Titus 2:1-7

Tyndale(i) 1 But speake thou that which becometh wholsome learninge. 2 That ye elder me be sober honest discrete sounde in the fayth in love and in paciece. 3 And ye elder weme lykewyse that they be in soche rayment as becommeth holynes not falce accusars not geven to moche drinkynge but teachers of honest thynges 4 to make the younge wemen sobremynded to love their husbandes to love their children 5 to be discrete chast huswyfly good and obediet vnto their awne husbandes that the worde of god be not evyll spoken of. 6 Yonge men lykwyse exhorte that they be sobre mynded. 7 Above all thynges shewe thy silfe an insample of good workes with uncorrupt doctryne with honestie and with the wholsome