Matthew 3:11-17

WestSaxon1175(i) 11 Witodlice ich eow fullie on wætere to deadbote. Se þe æfter me toward ys. he is strengre þanne ich. þas gescy ne eom ich wurðe to berenne. He eow fulleð [Note: MS. fulled. ] on halgen gaste. & on fyre. 12 Ðas fann ys on hande & he afermeð hys þyrscel-flore. & he gadereð [Note: MS. gadered. ] hys hwæte on his bearn. þa chefu he forberneð on unadwæscendlice fyre. 13 [Note: Venit iesus á galilea in iordanem ad iohannem ut baptizaretur ab eo. H. R. ] Þa com se hælend fram galilea to Iordane to Iohanne, þæt he hine fullode 14 iohannes þa soðlice forbead hym. & cwæð. Ic scel fram þe beon gefullod. & cymst þu to me. 15 Ða andswerede se halend hym. & cwæð. læt nu þus unc geþafenað ealle rihtwisnysse gefullen. Ða forlet he hine. 16 Soðlice þa se hælend gefulled wæs. rædlice he astah of þam wætere. & hym wurðen þær-rihte heofenes untynde. & he geseah godes gast niþer-astigende swa swa culfran. & wunigende ofer hine. 17 And soðlice þa com stefne of hefene. & þus cwæð. Her is min se gecorene sune on þam me gelicode.