Acts 25:24 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  24 G2532 And G5347 Festus G5346 saith, G935 King G67 Agrippa, G2532 and G3956 all men G3588 who G4840 are here present G2254 with us, G2334 ye behold G5126 this G435 man, G4012 about G3739 whom G3956 all G4128 the multitude G2453 of the Jews G1793 made suit G3427 to me, G5037 both G1722 at G2414 Jerusalem G2532 and G1759 here, G1916 crying that G846 he G1163 ought G3361 not G2198 to live G3371 any longer.

Luke 23:21-23

  21 G1161 but G2019 they shouted, G3004 saying, G4717 Crucify, G4717 crucify G846 him.
  22 G1161 And G2036 he said G4314 unto G846 them G5154 the third time, G5101 Why, G1063 what G2556 evil G4160 hath G3778 this man G4160 done? G2147 I have found G3762 no G158 cause G2288 of death G1722 in G846 him: G3811 I will G3767 therefore G3811 chastise G846 him G630 and release G630 him.
  23 G1161 But G1945 they were urgent G3173 with loud G5456 voices, G154 asking G4717 that G846 he G4717 might be crucified. G2532 And G5456 their voices G2729 prevailed.

Acts 22:22

  22 G1161 And G191 they gave G846 him G191 audience G891 unto G5127 this G3056 word; G2532 and G1869 they lifted up G846 their G5456 voice, G3004 and said, G142 Away with G5108 such a G575 fellow from G1093 the earth: G1063 for G2520 it is G3756 not G2520 fit G846 that he G2198 should live.

Acts 25:2-3

  2 G2532 And G749 the chief priests G2532 and G4413 the principal G2453 men of the Jews G1718 informed G846 him G2596 against G3972 Paul; G2532 and G3870 they besought G846 him,
  3 G154 asking G5485 a favor G2596 against G846 him, G3704 that G3343 he would send for G846 him G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem; G4160 laying G1747 a plot G337 to kill G846 him G2596 on G3598 the way.

Acts 25:7

  7 G1161 And G3854 when G846 he G3854 was come, G2453 the Jews G3588 that G2597 had come down G575 from G2414 Jerusalem G4026 stood round about G5342 him, bringing G2596 against G3972 him G4183 many G2532 and G926 grievous G157 charges G3739 which G2480 they could G3756 not G584 prove;

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