1 But speak thou the things that belong to wholesome doctrine.
2 And teach the older men to be watchful in their minds, and to be sober, and to be pure, and to be sound in the faith, and in love and in patience.
3 And so also the elder women, that they be in behavior as becometh the fear of God; and not to be slanderers; and not to be addicted to much wine; and to be inculcators of good things,
4 making the younger women to be modest, to love their husbands and their children,
5 to be chaste and holy, and to take good care of their households, and to be obedient to their husbands; so that no one may reproach the word of God.
6 And likewise exhort young men to be sober.
7 And in every thing show thyself a pattern, as to all good works: and in thy teaching, let thy discourse be healthful,