11 Be that twycheth any deed persone shalbe vncleane .vij. dayes.
12 And he shall purifye him selfe with the asshes the thyrde daye ad then he shalbe cleane the seuenth daye. And yf the purifye not himselfe the thyrde daye the the seuenth daye he shall not be cleane.
13 Who soeuer twicheth any persone yt dyeth and sprynkleth not him selfe defyleth the dwellynge of the Lorde: ad therfore that soule shalbe roted out of Israel because he hath not sprynkled the sprynklynge water vppon him. he shalbe vncleane and his vnclennesse shall remayne vppon him.
14 This is the lawe of the man that dyeth in in a tent: all that come in to the tent and all yt is in the tent shalbe vncleane .vij dayes.
15 And all the vessels that be ope which haue no lyd nor couerynge apon them are vncleane.
16 And who soeuer twicheth one that is slayne with a swerde in the feldes or a deed persone or a bone of a deed man or a graue: shall be vncleane .vij. dayes.