Matthew 3:11-17

WestSaxon990(i) 11 Witodlice ic eow fullige on wætere to dæd-bote; Se þe æfter me töwerd ys he ys strengra þonne ic; Ðæs gescÿ neom ic wyrðe to berenne; He eow fullað on halgum gaste. & on fyre. 12 Ðæs fann. ys on his handa. & he afeormað his þyrscel-flore. & he gegaderað hys hwæte on his bern. þa ceafu he forbærnð on ünadwæscendlicum fyre; 13 [Note:Venit iesus a galilea. Corp. Ðys sceal on wodnes-dæg ofer twelftan dæg. A. B. Uenit iesus a galilea in iordane. A.] Þa com se hælend fram galilea to iordanë to iohanne. þt he hine fullode; 14 Iohannes þa soðlice forbead him & cwæð; Ic sceal fram þe beon gefullod. & cymst ðu to me; 15 Ða andswarode se hælend him & cwæð; Læt nu. þus unc gedafnað ealle rihtwisnesse gefyllan. þa forlet he hine; 16 Soþlice þa se hælend gefullod wæs. hrædlice he astah of ðam wætere. & him wurdon þærrihte heofenas ontynede & he ge-seah godes gast niþer-stigende swa swa culfran. & wunigende ofer hine; 17 And soðlice þa com stefn of heofenum. & þus cwæð; Her is min se gecorena sunu on þam me gelicode;