyeth vnto it, and shalbe saued.

Proverbs 21:31

31 The horse is prepared agaynst ye daye of battayll, but the LORDE geueth the victory.

Isaiah 11:10

10 Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse (which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles) for his dwellinge shalbe glorious.

Isaiah 12:1-3

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O LORDE, I thanke the, for thou wast displeased at me, but thou hast refrayned thy wrath, and hast mercy vpon me. 2 Beholde, God is my health, in whom I trust, and am not afrayde. For the LORDE God is my strength, and my prayse, he also shalbe my refuge. 3 Therfore with ioye shal ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure,

Isaiah 12:6

6 Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 14:32

32 Who shall then maynteyne the messages of the Gentyles? But the LORDE stablisheth Syon, & the poore of my people shall put their trust in him.

Isaiah 25:9

9 At the same tyme shal it be sayde: lo, this is oure God in who we put oure trust, and he hath healed vs. This is the LORDE that we haue wayted for: Let vs reioyse & delyte in his health.

Isaiah 30:16

16 Notwithstondinge ye regarde it not, but ye will saie: No, for thus are we costrayned to fle vpo horses. (And therfore shall ye fle) we must ryde vpon swift beastes, and therfore youre persecutours shal yet be swifter.

Isaiah 31:1

1 Wo vnto them that go downe in to Egipte for helpe, and trust in horses, and conforte them selues in Charettes, because they be many, and in horse me because they be lustie and stronge. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the LORDE.

Isaiah 37:34-35

34 The same waye that he came, shal he returne, and not come at this citie, saieth the LORDE. 35 And I wil kepe and saue the citie (saieth he) for myne owne, & for my seruaunte Dauids sake.

Isaiah 50:10

10 Therfore who so feareth the LORDE amoge you, let him heare the voyce of his seruaut. Who so walketh in darcknesse, & no light shyneth vpo him, let him hope in the LORDE, and holde him by his God.

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saieth the hie and excellet, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holyone: I dwel hie aboue and in the sanctuary, & with him also, yt is of a cotrite and huble sprete: yt I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a cotrite herte.

Isaiah 58:9

9 Then yf thou callest, the LORDE shal answere the: yf thou criest, he shal saye: here I am. Yee yf thou layest awaye thy burthens, and holdest thy fyngers, and ceasest from blasphemous talkinge,

Isaiah 60:7

7 All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished.

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her.

Isaiah 63:15

15 Loke downe then from heaue, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary & thy glory. How is it, yt thy gelousy, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies and thy louynge kyndnesse, wyl not be entreated of vs?

Jeremiah 17:5

5 Thus saieth the LORDE: Cursed be the man that putteth his trust in man, ad that taketh flesh for his arme: and he, whose herte departeth from ye LORDE.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 O Blissed is the man, that putteth his trust in the LORDE, and whose hope the LORDE is himself. 8 For he shalbe as a tre, that is planted by the water syde: which spredeth out the rote vnto moystnesse, whom the heate can not harme, when it commeth, but his leaues are grene. And though there growe but litle frute because off drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to bringe forth frute.

Jeremiah 30:7

7 Alas for this daye, which is so dredefull, that none maye be lickened vnto it: and alas for the tyme of Iacobs trouble, from the which he shall yet be delyuered.

Micah 4:5

5 Therfore, where as all people haue walked euery man in ye name of his owne god, we will walke in the name of oure God for euer and euer.

Micah 7:8

8 O thou enemie of myne, reioyce not at my fall, for I shal get vp agayne: and though I syt in darcknesse, yet ye LORDE is my light.

Habakkuk 3:18

18 But as for me, I wil be glad in the LORDE, and will reioyce in God my Sauioure.

Matthew 6:9

9 After thys maner therfore shall ye praye:O oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.

Matthew 21:9

9 As for the people that wente before and that came after, they cryed and sayde: Hosianna vnto the sonne of Dauid, Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the LORDE, Hosianna in the height.

Matthew 21:15

15 But whan the hye prestes and the scrybes sawe the wonders that he dyd, and the children crienge in the temple and sayenge: Hosianna vnto the sonne of Dauid, they disdayned,

Matthew 21:22

22 And what soeuer ye axe in prayer, yf ye beleue, ye shal receaue it.

Matthew 26:38-39

38 Then sayde Iesus vnto them: My soule is heuy euen vnto the death. Tary ye here, and watch with me. 39 And he wente forth a litle, and fell flat vpon his face, and prayed sayenge: O my father, yf it be possible, let this cuppe passe fro me: neuertheles not as I wil but as thou wilt.

Luke 1:47

47 And my sprete reioyseth i God my Sauioure.

John 11:42

42 Howbeit I knowe, that thou hearest me allwaye: but because of ye people that stonde by, I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.

John 16:23

23 And in that daye shal ye axe me no question. Verely verely I saye vnto you: Yf ye axe ye father ought in my name, he shal geue it you.

Acts 2:33

33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare.

Acts 2:36

36 So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ.

Acts 4:10

10 be it knowne then vnto you and to all the people of Israel, that in ye name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, who God hath raysed vp from the deed, stodeth this man here before you whole.

Acts 5:31

31 Him hath the righte hande of God exalted, to be a prynce and Sauioure, to geue repentaunce and forgeuenesse of synnes vnto Israel.

Acts 10:4

4 He loked vpon him, and was afrayed, and sayde: LORDE, what is it? He sayde vnto him: Thy prayers & thine allmesses are come vp in to remebraunce before God.

Romans 8:27-28

27 Howbeit he yt searcheth the hert, knoweth what the mynde of the sprete is: for he maketh intercession for the sayntes acordinge to the pleasure of God. 28 But sure we are, that all thinges serue for the best vnto them that loue of God, which are called of purpose.

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God.

Hebrews 5:7

7 And in ye dayes of his fleshe, he offred vp prayers & supplicacions, wt stroge cryenge & teares vnto him yt was able to saue him fro death: & was herde also, because he had God in honoure.

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

1 John 5:14-15

14 And this is the fre boldnesse which we haue towarde him, that yf we axe eny thinge acordinge to his wyll, he heareth vs. 15 And yf we knowe that he heareth vs what so euer we axe, then are we sure that we haue ye peticions, which we haue desyred of him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.