Luke 16:23-26

WestSaxon990(i) 23 Ða ahof he his eagan upp þa he on þam tintregum wæs. & geseah feorran abraham & lazarum on his greadan; 24 Ða hrymde he & cwæð. eala fæder abraham gemilsa me. & send lazarum þt he dyppe his fingres lið on wætere. & mine tungan gehæle. forþam þe ic eom on þis lïge cwylmed; 25 Ða cwæð abraham. eala sunu geþenc þt þu god onfenge on þinum lïfe. & gelïce lazarus on-feng yfel. nu ys þes gefrefryd & þu eart cwylmed; 26 And on eallum þissum betwux üs & eow is mycel dwolma getrymed. þa ðe willað heonon to eow faran ne magon. ne þanun faran hidere;