Mark 1:32-39

Tyndale(i) 32 And at even when the sunne was downe they brought to him all that were diseased and them that were possessed with devyls. 33 And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore 34 and he healed many yt were sicke of divers deseases. And he cast out many devyls and suffred not ye devyls to speake because they knewe him. 35 And in the morninge very erly Iesus arose and went out into a solitary place and there prayed. 36 And Simon and they that were with him folowed after him. 37 And when they had founde him they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. 38 And he sayd vnto them: let vs go into the next tounes that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. 39 And he preached in their synagoges throughout all Galile and cast the devyls out.