Exodus 31 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & saide: 2 I haue called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri ye sonne of Hur, of ye trybe of Iuda, 3 and haue fylled him with ye sprete of God, with wysdome and vnderstodynge and knowlege, and to worke 4 with all maner of connynge worke, in golde, syluer, brasse, 5 to graue stones connyngly, and to set them, to carue well in tymbre, and to make all maner worke. 6 And beholde, I haue geuen him Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, to be his companyon, and haue geuen wysdome in to the hertes of all that are wyse, that they shall make all that I haue commaunded the: 7 the Tabernacle of wytnesse, the Arke of wytnesse, the Mercyseate theron, and all the ornamentes of ye Tabernacle: 8 the table and his apparell, the candilsticke and all his apparell, the altare of incense, 9 the altare of burntofferynges wt all his apparell, the lauer with his fote, 10 the mynistrynge vestimentes of Aaron ye prest, and the garmentes of his sonnes to serue like prestes, 11 the anoyntinge oyle, and the incese of spyces for ye Sactuary. All that I haue commaunded the, shal they make. 12 And the LORDE talked vnto Moses, and sayde: 13 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye: Kepe my Sabbath, for it is a token betwene me and you, and youre posterities, that ye maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE which haloweth you: 14 therfore kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe holy vnto you. Who so vnhaloweth it, shall dye the death: For who so doth eny worke therin, shalbe roted out from amonge his people. 15 Sixe dayes shall men worke, but vpon the seuenth daye is the Sabbath the holy rest of the LORDE. Who so doth eny worke vpon the Sabbath daye, shall dye the death. 16 Therfore shal the children of Israel kepe the Sabbath, that they maye kepe it also amonge their posterities for an euerlastynge couenaunt. 17 An euerlastynge token is it betwixte me and the children of Israel. For in sixe dayes made the LORDE heaue & earth, but vpon ye seuenth daye he rested, and was refreshed. 18 And whan the LORDE had made an ende of talkinge with Moses vpon the mount Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse, which were of stone, and wrytten with the fynger of God.

Genesis 1:31

31 And God behelde all yt he had made, and lo, they were exceadinge good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the sixte daye.

Genesis 2:2

2 and thus in the seuenth daye God ended his worke, which he had made, & rested in the seuenth daye from all his workes which he had made:

Genesis 2:2-3

2 and thus in the seuenth daye God ended his worke, which he had made, & rested in the seuenth daye from all his workes which he had made: 3 And blessed the seuenth daye, & sanctified it, because yt in it he rested from all his workes, which God created and made.

Genesis 9:13

13 My bowe will I set in the cloudes, and it shal be the token of my couenaunt betwene me and ye earth:

Genesis 17:11

11 and ye shall circumcyde the foreskynne of yor flesh. This same shalbe a token of the couenaunt betwene me and you.

Exodus 4:14-15

14 Then was the LORDE very angrie at Moses, and saide: Do not I knowe then, yt thy brother Aaron the Leuite is well spoken? And beholde, he shal go forth to mete ye: & whan he seyth the, he shal reioyse from his hert. 15 Thou shalt speake vnto him, & put the wordes in his mouth: & I wil be with thy mouth & his, and teach you what ye shall doo:

Exodus 6:26

26 This is yt Aaron & Moses, vnto whom ye LORDE sayde: Bringe ye childre of Israel out of the lande of Egipte wt their armies.

Exodus 8:19

19 Then sayde ye Sorcerers vnto Pharao: It is the fynger of God. But Pharaos hert was hardened, & he herkened not vnto the, euen as the LORDE had sayde.

Exodus 16:23

23 And he sayde vnto them: This is it, that the LORDE hath sayde: Tomorow is the Sabbath of the holy rest of the LORDE: loke what ye wil bake, that bake: and what ye wyll seeth, that seeth and that remayneth ouer, let it remayne, yt it maye be kepte vntyll the morynynge.

Exodus 16:26

26 Sixe dayes shall ye gather it, but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath, wherin there shal be none.

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remembre the Sabbath daie, that thou sanctifie it.

Exodus 20:8

8 Remembre the Sabbath daie, that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all thy worke: 10 But vpon the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the LORDE thy God: thou shalt do no maner worke in it, nether thou, ner thy sonne, ner thy doughter, ner thy seruaunt, ner thy mayde, ner thy catell, ner thy straunger that is within thy gates. 11 For in sixe dayes the LORDE made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, and rested vpon the seuenth daye: therfore the LORDE blessed the seuenth daye, & halowed it.

Exodus 24:12

12 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Come vp vnto me vpon the mount, & remayne there, yt I maye geue the tables of stone, & ye lawe & commaundemetes yt I haue wrytten, which thou shalt teach the.

Exodus 24:18

18 And Moses wente in to the myddest of the cloude, and asceded vp in to the mount, and abode vpon the mount fourtye dayes & fourtye nightes.

Exodus 25:10-22

10 Make an Arke of Fyrre tre two cubytes & a half longe, a cubyte & a half brode, and a cubyte & an half hye: 11 this shalt thou ouerleye with pure golde within and without, & make an hye vpo it a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12 and cast foure rynges of golde, & put them in the foure corners of it, so that two rynges be vpon the one syde, and two vpon the other syde. 13 And make staues of Fyrre tre, and ouer laye them with golde, 14 and put them in the rynges alonge by the sydes of the Arke, to beare it withall: 15 and they shal abyde styll in the rynges, & not be take out. 16 And in ye Arke thou shalt laye the wytnesse, that I wyl geue the. 17 Thou shalt make a Mercyseate also of pure golde, two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubyte & a half brode. 18 And thou shalt make two Cherubyns of beaten golde vpo both ye endes of the Mercyseate, 19 yt the one Cherub maye be vpon the one ende, & the other vpon the other ende, & so to be two Cherubyns vpon the endes of the Mercyseate. 20 And the Cherubyns shall sprede out their wynges ouer an hye, yt they maye couer ye Mercyseate wt their wynges: & yt either their faces maye be right ouer one agaynst another, and their faces shal loke vnto the Mercyseate. 21 And thou shalt set ye Mercyseate aboue vpon the Arke. And in the Arke thou shalt laye the wytnesse, yt I shal geue the. 22 From yt place wyll I testifie vnto ye, and talke with the, namely, from ye Mercyseate (betwixte the two Cherubyns) which is vpon the Arke of wytnesse, of all that I wyl comaunde ye vnto the children of Israel. 23 Thou shalt make a table also of Fyrre tre, two cubites longe, and one cubyte brode, and a cubyte and a half hye, 24 and ouerlaye it with pure golde, and make a crowne of golde rounde aboute it, 25 and an whope of an hade brede hye, and a crowne of golde vnto ye whope rounde aboute. 26 And vnto it thou shalt make foure rynges of golde, on the foure corners in the foure fete of it: 27 harde vnder the whope shall ye rynges be, to put in staues and to beare the table wt all: 28 and thou shalt make the staues of Fyrre tre, & ouerlaye them with golde, yt the table maye be borne therwith. 29 Thou shalt make also his disshes, spones, pottes, and flat peces of pure golde, to poure out and in. 30 And vpon the table thou shalt all waye set shewbred before me. 31 Morouer thou shalt make a candelsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon shall be the shaft with braunches, cuppes, knoppes, and floures. 32 Sixe braunches shall proceade out of the sydes of the candelsticke, out of euery syde thre braunches.

Exodus 25:32-40

32 Sixe braunches shall proceade out of the sydes of the candelsticke, out of euery syde thre braunches. 33 Euery braunch shal haue thre cuppes, (like allmondes) thre knoppes, and thre floures. These shalbe the sixe braunches of the candilsticke.

Exodus 25:33-40

33 Euery braunch shal haue thre cuppes, (like allmondes) thre knoppes, and thre floures. These shalbe the sixe braunches of the candilsticke. 34 But the shaft of the candilsticke it self shal haue foure cuppes, knoppes and floures,

Exodus 25:34-40

34 But the shaft of the candilsticke it self shal haue foure cuppes, knoppes and floures, 35 and allwaie a knoppe vnder two braunches, of the sixe that proceade out of the candilsticke.

Exodus 25:35-40

35 and allwaie a knoppe vnder two braunches, of the sixe that proceade out of the candilsticke. 36 For both the knoppes and braunches shall proceade out of the shaft, all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 37 And thou shalt make seuen lampes aboue there on, that they maye geue light one ouer agaynst another, 38 and snoffers and out quenchers of pure golde. 39 Out of an hundreth pounde weight of pure golde shalt thou make it, with all this apparell. 40 And se that thou make it after the patrone that thou hast sene in the mount.

Exodus 26:1

1 The habitacion shalt thou make of ten curteynes, of whyte twyned sylke, of yalowe sylke, of scarlet and purple. Cherubyms shalt thou make theron of broderd worke.

Exodus 26:1-37

1 The habitacion shalt thou make of ten curteynes, of whyte twyned sylke, of yalowe sylke, of scarlet and purple. Cherubyms shalt thou make theron of broderd worke. 2 And lenght of one curteyne shalbe eight and twentye cubytes ye bredth foure cubytes: and all the ten shalbe like, 3 and shalbe coupled fyue and fyue together, one vnto the other. 4 And thou shalt make loupes of yalowe sylke by the edge of euery curtayne, where they shalbe coupled together, that there maye be euer two and two fastened together vpon their edges: 5 fiftie loupes vpon euery curteyne, that one maye fasten the other together. 6 And thou shalt make fiftie buttons of golde, wherwith the curteynes maye be coupled together, one to the other, that it maye be one couerynge. 7 Thou shalt make a coueringe also of goates heyer for a tente ouer the habitacion, of eleuen curteynes. 8 The length of one curteyne shalbe thirtie cubytes, the bredth foure cubytes. And all the eleuen shalbe alike greate: 9 fyue shalt thou couple together by the selues, & sixe also by them selues, yt thou mayest dubble the sixte curteyne in the fore front of the Tabernacle. 10 And vpon euery curteyne thou shalt make fiftie loupes vpo the edges of them, that they maie be coupled together by the edges. 11 And fiftie buttons of brasse shalt thou make, and put the buttons into the loupes, that the tent maye be coupled together, and be one couerynge. 12 As for the remnaunt of the curteynes of the tente, thou shalt let the halfe parte hange ouer behynde ye tete, 13 vpon both the sydes a cubyte longe, yt the resydue maye be vpon the sydes of the Tabernacle, & couer it vpon both the sydes. 14 Besydes this couerynge thou shalt make a couerynge of reed skynnes of rammes. And aboue this a coueringe of doo skinnes. 15 Thou shalt make bordes also for the habitacion, of Fyrre tre, which shall stonde: 16 one borde shalbe ten cubytes longe, & a cubyte & a half brode. 17 Two fete shal one borde haue, that one maye be set by the other. Thus shalt thou make all the bordes for ye Tabernacle: 18 Twentye of them shal stode towarde the south, 19 which shal haue fourtye sokettes of syluer vnder them, two sokettes vnder euery borde for his two fete. 20 Likewyse vpon the other syde towarde the north there shall stonde twentye bordes also, 21 and fourtye sokettes of syluer, two sokettes vnder euery borde. 22 But behynde the habitacion towarde ye west thou shalt make sixe bordes, 23 and two bordes mo for the two corners of the habitacion, 24 that euery one of them both maye be coupled from vnder vp with his corner borde, and aboue vpon the heade to come eauen together with a clape: 25 so that there be eight bordes with their syluer sokettes, wherof there shalbe sixtene, two vnder euery borde. 26 And thou shalt make barres of fyrre tre, fyue for the bordes vpon the one syde of the Tabernacle, and fyue for the bordes vpon the other syde of the Tabernacle, 27 and fyue for the bordes behinde ye Tabernacle towarde the west. 28 And the barres shalt thou shute thorow ye myddest of the bordes, and faste alltogether from ye one corner to ye other. 29 And thou shalt ouerlaye the bordes wt golde, and make their rynges of golde, that the barres maye be put therin. And the barres shalt thou ouerlaye with golde, 30 and so shalt thou set vp the Tabernacle, acordinge to ye fashion as thou hast sene vpon ye mount. 31 And thou shalt make a vayle of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke. And Cherubyns shalt thou make theron of broderd worke, 32 and shalt hange it vpon foure pilers of Fyrre tre which are ouerlayed with golde, hauynge knoppes of golde, and foure sokettes of syluer. 33 And the vayle shalt thou festen with buttons, and set the Arke of wytnesse within the vayle, that it maye be vnto you a difference betwixte the holy and the Most holy. 34 And thou shalt set the Mercy seate vpon the Arke of wytnesse in the Most holy. 35 But set the table without the vayle, and the candelsticke ouer agaynst ye table vpon ye south syde of the Tabernacle, that the table maie stonde on the north syde. 36 And in the dore of the Tabernacle thou shalt make an hanginge, of yalow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte twyned sylke. 37 And for the same hanginge thou shalt make fyue pilers of Fyrre tre, ouerlayed with golde, with knoppes of golde. And shalt cast fyue sokettes of brasse for them.

Exodus 27:1-8

1 And thou shalt make an altare of Firre tre, fyue cubytes longe & brode, yt it maye be foure square, & thre cubytes hye: 2 thou shalt make hornes vpon the foure corners of it, & shalt ouer laye it with brasse. 3 Make ashpanes, shouels, basens, fleshokes, cole panes. All ye apparell therof shalt thou make of brasse. 4 Thou shalt make a gredyron also like a nett, of brase, & foure brasen rynges vpon the foure corners of it: 5 from vnder vp aboute the altare shalt thou make it, so that the gredyron reach vnto ye myddest of the altare. 6 Thou shalt make staues also for the altare, of Fyrre tre, ouer layed with golde, 7 and shalt put the staues in the rynges, that the staues maye be on both the sydes of ye altare, to beare it withall. 8 And holowe with bordes shalt thou make it, like as it is shewed the in the mount. 9 And to ye habitacion thou shalt make a courte, an hangynge of whyte twyned sylke: vpo ye one syde an C. cubytes loge towarde the south, 10 & xx. pilers vpon xx. brasen sokettes, & the knoppes wt their whopes of syluer. 11 Likewyse vpon ye north syde there shalbe an hanginge of an C. cubytes loge, twenty pilers vpon twenty brasen sokettes, and their knoppes wt their whopes of syluer. 12 But vpon the west syde the bredth of ye courte shal haue an hanginge of fiftie cubites longe, & ten pilers vpon ten sokettes. 13 Vpo the east syde also shal the bredth of the courte haue fiftie cubytes, 14 so that the hangynge haue vpon one syde fyftene cubites, and thre pilers vpo thre sokettes: 15 And vpon ye other syde fiftene cubytes also, and thre pilers vpo thre sokettes. 16 And in the courte gate there shalbe an hangynge twenty cubytes brode, of yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke, wrought with nedle worke, and foure pilers vpon their foure sokettes. 17 All the pilers rounde aboute the courte shall haue syluer whopes, & syluer knoppes, & sokettes of brasse. 18 And the length of ye courte shal be an hudreth cubytes, the bredth fiftie cubytes, the heygth fyue cubytes, of whyte twyned sylke and ye sokettes therof shalbe of brasse. 19 All ye vessels also of the habitacion to all maner seruyce, and all the nales of it, and all the nales of the courte shalbe of brasse.

Exodus 28:1-43

1 And thou shalt take vnto the Aaron thy brother and his sonnes fro amonge the childre of Israel, that he maye be my prest: namely Aaron & his sonnes Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar: 2 & thou shalt make holy clothes for Aaro yi brother, honorable and glorious, 3 & shalt speake vnto all them that are wise of hert, whom I haue fylled with the sprete of wisdome, that they make garmentes to Aaron for his consecracion, that he maye be my prest.

Exodus 28:3-43

3 & shalt speake vnto all them that are wise of hert, whom I haue fylled with the sprete of wisdome, that they make garmentes to Aaron for his consecracion, that he maye be my prest. 4 These are ye garmentes which they shal make: a brestlappe, an ouerbody cote, a tunycle, an albe, a myter and girdell. Thus shal they make holy garmentes for yi brother Aaro and his sonnes, that he maye be my prest. 5 They shal take therto golde, yalow silke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke. 6 The ouerbody cote shal they make of golde, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke of broderd worke, 7 that it maye be festened together vpon both the sydes by ye edges therof. 8 And his gyrdell vpo it shall be of ye same wormashippe & stuff, euen of golde yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke. 9 And thou shalt take two Onix stones, and graue in them the names of the children of Israel.

Exodus 28:9-43

9 And thou shalt take two Onix stones, and graue in them the names of the children of Israel. 10 Syxe names vpon the one stone, and the sixe other names vpon the other stone acordinge to the order of their age.

Exodus 28:10-43

10 Syxe names vpon the one stone, and the sixe other names vpon the other stone acordinge to the order of their age. 11 This shalt thou do by the stonegrauers that graue signettes, so that ye stones with the names of the children of Israel to be set rounde aboute with golde:

Exodus 28:11-43

11 This shalt thou do by the stonegrauers that graue signettes, so that ye stones with the names of the children of Israel to be set rounde aboute with golde: 12 and thou shalt put them vpon the two shulders of the ouerbody cote, that that they maye be stones of remembraunce for the children of Israel, that Aaron maye beare their names vpon both his shulders before the LORDE for a remembraunce.

Exodus 28:12-43

12 and thou shalt put them vpon the two shulders of the ouerbody cote, that that they maye be stones of remembraunce for the children of Israel, that Aaron maye beare their names vpon both his shulders before the LORDE for a remembraunce. 13 Thou shalt make hokes of golde also,

Exodus 28:13-43

13 Thou shalt make hokes of golde also, 14 and two wrethe cheynes of pure golde, and shalt fasten them vnto the hokes.

Exodus 28:14-43

14 and two wrethe cheynes of pure golde, and shalt fasten them vnto the hokes. 15 The brestlappe of iudgment shalt thou make of broderd worke, euen after the worke of the ouerbody cote: of golde, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke.

Exodus 28:15-21

15 The brestlappe of iudgment shalt thou make of broderd worke, euen after the worke of the ouerbody cote: of golde, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke.

Exodus 28:15-43

15 The brestlappe of iudgment shalt thou make of broderd worke, euen after the worke of the ouerbody cote: of golde, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke. 16 Foure square shall it be and dubble, an hande bredth longe, and an handebredth brode.

Exodus 28:16-43

16 Foure square shall it be and dubble, an hande bredth longe, and an handebredth brode. 17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes full of stones. Let the first rowe be a Sardis, a Topas, and a Smaragde.

Exodus 28:17-43

17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes full of stones. Let the first rowe be a Sardis, a Topas, and a Smaragde. 18 The seconde: a Ruby, a Saphyre, and a Dyamonde.

Exodus 28:18-43

18 The seconde: a Ruby, a Saphyre, and a Dyamonde. 19 The thirde: a Ligurios, an Achatt, and an Ametyst.

Exodus 28:19-43

19 The thirde: a Ligurios, an Achatt, and an Ametyst. 20 The fourth: a Turcas, an Onix, and a Iaspis. In golde shall they be sett in all the rowes,

Exodus 28:20-43

20 The fourth: a Turcas, an Onix, and a Iaspis. In golde shall they be sett in all the rowes, 21 and shal stonde acordinge to ye twolue names of the children of Israel, grauen of the stonegrauers, euery one with his name acordinge to the twolue trybes.

Exodus 28:21-43

21 and shal stonde acordinge to ye twolue names of the children of Israel, grauen of the stonegrauers, euery one with his name acordinge to the twolue trybes. 22 And vpon the brestlappe thou shalt make wrethen cheynes by ye corners of pure golde, and two golde rynges, 23 so, that thou faste the same two rynges vnto two edges of the brestlappe, 24 and put the two wrethe cheynes of golde in the same two rynges, that are in two edges of the brestlappe. 25 But the two endes of ye two wrethen cheynes shalt thou fasten in the two hokes vpon the ouerbody cote one ouer agaynst another. 26 And thou shalt make two other rynges of golde, and fasten them vnto ye other two edges of ye brestlappe, namely to ye borders therof, wherwith it maye hange on the ynsyde vpon the ouerbody cote. 27 And yet shalt thou make two rynges of golde, and fasten them vpon the two edges beneth to the ouerbody cote, vpon the outsyde one ouer agaynst anothe, where the ouerbody cote ioyneth together. 28 And the brestlappe shall be fastened by his rynges vnto the rynges of the ouerbody cote with a yalow lace, that it maye lye close vpon the ouerbody cote, and that the brestlappe be not lowsed from the ouerbody cote. 29 Thus shall Aaron beare the names of the children of Israel in ye brestlappe of iudgment vpon his hert, whan he goeth into the Sanctuary, for a remembraunce before the LORDE allwaye. 30 And in the brestlappe of iudgment thou shalt put light and perfectnesse, that they be vpon Aaros hert, whan he goeth in before the LORDE, and that he maye beare the iudgment of the children of Israel vpon his hert before the LORDE allwaye. 31 Thou shalt make the tunykle also to the ouerbody cote all of yalow sylke, 32 and aboue in the myddest there shal be an hole, and a bonde folden together rounde aboute the hole, that it rente not. 33 And beneth vpon the hemme thou shalt make pomgranates of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple rounde aboute, 34 and belles of golde betwixte the same rounde aboute: that there be euer a golden bell and a pomgranate, a golden bell and a pomgranate rounde aboute the hemme of the same tunycle. 35 And Aaron shall haue it vpon him wha he mynistreth, that the soude therof maye be herde, whan he goeth out and in at the Sanctuary before the LORDE, that he dye not. 36 Thou shalt make a foreheade plate also of pure golde, and graue therin (after the workmanshipe of the stone grauer): the holynes of the LORDE, 37 & with a yalow lace shalt thou fasten it vnto the fore front of the myter 38 vpon Aarons fore heade, yt Aaron maie so beare ye synne of the holy thinges, which the childre of Israel halowe in all their giftes and Sanctuary. And it shall be allwaye vpon his fore heade, that he maye reconcyle them before the LORDE. 39 Thou shalt make an albe also of whyte sylke, and a myter of whyte sylke, and a gyrdle of nedle worke. 40 And for Aarons sonnes thou shalt make cotes, gyrdles and bonetes, honorable and glorious, 41 and shalt put them vpon thy brother Aaron and his sonnes, and shalt anoynte them, and fyll their handes, and consecrate them, that they maye be my prestes. 42 And thou shalt make them lynnen breches, to couer the flesh of their prenities, from the loynes vnto the thyes. 43 And Aaron and his sonnes shall haue them on, whan they go in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse, or go vnto the altare to mynister in the Holy, that they beare not their synne, and dye. This shalbe a perpetual custome for him, and his sede after him.

Exodus 30:1-10

1 Thou shalt make also an incense altare to burne incense, of Fyrre tre, 2 a cubyte longe & brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with his hornes, 3 & shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, the rofe & the walles of it rounde aboute, and the hornes therof, & a crowne of golde shalt thou make rounde aboute it, 4 and two golde rynges on ether syde vnder the crowne, that there maie be staues put therin, to beare it withall. 5 The staues shalt thou make of Fyrre tre also, and ouerlaye the with golde: 6 and shalt set it before the vayle, that hangeth before the Arke of wytnesse, and before the Mercyseate yt is vpon the wytnesse, from whence I wyl proteste vnto the. 7 And Aaron shal burne swete incense theron euery morninge, wha he dresseth the lampes. 8 In like maner whan he lighteth the lampes at euen, he shall burne soch incense also. This shal be the daylie incense before the LORDE amonge youre posterities. 9 Ye shall put no straunge incense therin, & offer no burntofferynge, ner meatofferynge, nether drynkofferynge theron. 10 And vpon ye hornes of it shall Aaron reconcyle once in a yeare, with ye bloude of the synneofferynge, which they shall offer that are reconcyled. This shal be done amonge youre posterities for this is the most holy vnto the LORDE.

Exodus 30:18-21

18 Thou shalt make a brasen lauer also with a fote of brasse to wash, and shalt set it betwixte the Tabernacle of witnesse and ye altare, and put water therin, 19 that Aaro and his sonnes maye wash their handes and fete therout, 20 whan they go in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse, or to the altare, to mynistre vnto the LORDE with offerynge incense, yt they dye not. 21 This shalbe a perpetuall custome for him and his sede amonge their posterities.

Exodus 30:23-38

23 Take vnto the spyces of the best, fyue hundreth Sycles of Myrre, and of Cynamo half so moch, euen two hundreth and fyftie, 24 and of Kalmus two hundreth and fiftye, and of Cassia fyue hundreth (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) & an Hin of oyle olyue, 25 and make an holy anoyntinge oyle, after the craft of the Apotecary. 26 And there wt shalt thou anonynte the Tabernacle of wytnesse, & the Arke of wytnes, 27 the table with all his apparell, ye candilsticke with his apparell, the altare of incense, 28 the altare of burntofferynges with all his apparell, & the lauer with his fote: 29 and thus shalt thou consecrate them, that they maye be most holy: for who so wil touch the, must be consecrated. 30 Thou shalt anoynte Aaron also, and his sonnes, and consecrate them to be my prestes. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the childre of Israel, and saye: This oyle shalbe an holy oyntment vnto me amonge yor posterities: 32 It shal not be poured vpon mans body, nether shalt thou make eny soch like it, for it is holy: therfore shal it be holy vnto you. 33 Who so maketh eny soch like, or geueth a strauger therof, the same shalbe roted out from amonge his people. 34 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the spyces: Balme, Stacte, Galban, and pure franckencense, of one as moch as of another, 35 and make incense therof (after the craft of the Apotecary) myngled together, that it maye be pure & holy. 36 And thou shalt beate it to poulder, and shalt put of the same before the wytnesse in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, from whence I wyll proteste vnto the, 37 but it shalbe holy vnto the for the LORDE. 38 Who so maketh soch to cense therwith, shalbe roted out from amoge his people.

Exodus 31:13

13 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye: Kepe my Sabbath, for it is a token betwene me and you, and youre posterities, that ye maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE which haloweth you: 14 therfore kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe holy vnto you. Who so vnhaloweth it, shall dye the death: For who so doth eny worke therin, shalbe roted out from amonge his people.

Exodus 31:17

17 An euerlastynge token is it betwixte me and the children of Israel. For in sixe dayes made the LORDE heaue & earth, but vpon ye seuenth daye he rested, and was refreshed.

Exodus 32:15-16

15 Moses turned him, & wente downe from the mount, and in his hande he had the two tables of wytnesse, which were wrytte vpon both the sydes, 16 and were Gods worke, & the wrytinge was the wrytinge of God therin.

Exodus 33:12

12 And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Beholde, thou saydest vnto me: Brynge ye people vp, and lettest me not knowe, whom thou wilt sende wt me, & yet hast thou sayde: I knowe the by name, and thou hast founde grace in my sight.

Exodus 33:17

17 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: I wyll do this also that thou hast sayde, for thou hast foude grace in my sight, and I knowe the by name.

Exodus 34:1-4

1 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Hew the two tables of stone, like as ye first were, that I maye wryte in them the wordes, yt were in the first tables, which thou brakest: 2 and be ready in the mornynge, that thou mayest come vp early vnto mout Sinai, and stonde me vpon the toppe of the mount. 3 And let no man come vp with the, that there be no man sene thorow out all ye mount: and let nether shepe ner oxen fede before the mount. 4 And Moses hewed two tables of stone, like as the first were, & arose early in the mornynge, & wente vp vnto mount Sinai, as ye LORDE comaunded him, & toke ye two tables of stone in his hade.

Exodus 34:21

21 Sixe dayes shalt thou labor, vpon ye seueth daye shalt thou rest both from plowinge and reapynge.

Exodus 34:28-29

28 And he was there with the LORDE fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes, and ate no bred, and dranke no water. And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaut, euen ten verses. 29 Now wha Moses came downe fro mout Sinai, he had the two tables of wytnesse in his hande, & wyst not yt the skynne of his face shyned, because he had talked with him.

Exodus 35:2-3

2 Sixe dayes shall ye worke, but the seuenth daye shall ye kepe holy: a Sabbath of the LORDES rest. Who so euer doeth eny worke therin, shall dye.

Exodus 35:2

2 Sixe dayes shall ye worke, but the seuenth daye shall ye kepe holy: a Sabbath of the LORDES rest. Who so euer doeth eny worke therin, shall dye. 3 Ye shal kyndle no fyre vpon the Sabbath daye in all youre dwellynges.

Exodus 35:10

10 And who so is wyse of hert amonge you, let him come, & make what the LORDE hath commaunded:

Exodus 35:25-26

25 And soch wemen as were wyse herted, spanne with their hades, and brought their sponne worke of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke. 26 And soch wemen as had hye vnderstondinge in wysdome, spanne goates hayre.

Exodus 35:30

30 And Moses saide vnto the childre of Israel: Beholde, ye LORDE hath called by name Bezaleel ye sonne of Vri, ye sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled him wt the sprete of God, that he maye haue wysdome, vnderstondinge, & knowlege for all maner of worke,

Exodus 35:34-36:1

34 and hath geue instruccion in his hert, both him and Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of ye trybe of Dan.

Exodus 36:1

1 Then wrought Bezaleel & Ahaliab & all the wyse herted men, vnto whom the LORDE had geuen wysdome & vnderstondinge to knowe, how they shulde make all maner worke for the seruyce of the Sanctuary, acordinge vnto all yt the LORDE commaunded.

Exodus 36:8

8 So all ye wyse herted men amonge the yt wrought in ye worke of the Habitacion, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, with Cherubyns of broderd worke.

Exodus 36:8-37:9

8 So all ye wyse herted men amonge the yt wrought in ye worke of the Habitacion, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, with Cherubyns of broderd worke. 9 The legth of one curtayne was eight and twentye cubites, and the bredth foure cubites, & were all of one measure:

Exodus 37:1

1 And Bezaleel made the Arke of Fyrre tre, two cubites and a half loge, a cubyte and a half brode, and a cubyte & a half hye,

Exodus 37:1-29

1 And Bezaleel made the Arke of Fyrre tre, two cubites and a half loge, a cubyte and a half brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 2 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde within and without, and made a crowne of golde vnto it rounde aboute, 3 and cast for it foure rynges of golde to the foure corners of it, vpon euery syde two. 4 And made staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, 5 and put them in the rynges a longe by ye sydes of the Arke, to beare it withall. 6 And he made ye Mercyseate of pure golde two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubite and a half brode, 7 & made two Cherubyns of fyne beaten golde vpon the two endes of the Mercyseate: 8 One Cherub vpon the one ende, and the other Cherub vpon the other ende:

Exodus 37:8-9

8 One Cherub vpon the one ende, and the other Cherub vpon the other ende: 9 and the Cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered ye Mercyseate ther with: and their faces stode one ouer agaynst the other, and loked vnto the Mercyseate.

Exodus 37:9-9

9 and the Cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered ye Mercyseate ther with: and their faces stode one ouer agaynst the other, and loked vnto the Mercyseate. 10 And he made ye table, of Fyrre tre, two cubytes longe, a cubyte brode, and a cubyte & a half hye,

Exodus 37:10-28

10 And he made ye table, of Fyrre tre, two cubytes longe, a cubyte brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 11 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, and made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute,

Exodus 37:11-28

11 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, and made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12 and made vnto it an whoope of an hande bredth hye, and made a crowne of golde rounde aboute the whoope.

Exodus 37:12-28

12 and made vnto it an whoope of an hande bredth hye, and made a crowne of golde rounde aboute the whoope. 13 And for it he cast foure golde rynges, & put them in the foure corners by the fete

Exodus 37:13-28

13 And for it he cast foure golde rynges, & put them in the foure corners by the fete 14 harde by the whoope, that the staues might be therin, to beare the table with all:

Exodus 37:14-28

14 harde by the whoope, that the staues might be therin, to beare the table with all: 15 & made the staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, to beare the staues withall.

Exodus 37:15-28

15 & made the staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, to beare the staues withall. 16 And the vessels vpon the table made he also of fyne golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes, to poure in and out withall.

Exodus 37:16-28

16 And the vessels vpon the table made he also of fyne golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes, to poure in and out withall. 17 And he made the candilsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon was the shaft wt brauches, cuppes, knoppes, & floures:

Exodus 37:17-28

17 And he made the candilsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon was the shaft wt brauches, cuppes, knoppes, & floures: 18 Sixe braunches proceaded out of ye sydes therof, vpon either syde thre brauches:

Exodus 37:18-28

18 Sixe braunches proceaded out of ye sydes therof, vpon either syde thre brauches: 19 vpo euery brauch were thre cuppes like allmodes, wt knoppes and floures.

Exodus 37:19-28

19 vpo euery brauch were thre cuppes like allmodes, wt knoppes and floures. 20 Vpon the candilsticke self were foure cuppes with knoppes and floures,

Exodus 37:20-28

20 Vpon the candilsticke self were foure cuppes with knoppes and floures, 21 vnder euery two brauches a knoppe.

Exodus 37:21-28

21 vnder euery two brauches a knoppe. 22 The knoppes & braunches therof proceaded out of it, and were all one pece of fyne beaten golde.

Exodus 37:22-28

22 The knoppes & braunches therof proceaded out of it, and were all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 23 And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde.

Exodus 37:23-28

23 And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde. 24 Of an hudreth weight of golde made he it, and all the apparell therof.

Exodus 37:24-28

24 Of an hudreth weight of golde made he it, and all the apparell therof. 25 He made also the altare of incense, of Fyrre tre, a cubyte longe and brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with the hornes of it,

Exodus 37:25-28

25 He made also the altare of incense, of Fyrre tre, a cubyte longe and brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with the hornes of it, 26 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, the toppe and the sydes of it rounde aboute,

Exodus 37:26-28

26 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, the toppe and the sydes of it rounde aboute, 27 and the hornes therof, and made a crowne vnto it rounde aboute of pure golde, & two golde rynges vnder the crowne on both the sydes, to put the staues therin, and to beare it withall:

Exodus 37:27-28

27 and the hornes therof, and made a crowne vnto it rounde aboute of pure golde, & two golde rynges vnder the crowne on both the sydes, to put the staues therin, and to beare it withall: 28 but the staues made he of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed them with golde.

Exodus 37:28-28

28 but the staues made he of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed them with golde. 29 And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle, & the incense of pure spyces, after ye craft of the Apotecary.

Exodus 37:29

29 And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle, & the incense of pure spyces, after ye craft of the Apotecary.

Exodus 38:1-8

1 And the altare of burntoffrynges made he of Fyrre tre, fyue cubytes loge & brode, eauen foure squared, & thre cubites hye. 2 And made foure hornes, which proceaded out of the foure corners therof, and ouerlaied it with brasse. 3 And he made all maner of vessels for the altare, cauldrons, shouels, basens, fleshokes, and colepannes all of brasse. 4 And vnto the altare he made a brasen gredyron of net worke rounde aboute, from vnder vp vnto the myddest of the altare, 5 & cast foure rynges in the foure corners of the brasen gredyron, for the staues: 6 which he made of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed them wt brasse, 7 and put them in the rynges by the sydes of the altare, to beare it withall, and made it holowe with bordes. 8 And he made the Lauer of brasse, & his fote also of brasse vpon the place of ye hoost, that laye before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Exodus 39:1-43

1 Of the yalowe sylke, scarlet, & purple, they made Aarons mynistringe vestimentes, to do seruyce in the Sanctuary, as ye LORDE comaunded Moses. 2 And he made the ouer body cote, of golde, yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke, 3 and bett the golde in to thinne plates, and cut it in to wyres, that it might be wrought amonge the yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple and whyte sylke, 4 & made it so, that ye ouerbody cote came together by the edges on both the sydes. 5 And his gyrdel was after the same craft & worke: eue of golde, yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple and whyte twyned sylke, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 6 And they wrought two Onix stones, set rounde aboute with golde, grauen by the stone grauer with the names of the childre of Israel: 7 and fastened them vpo the shulders of the ouerbody cote, that they might be stones of remebraunce vnto the children of Israel, as the LORDE comaunded Moses. 8 And they made the brestlappe after the craft & worke of the ouerbody cote: of golde, yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke, 9 so that it was foure square & dubble, an hande bredth longe and brode, 10 and fylled it with foure rowes of stones. The first rowe was: a Sardis, a Topas, and a Smaragde. 11 The secode: a Ruby, a Saphyre, and a Dyamonde. 12 The thirde: a Ligurios, an Achat, and an Amatist. 13 The fourth: a Turcas, an Onix & a Iaspis: closed rounde aboute with golde in all the rowes. 14 And the stones stode after the twolue names of the children of Israel, grauen by the stone grauer, euery one with his name, acordinge to the twolue trybes. 15 And vpon the brestlappe they made wrythen cheynes of pure golde, 16 and two hokes of golde, & two golde rynges, and fastened the two rynges vpon the two edges of the brestlappe: 17 and ye two wrythen cheynes put they in the two rynges vpon the corners of the brestlappe. 18 But the two endes of ye wrethen cheynes put they to the two hokes, & fastened them vpon the corners of the ouerbody cote, one ouer agaynst another. 19 And they made two other rynges of golde, & fastened them to the other two corners of the brestlappe by the edge of it, that it might hange vpon the out syde of the ouerbody cote. 20 And they made yet two other golde rynges, which they put beneth vpon the two corners of the ouerbody cote, one ouer agaynst another, where the ouerbody cote ioyneth together, 21 that the brestlappe might be festened by his rynges vnto ye rynges of the ouerbody cote with a yalowe lace, that it might lye close vpon ye ouerbody cote, and not be lowsed from ye ouerbody cote, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 22 And he made the tunycle vnto the ouerbody cote, wrought all of yalow sylke, 23 & the hole therof aboue in the myddest, & a bonde folde together rounde aboute the hole, that it shulde not rente. 24 And beneth vpon ye hemme of it, they made pomgranates of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke: 25 & they made belles of pure golde, which they put betwixte ye pomgranates rounde aboute vpon the hemme of the tunycle, a bell & a pomgranate, 26 a bell & a pomgranate rounde aboute, to do seruyce in, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 27 And they made albes also wrought of whyte sylke for Aaron & his sonnes, 28 & ye myter of whyte sylke, and the goodly bonettes of whyte sylke, and breches of twyned whyte lynnen, 29 and the girdle of nedle worke euen of whyte twyned sylke, yalow sylke, scarlet, and purple, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 30 They made the fore heade plate also to ye holy crowne, of pure golde, and wrote therin with grauen worke: the holynes of the LORDE, 31 and festened a yalowe lace theron, to tye it vnto the myter aboue, as the LORDE comaunded Moses. 32 Thus the whole worke of ye Habitacion of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, was fynished. And the childre of Israel dyd all that the LORDE comaunded Moses, 33 & brought the Habitacion vnto Moses: the Tabernacle & all the apparell therof, the buttons, bordes, barres, pilers, sokettes, 34 ye couerynge of reed skynnes of rammes, the couerynge of doo skynnes, & the vayle, 35 ye Arke of wytnesse wt the staues therof, the Mercyseate, 36 the table & all his apparell, & the shewbred, 37 the candilsticke, wt the lampes prepared, and all his apparell, & oyle for the lightes, 38 the golden altare, the anoyntinge oyle & incense, the hanginge in the Tabernacle dore, 39 the brasen altare, & his brasen gredyron wt his staues, & all his apparell, ye lauer wt his foote, 40 the hangynges of ye courte wt the pilers & sokettes therof, ye hanginge in the courte gate wt his pilers & nales, & all the ordynaunce for the seruyce of the Habitacion of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, 41 ye mynistringe vestimetes of Aaro ye prest, to do seruyce in ye Sanctuary, & the garmetes of his sonnes, yt they might execute ye prestes office. 42 Acordinge to all that ye LORDE comaunded Moses, eue so dyd the childre of Israel in all this seruyce. 43 And Moses sawe all ye worke, yt they dyd it eue as ye LORDE had commaunded, and he blessed them.

Exodus 40:11

11 The lauer also & his fote shalt thou anoynte & consecrate.

Leviticus 8:7-8

7 and put the albe vpo him, and girde him with the girdell, and put vpon him the yalowe tunycle, and put the ouerbody cote vpon him, and girde him vpon the ouerbody cote, 8 & put the brestlappe theron, and in ye brestlappe light and perfectnesse:

Leviticus 8:13

13 And he brought Aarons sonnes, and put albes vpon them, and girde them with the girdle, and put bonettes vpon their heades, as the LORDE commaunded him.

Leviticus 19:3

3 Euery one feare his father and his mother. Kepe my holy dayes: for I am the LORDE youre God.

Leviticus 19:30

30 Repe my holy dayes, and stonde in awe of my Sanctuary; for I am the LORDE.

Leviticus 20:8

8 And kepe ye my statutes, and do them: for I am ye LORDE that sanctifieth you.

Leviticus 21:8

8 therfore shal he sanctifie him self, for he offreth the bred of thy God. He shal be holy vnto the, for I am holy, even the LORDE that sanctifieth you.

Leviticus 23:3

3 Sixe dayes shalt thou worke, but the seuenth daie is the rest of the Sabbath, and shalbe called holy. Ye shal do no worke therin, for it is the Sabbath of the LORDE, where so euer ye dwell.

Leviticus 23:32

32 It is the rest of youre Sabbath, that ye maye humble youre soules. Vpon the nyenth daye of ye moneth at euen, shal ye kepe this holy daye from the euen forth vntyll the eue agayne.

Leviticus 25:2

2 Speake to the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan ye come in to the londe, yt I shal geue you, the londe shal rest vnto the LORDE,

Leviticus 26:2

2 Kepe my Sabbathes, and stonde in awe of my Sanctuary. I am the LORDE.

Numbers 4:1-49

1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, 2 & sayde: Take ye summe of the childre of Rahath from amonge the childre of Leui, after their kynreds & fathers houses 3 from thirtie yeare and aboue vntill fiftye yeare, all that are mete for the warre, that they maye do the worke in the Tabernacle of witnesse. 4 This shal be the office of the children of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, which is most holy. 5 Whan the hoost breaketh vp, Aaron and his sonnes shall go in, and take downe the vayle, and couer the Arke of wytnesse therwith,

Numbers 4:5-14

5 Whan the hoost breaketh vp, Aaron and his sonnes shall go in, and take downe the vayle, and couer the Arke of wytnesse therwith, 6 and laye the couerynge of doo skynnes vpon it, and sprede a whole yalowe clothe aboue theron, and put his staues therin.

Numbers 4:6-14

6 and laye the couerynge of doo skynnes vpon it, and sprede a whole yalowe clothe aboue theron, and put his staues therin. 7 And vpon the shewe table they shal sprede a yalowe clothe also, and set ther on the disshes, spones, flatpeces and pottes to poure out and in, and the daylie bred shal lye vpon it,

Numbers 4:7-14

7 And vpon the shewe table they shal sprede a yalowe clothe also, and set ther on the disshes, spones, flatpeces and pottes to poure out and in, and the daylie bred shal lye vpon it, 8 and they shall sprede a purple clothe ther ouer, and couer it with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put the staues of it therin.

Numbers 4:8-14

8 and they shall sprede a purple clothe ther ouer, and couer it with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put the staues of it therin. 9 And they shal take a yalowe clothe, and couer the cadilsticke of light therwith, and his lampes, with his snoffers and outquenchers, and all the oyle vessels that belonge to the seruyce,

Numbers 4:9-14

9 And they shal take a yalowe clothe, and couer the cadilsticke of light therwith, and his lampes, with his snoffers and outquenchers, and all the oyle vessels that belonge to the seruyce, 10 and aboute all this shal they put a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues.

Numbers 4:10-14

10 and aboute all this shal they put a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 11 So shal they sprede a yalowe clothe ouer the golden altare also, and couer the same with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues.

Numbers 4:11-14

11 So shal they sprede a yalowe clothe ouer the golden altare also, and couer the same with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 12 All the vessels that they occupye in the Sanctuary, shal they take, and put a yalowe clothe ther ouer, & couer them with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put them vpon staues.

Numbers 4:12-14

12 All the vessels that they occupye in the Sanctuary, shal they take, and put a yalowe clothe ther ouer, & couer them with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put them vpon staues. 13 They shal swepe the asshes also from the altare, and sprede a clothe of scarlet ouer it, and set all his vessels theron,

Numbers 4:13-14

13 They shal swepe the asshes also from the altare, and sprede a clothe of scarlet ouer it, and set all his vessels theron, 14 that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto.

Numbers 4:14-14

14 that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto. 15 Now whan Aaron and his sonnes haue done this, and haue couered the Sanctuary & all the ornametes therof, whan the hoost breaketh vp, then shal the children of Rahath go in, that they maye beare it, and the Sanctuary shall they not touche, lest they dye. This is the charge of the childre of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 16 And Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest, shal haue the office, to prepare the oyle for the light, and the spyces for the incense, and the daylie meatofferynge, and the anoyntinge oyle, to order the whole habitacion, & all that therin is, in the Sanctuary and the ornamentes therof. 17 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses and Aaron, & sayde: 18 Ye shal not destroye the trybe of the kynred of the Rahathites amoge the Leuites, 19 but this shal ye do with them, yt they maye lyue & not dye, yf they touche the most holy. Aaron and his sonnes shal go in, and appoynte euery one vnto his office & charge. 20 But they shal not go in, presumptuously to loke vpo ye Sanctuary, lest they die. 21 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses and Aaron & sayde: 22 Take the summe of the children of Gerson also, after their fathers house & kynred, 23 from thirtye yeare & aboue, vntyll fiftye yeare, & appoynte them all yt are mete for the warre, to haue an office in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 24 This shalbe the office of the kynred of the Gersonites, eue to serue & to beare. 25 They shal beare the curtaynes of the habitacion and of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and his couerynge and the coueringe of doo skynnes, that is aboue theron, and the hanginge in the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 26 and the hanginge aboute the courte, which goeth aboute the habitacion and the altare, and their cordes, and all the instrumentes yt serue for the, and all that belongeth to their occupienge. 27 Acordinge vnto the worde of Aaron and of his sonnes, shal all the office of the children of Gerson be done, what so euer they shall beare and occupye. And ye shal se, that they wayte vpon all their charge. 28 This shal be ye office of ye kinred of ye childre of ye Gersonites in ye Tabernacle of witnes. And their waytinge shal be vnder ye hade of Ithamar, the sonne of Aaro the prest. 29 The children of Merari after their kynred and fathers house, shalt thou appoynte also, 30 from thirtie yeare and aboue, vnto fiftie yeare, all that are mete for the warre, yt they maye haue an office in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 31 But vpon this charge shall they wayte acordinge to all their office in ye Tabernacle of witnesse, that they beare the bordes of the Habitacion, and the barres, and pilers, and sokettes: 32 the pilers of the courte also rounde aboute, and the sokettes and nales and cordes, with all their apparell, acordynge to all their seruyce. And vnto euery one shall ye appoynte his porcion of charge to waite vpon the apparell. 33 Let this be the office of the kynred of the children of Merari, all that they shall do in the Tabernacle of wytnesse vnder the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the prest. 34 And Moses and Aaron with the captaynes of the congregacion, nombred the children of ye Rahathites, acordinge to their kynreds and houses of their fathers, 35 from thirtie yeare and aboue, vntyll fyftye, all that were mete for the warre, to haue offyce in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 36 And the summe was, two thousande, seuen hundreth and fyftie. 37 This is the summe of the kynred of the Rahathites (which all had seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse) whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses. 38 The children of Gerson were nombred also in their kynreds and fathers houses 39 from thirtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftie, all that were mete for the warre, to haue office in ye Tabernacle of witnesse, 40 and the summe was two thousande, syxe hundreth and thirtie. 41 This is ye summe of the kinred of the childre of Gerson, which all had to do in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordinge to ye worde of ye LORDE. 42 The children of Merari were nombred also acordinge to their kynreds and fathers houses, 43 from thirtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftye, all that were mete for the warre, to haue office in the Tabernacle of witnesse, 44 & the summe was thre thousande, and two hundreth. 45 This is the summe of the kynred of the childre of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses. 46 The summe of all the Leuites, whom Moses and Aaron with the captaynes of Israel tolde, after their kinreds and fathers houses, 47 from thyrtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftye, all that wente in to do euery one his office, and to beare the burthen in ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, 48 was eight thousande fyue hundreth and foure score, 49 which were nombred acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses, euery one to his office & charge, as the LORDE commaunded Moses.

Numbers 15:32-36

32 Now whyle the children of Israel were in the wyldernesse, they founde a man gatherynge stickes vpon the Sabbath daye. 33 And they that founde him gatherynge stickes, brought him vnto Moses and Aaron, and before the whole congregacion. 34 And they put him in preson, for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him. 35 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The man shall dye the death, the whole congregacion shal stone him without the hoost. 36 Then the whole cogregacion brought him out of ye hoost, and stoned him that he dyed, as ye LORDE commaunded Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:13

13 And he declared vnto you his couenaunt, which he comaunded you to do, namely, the ten verses, and wrote them vpon two tables of stone.

Deuteronomy 5:12-15

12 Kepe ye Sabbath daye, that thou sanctifye it, as the LORDE thy God hath commauded the. 13 Sixe daies shalt thou laboure, and do all thy worke, 14 but vpon the seuenth daye it is the Sabbath of the LORDE thy God: No maner worke shalt thou do in it, thou, and thy sonne, and thy doughter, and thy seruaunt, and thy mayde, and thine oxe, and thine Asse, and all thy catell, and the straunger which is within thy gates, that thy seruaunt and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou. 15 For thou shalt remebre, that thou thyself also wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egipte, and how that the LORDE thy God brought the out from thence with a mightye hande, and a stretched out arme. Therfore hath the LORDE yi God commaunded ye to kepe the Sabbath daye.

Deuteronomy 5:22

22 These are the wordes that the LORDE spake to all youre congregacion, vpon the mount out of the fyre of the cloude and darknesse with a greate voyce, and added nothinge therto. And he wrote them vpon two tables of stone, and delyuered the vnto me.

Deuteronomy 9:9-11

9 whan I was gone vp to ye mount, to receaue the tables of stone, namely the tables of the couenaunt which the LORDE made wt you, and I abode fortye dayes & fortye nightes vpon the mount, and ate no bred, & dranke no water: 10 and the LORDE gaue me ye two tables of stone, wrytten with the fynger of God, and in them was acordinge to all the wordes, which the LORDE sayde vnto you vpon the mount out of the fyre, in the daye of the gatheringe together. 11 And after the fortye dayes and fortye nightes, ye LORDE gaue me ye two tables of stone, namely ye tables of the couenaunt,

1 Kings 3:9

9 Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert, that he maye iudge thy people, & vnderstonde what is good & bad: for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people?

1 Kings 3:12

12 beholde, therfore haue I done acordynge to thy wordes. Beholde, I haue geuen the an hert of wy?dome and vnderstondynge, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the, nether shall ryse vp after the.

1 Kings 6:1-8

1 In the foure hundreth and foure score yeare after the departinge of the children of Israel out of the londe of Egipte, in the fourth yeare of the raigne of Salomon ouer Israel, in the moneth Sif (yt is the seconde moneth) was the house buylded vnto the LORDE. 2 This house that kynge Salomon buylded vnto ye LORDE, was thre score cubytes loge, twenty cubytes brode, & thirtie cubites hye. 3 And he buylded a Porche before the temple of twentye cubytes longe after the bredth of the house, & ten cubites brode before the house. 4 And in ye house he made wyndowes, which might be opened and shut with lyddes. 5 And rounde aboute by the wall of ye house he buylded a compase, so yt it wente both aboute the temple and the quere, and made his outwarde wall roude aboute. 6 The nethermost stacion was fyue cubytes wyde, and ye myddest sixe cubites wyde, and the thirde seuen cubites wyde. For he layed balkes rounde aboute the house, that they touched not ye wall of the house. 7 And whan ye house was buylded, it was buylded of whole and outbroken stones, so yt there was herde nether hammer ner axe, ner eny other instrument of yron, whan the house was a buyldinge. 8 But on the righte syde of the myddes of the house there was a dore, so yt they might go vp to the myddest stacion by a turne grese, & from the myddest stacion vnto ye thirde.

1 Kings 7:14

14 a wedowes sonne, of the trybe of Nephtali, and his father had bene a man of Tyre, which was a connynge ma in metall, full of wy?dome, vnderstondinge and knowlege to worke all maner of metall worke. Whan he came to kynge Salomon, he made all his worke,

1 Chronicles 2:19-20

19 But wha Asuba dyed, Caleb toke Ephrat, which bare him Hur. 20 Hur begat Vri. Vri begat Bezaleel.

2 Chronicles 2:7

7 Sede me now therfore a wyse ma to worke with golde, syluer, brasse, yron, scarlet, purple, yalow sylke and soch one as can graue carued worke with the wyse men that are with me in Iewry and Ierusalem, whom my father Dauid ordeyned.

2 Chronicles 2:13-14

13 Therfore sende I now a wyse man that hath vnderstondynge, euen Hiram Abi 14 (which is the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan, and his father was of Tyre) which can worke in golde, syluer, brasse, yron, stone, tymber, scarlet, yalowe sylke, lynnen, purple and to carue all maner of thinges, and to make what conynge thinge so euer is geuen him, with thy wyse men, and with the wyse men of my lorde kynge Dauid yi father.

2 Chronicles 3:1-4

1 And Salomon beganne to buylde the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem vpon the mount Moria, that was shewed vnto Dauid his father, which Dauid had prepared for the rowme, vpon the corne floore of Arnan the Iebusite. 2 In the seconde daye of the seconde moneth in the fourth yeare of his reigne begane he to buylde. 3 And so layed Salomon the foundacion to buylde the house of God: first the length thre score cubytes, the bredth twentye cubites 4 and the Porche before the wydenes of the house, was twentye cubites longe, but the height was an hundreth and twentye, and he ouerlayed it on the ynsyde with pure golde.

Ezra 5:1-2

1 The prophetes, Aggeus and Zachary ye sonne of Iddo, prophecied vnto ye Iewes that were in Iuda and Ierusale, in the name of the God of Israel. 2 Then gat vp Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and beganne to buylde the house of God at Ierusalem, and with them the prophetes of God which strengthed the.

Nehemiah 9:14

14 and declared vnto them thy holy Sabbath, and commaunded them preceptes, ordinaunces, and lawes, by Moses thy seruaunt:

Job 38:7

7 where wast thou when the mornynge starres gaue me prayse, ad when all the angels of God reioysed?

Psalms 104:31

31 The glorious magesty of the LORDE endureth for euer, and the LORDE reioyseth in his workes.

Proverbs 2:6-7

6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge. 7 He preserueth ye welfare of the rightuous, and defendeth them yt walke innocently:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

9 Therfore two are better then one, for they maye well enioye the profit of their laboure. 10 Yf one of them fall, his companyon helpeth him vp againe: But wo is him that is alone, for yf he fall, he hath not another to helpe him vp. 11 Agayne, when two slepe together, they are warme: but how can a body be warme alone? 12 One maye be ouercome, but two maye make resistauce: A thre folde cable is not lightly broken.

Isaiah 28:6

6 Vnto the lowly, he shalbe a sprete of iudgment, and vnto them that dryue awaye the enemies from ye gates, he shalbe a sprete of stregth.

Isaiah 28:26

26 And yt he maye do it right, his God teacheth him and sheweth him.

Isaiah 45:3-4

3 I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name: 4 and that for Iacob my seruaunt sake, & for Israel my chosen. For I called the by yi name, and ordened the, or euer thou knewest me:

Isaiah 56:2-6

2 Blissed is the man yt doth this, & the mans childe which kepeth the same. He that taketh hede, yt he vnhalowe not the Sabbath (that is) he that kepeth himself that he do no euel. 3 Then shal not the straunger, which cleaueth to the LORDE, saye: Alas the LORDE hath shut me cleane out from his people. Nether shal the gelded man saye: lo, I am a drie tre. 4 For thus saieth the LORDE, first vnto the gelded yt kepeth my Sabbath: Namely: that holdeth greatly of the thinge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaut: 5 Vnto them wil I geue in my housholde and with in my walles, a better heretage & name: the yf they had bene called sonnes & daughters. I wil geue them an euerlastinge name, that shall not perishe. 6 Agayne, he saieth vnto the straugers that are disposed to sticke to the LORDE, to serue him, & to loue his name: That they shalbe no bode me. And all they, which kepe the selues, that they vnhalowe not the Sabbath, namely: that they fulfill my couenaut:

Isaiah 58:13-14

13 Yee yf thou turne thy fete from the Sabbath, so that thou do not the thinge which pleaseth thyself in my holy daye: then shalt thou be called vnto the pleasaunt, holy & glorious Sabbath of the LORDE, where thou shalt be in honor: so yt thou do not after thine owne ymaginacion, nether seke thine owne wil, ner speake thine owne wordes. 14 The shalt thou haue yi pleasure in ye LORDE, which shal carie ye hie aboue ye earth, & fede the wt the heretage of Iacob thy father: for the LORDES owne mouth hath so promised.

Jeremiah 17:24-27

24 Neuertheles, yf ye will heare me (saieth the LORDE) and beare no burthen in to ye cite thorow this gate vpon the Sabbath: Yf ye will halowe the Sabbath, so that ye do no worke there in: 25 then shal there go thorow the gates of this cite, kinges and prynces, that shall syt vpon the stole of Dauid: They shall be caried vpon charettes, and ryde vpon horses, both they and their princes: Yee whole Iuda and all the citesyns of Ierusalem shall go here thorow, and this cite shall euer be the more and more inhabited. 26 There shall come men also from the cities of Iuda, from aboute Ierusalem, ad from ye londe of Ben Iamin, from the playne feldes, from the mountaynes and from the wildernesse: which shall bringe burntoffringes, sacrifices, oblacions, and incense, and offre vp thankesgeuynge in the house of the LORDE. 27 But yff ye will not be obedient vnto me, to halowe the Sabbath, so that ye will beare youre burthens thorow the gates off Ierusalem vpon the Sabbath: Then shall I set fyre vpon the gates off Ierusalem, ad it shal burne vp the houses off Ierusalem, and no man shal be able to quench it.

Jeremiah 31:33

33 But this shalbe the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes, saieth the LORDE: I will plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, and write it in their hertes, and wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people.

Jeremiah 32:41

41 Yee I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faithfully to plante them in this londe, with my whole herte, and with all my soule.

Jeremiah 50:5

5 They shall axe the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, & come, and hange vpon the, in a couenaunt that neuer shal be broken.

Ezekiel 20:12

12 I gaue them also my holy dayes, to be a token betwixte me and them, and therby to knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haloweth them.

Ezekiel 20:12-13

12 I gaue them also my holy dayes, to be a token betwixte me and them, and therby to knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haloweth them. 13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wildernesse, they wolde not walke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes: (which whoso kepeth shulde lyue in them,) and my Sabbath daies haue thy greatly vnhalowed. The I made me to poure out my indignacion vpon them, & to cosume them in the wildernesse.

Ezekiel 20:16

16 & yt because they refused my lawes, & walked not in my comaundemetes, but had vnhalowed my Sabbathes, for their herte was gone after their Idols.

Ezekiel 20:20

20 halowe my Sabbathes: for they are a token betwixte me & you, that ye maye knowe, how yt I am the LORDE. 21 Notwithstodinge, their sonnes rebelled against me also: they walked not in my statutes, they kepte not my lawes to fulfill them (which he that doth shal lyue in them) nether halowed they my Sabbath dayes. The I made me agayne to poure out my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfie my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse.

Ezekiel 20:24

24 because they had not kepte my lawes, but cast asyde my commaundementes, vnhalowed my Sabbathes, and lift vp their eyes to their fathers Idols.

Ezekiel 37:28

28 Thus the Heithen also shal knowe, that I the LORDE am ye holy maker of Israel: whe my Sanctuary shal be amonge them for euer more.

Ezekiel 43:1-27

1 So he brought me to ye dore, that turneth towarde the east. 2 Beholde, the came the glory of the God of Israel from out of the east, whose voyce was like a greate noyse of waters, and the earth was lightened with his glory. 3 His sight to loke vpon was like the first, that I sawe, when I wente in, what tyme as the cite shulde haue bene destroyed: and like the vision that I sawe by the water of Cobar. Then fell I vpon my face, 4 but the glory of the LORDE came in to the house thorow the eastdore. 5 So a wynde toke me vp, and brought me into ye ynnermer courte: & beholde, the house was full of the glory of the LORDE. 6 I herde one speakinge vnto me out of the house, and there stode one by me, 7 that sayde vnto me: O thou sonne of man, this rowme is my seate, and the place of my fotesteppes: where as I wil dwell amonge the children of Israel for euermore: so that the house of Israel shal nomore defyle my holy name: nether thei, ner their kinges, thorow their whordome, thorow their hie places, & thorow the deed bodies of their kinges: 8 which haue buylded their thresholdes in maner harde vpon my thresholdes, and their postes almost at my postes: so that there is but a bare wall betwixte me and them. Thus haue they defyled my holy name with their abhominacions, that they haue comitted. Wherfore I haue destroyed them in my wrath: 9 But now they shal put awaye their whordome and the deed bodies of their kinges out of my sight, that I maye dwell amoge them for euermore. 10 Therfore (o thou sonne of man) shewe thou the housholde of Israel a temple, that they maye be ashamed of their wickednesse, and measure them selues an example therat. 11 And when they be ashamed of all their workes, then shewe them the fourme and fashion of the temple: the comynge in, the goinge out, all the maner and descripcion therof, yee all the vses and ordinaunces of it, yt they maye kepe & fulfill all the fashions and customes therof. 12 This is the descripcion of the house: Aboue vpo the mount rounde aboute all the corners, it shalbe ye holiest of all. Beholde, that is the descripcion and fashion of the house. 13 This is the measure of the aulter (after the true cubite,: which is a spanne longer then another cubite) his botome in the myddest was a cubite longe and wyde, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute it, was a spanne brode. This is the heyth of the aulter: 14 From the grounde to the lower steppes the length is two cubites, and the bredth one cubite: and from the lower steppes to the higher are foure cubites, & the bredth but one cubite. 15 The aulter was foure cubites hie, & from the aulter vpwarde stode foure hornes, 16 and it was xij cubites longe and xij cubites brode, vpon the foure corners: 17 the coueringe of the aulter was xiiij cubites longe and brode vpon the foure corners, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute, had half a cubite: and the botome therof rounde aboute one cubite: his steppes stode towarde the easte. 18 And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, thus saieth the LORDE God: these are the ordinaunces and lawes of the aulter, in the daye whe it is made, to offre burntoffringes, and to sprenkle bloude ther vpon. 19 To the prestes, to ye Leuites that be of the sede of Sadoch, and treade before me to do me seruyce, saieth the LORDE God: Vnto these geue thou a yonge bullocke, for a synoffringe: 20 & take the bloude of him & sprenkle his foure hornes withal, & the foure corners of the aulter coueringe, with the ledge that goeth rounde aboute: here with shalt thou clense it, and reconcile it. 21 Thou shalt take the bullock also of the synoffringe, & burne him in a seuerall place without the Sanctuary. 22 The nexte daye, take a gootbuck without blemish for a synoffringe, to reconcile the aulter withall: like as it was reconciled with ye bullocke. 23 Now when thou hast made it clene, then offre a yonge bullocke without blemish, and a ramme out of the flocke without blemish also: 24 Offre them before the LORDE, and let the prest cast salt thervpon, and geue them so vnto the LORDE for a burntoffringe. 25 Seuen dayes shalt thou bringe, euery daye a gootbucke. A yonge bullocke & a ramme of the flocke (both without blemish) shal they offre. 26 Seuen dayes shal they reconcile and clense the aulter, & offre vpon it. 27 When these dayes are expired, then vpon the viij daye and so forth, the prestes shal offre their burntoffringes and healthoffringes vpo ye aulter: so wil I be mercifull vnto you, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 44:24

24 Yf eny discorde aryse, they shal discerne it, and geue sentence after my iudgmentes. My solempne feastes, my lawes and ordinaunces shal they kepe, and halowe my Sabbathes.

Ezekiel 46:1

1 Thus sayeth the LORDE God: ye dore of the ynnermer courte towarde the east, shall be shut the vj. worke dayes: but in the Sabbath and in the daye of the new Moone, it shalbe opened.

Matthew 10:2-4

2 The names of the xii. Apostels are these: The fyrst, Simon called Peter: & Andrew his brother.Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon his brother. 3 Philip and Bartlemew. Thomas, and Mathew the Publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe, and Lebbeus otherwyse called Taddeus. 4 Simon of Cane, and Iudas Iscarioth, which also betrayed hym.

Matthew 12:28

28 But yf I cast out the deuyls by the sprete of God then is the kyngdome of God come vpon you.

Mark 3:16-19

16 And vnto Symon he gaue the name Peter, 17 and Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon the brother of Iames, and gaue the the name Bonarges, that is to saye, the children of thonder: 18 and Andrew, and Philippe, and Bartylmew, and Mathew, and Thomas, and Iames ye sonne of Alpheus, and Taddeus, and Symon of Cana, 19 and Iudas Iscarioth which betrayed him.And they came to house.

Luke 10:1

1 Afterwarde the LORDE appoynted out other seuentie, and sent them two and two before him in to euery cite and place, whither he himself wolde come,

Luke 11:20

20 But yf I cast out the deuels by the fynger of God, then is the kyngdome of God come vnto you.

Luke 13:14

14 Then answered the ruler of the synagoge, and toke indignacion (because Iesus healed vpo ye Sabbath) and sayde vnto the people: There are sixe dayes, wherin men ought to worke, in them come and be healed, and not on the Sabbath.

Luke 23:56

56 But they returned, and made ready the spyces & anontmetes. And vpon the Sabbath they rested, acordinge to the lawe.

John 3:27

27 Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heaue.

John 17:17

17 Sanctifye them in thy trueth. Thy worde is the trueth.

John 17:19

19 and for their sakes I sanctifye my self, that they also maye be sanctifyed in the trueth.

Acts 13:2

2 As they serued ye LORDE, and fasted, the holy goost sayde: Separate me out Barnabas and Saul for the worke, where vnto I haue called them.

Acts 15:39-40

39 And so sharpe was the strife betwene them, that they departed asunder ye one fro the other, and Barnabas toke Marke vnto him, and sayled vnto Cypers. 40 But Paul chose Sylas, and departed, beynge comytted of the brethren vnto the grace of God.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

4 There are dyuerse giftes, yet but one sprete: 5 and there are dyuerse offices, yet but one LORDE: 6 and there are dyuerse operacions yet is there but one God, which worketh all in all. 7 The giftes of the sprete are geuen vnto euery man to profit the cogregacion. 8 To one is geuen thorow the sprete the vtteraunce of wissdome: to another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowlege acordinge to the same sprete: 9 to another, faith in the same sprete: to another, the giftes of healinge in the same sprete: 10 to another, power to do miracles: to another, prophecienge: to another, iudgment to discerne spretes: to another, dyuerse tunges: to another, the interpretacion of tunges. 11 These all doth ye same onely sprete worke, and distributeth vnto euery man, acordinge as he will.

2 Corinthians 3:3

3 in that ye are knowne, how that ye are ye epistle of Christ, mynistred by vs, and wrytte, not with ynke, but with the sprete of the lyuynge God: not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the hert.

2 Corinthians 3:7-8

7 But yf the mynistracion yt kylleth thorow the letter, and was figured in stones, was glorious, so that the childre of Israel mighte not beholde the face of Moses, for ye clearnesse of his countenauce, (which glory neuertheles is done awaye) 8 how shal not ye mynistracion of ye sprete be moch more glorious?

1 Thessalonians 5:23

23 The very God of peace sanctifye you thorow out. And I praye God, that youre whole sprete, soule & body be kepte blameles vnto ye comynge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

Hebrews 4:3-4

3 (For we which haue beleued, enter in to his rest) acordynge as he sayde: Euen as I haue sworne in my wrath, They shal not enter in to my rest. And that (spake he) verely loge after that the workes fro the begynnynge of the worlde were made: 4 For he spake in a certayne place of the seueth daye, on this wyse: And God rested on the seuenth daye from all his workes.

Hebrews 4:9

9 Therfore remayneth there yet a rest vnto the people of God. 10 For he that is entred in to his rest, ceasseth from his workes, as God doth from his

James 1:5

5 Yf eny of you lacke wyssdome, let him axe of God, which geueth to all men indifferentlie, and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geue him.

James 1:16-17

16 Erre not my deare brethre. 17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

Jude 1:1

1 Ivdas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ, the brother off Iames. To the which are called, and sanctified in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.

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