2 Corinthians 9:2-4

  2 G1063 for G1492 I know G4288 your readiness, G5216   G3739 of which G2744 I boast G5216 on your G5228 behalf G3110 to them of Macedonia, G3754 that G882 Achaia G3903 has been prepared G575 for G4070 a year past. G2532   G1537   G5216 Your G2205 zeal G2042 has stirred G4119 up very many of them.
  3 G1161 But G3992 I have sent G80 the brothers G2443 that G2257 our G2745 boasting G5228 on G5216 your G3361 behalf may not G2758 be in vain G1722 in G5129 this G3313 respect, G2443 that, G2531 just as G3004 I said, G3903 you may G5600 be G3903 prepared,
  4 G3381 so that I won't by any means, G1437 if G2064 there come G4862 with G1698 me G3110 any of Macedonia G2532 and G2147 find G5209 you G532 unprepared, G2249 we G2443 (to G3004 say G3361 nothing G5210 of you) G2617 should be disappointed G1722 in G3778 this G5287 confident G2746 boasting.