Ezekiel 33:21-22

  21 H8147 H6240 And it came to pass in the twelfth H8141 year H1546 of our captivity H6224 , in the tenth H2568 month, in the fifth H2320 day of the month H6412 , that one that had escaped H3389 out of Jerusalem H935 [H8804] came H559 [H8800] to me, saying H5892 , The city H5221 [H8717] is smitten.
  22 H3027 Now the hand H3068 of the LORD H6153 was upon me in the evening H6440 , before H6412 he that had escaped H935 [H8800] came H6605 [H8799] ; and had opened H6310 my mouth H935 [H8800] , until he came H1242 to me in the morning H6310 ; and my mouth H6605 [H8735] was opened H481 [H8738] , and I was no more dumb.